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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. Horrible. I can't nor would I want to imagine.
  2. From the reports coming out this morning about him hanging out in the club, I'm thinking he was a gay Islamic terrorist.
  3. Amazing that it took a homophobic Muslim extremist to kill 49 homosexuals and their allies to get a sympathetic reaction towards gays from breitbard.
  4. I understand. I really think it just depends on the person. I don't think anyone can know for sure what they would do in that type of situation. I apologize for my snarkiness.
  5. Right? This is totally an appropriate time to blame the victims. I suspect most people don't truly know what they would do in this situation until they find themselves in it.
  6. My lack of knowledge of all things in the news media? That's quite a stretch considering you've never even met me or asked me my thoughts on any given topic. Please, show me a person of sound mind who thinks the Confederate flag is what caused that guy the shoot 9 people in church. I'll wait.
  7. I guess we were typing at the same time. I've seen a few discussions online about the type of gun that was used but I haven't heard anyone blame the gun. To be honest, most of the gun talk in the past day has been wrapped up in the Hysteria coming from the right.
  8. See, I do keep up with the news. I pay little attention to mindless right wing propaganda though.
  9. It's always amazing to me how a national tragedy can make otherwise intelligent people say such ridiculous things. Nobody of sound mind blamed the flag for what happened in that church. Nobody of sound mind is blaming the gun for what happened yesterday. Get a grip, people. Nobody is taking your gun. It didn't happen after 25 kindergarteners were murdered and it won't happen now.
  10. Every time I toss a pod into my washer, I think about what a lazy society we've become. I'm ok with it.
  11. Where did anyone mention taking guns away from lawful citizens? My post was pretty much only about how I can't blame the president for being frustrated when that many people have died on his watch from gun violence.
  12. Considering the amount of mass shootings that have happened in the last 8 years, you can't really blame the president for being frustrated at the lack of action or even logical discussion concerning gun control.
  13. The POS has been identified. http://m.tmz.com/#article/2016/06/12/terrorist-omar-mateen-gay-nightclub-murder/
  14. New Hope Animal Hospital. Dr. Leathers is amazing. Two years ago after my 4 year old dog had a grand mal seizure, Dr Leathers called me on his day off and talked to me for over an hour about all the different possibilities of why and all the different treatment plans we could follow to save her. He was very honest and upfront with me about the cost of treatments and what he would do if she were his dog. Unfortunately, she died at the emergency vet 2 hours after I talked to him, but I will never forget his patience and kindness. I will never take my animals anywhere else.
  15. I know quite a few people who would disagree with that. I trust their opinion given that they were victims themselves.
  16. It has nothing to do with race or liberalism. Like I said, rape culture is real.
  17. Im very sorry to hear this, Postman. I hope your daughter and son in law can get the help they need. Best wishes.
  18. Tonight I'm making ham and cheese in puff pastry. It's Ina Garten's recipe but I like to add sauteed mushrooms and spinach. For the sides I made a roasted potato salad with sour cream and fried shallots, and sauteed green beans.
  19. She's in orange face. That's offensive to Oompa Loompas.
  20. I grilled burgers. Publix tater tots on the side. It's been a few years since I've grilled burgers. I usually pan fry them in butter. I feel like they taste better that way. I didn't want to lose the butter taste while grilling so I snuck a little pat in the middle of each patty. I just can't help myself.
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