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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. good idea! If you make it again, feel free to invite me over. since we won't be having it over here again.
  2. Don't worry Mrs.B your baby will sleep fine. I think first borns are easiest. Notice I said first born. I think there will be more for you. My best advice to you is NO SWING. I swear that was the downfall. Get him used to his bed.
  3. It's a requirement in my household to be able to tolerate spicy. We'll start him off slow. he'll adapt.
  4. Thanks for having my back. I've never been called out before. feels kida nice.
  5. haha! don't apologize silly. I think it's hilarious! I laughed and laughed. good times.
  6. Oh my Lord!!! I thought I went and done sumthin wrong! had me skeered but it's a good call out, sweet! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! That makes 2 of us. Hub's hated it. he said to never make anything with chipotle again.
  7. He really is, and it's sad. I hate it when she fights with her mom in front of him. Basically yelling in his poor little ear. It breaks my heart.
  8. I do cook a lot, maybe he smells all the good smells. and no, I have turrible shoes. My feet grew when I was pregnant, I have yet to re-stock.
  9. This baby of mine is a literal non stop drool factory. He's like a little bald drunk man with a line of drool hanging from his mouth 24-7. It started at about 2.5 months and is still going strong. He wears a bib at all times except at night. Otherwise I would be changing his clothes every 3o minutes. He already has two teeth so I just assume it's teething. anybody else have drooly kids? Does it ever end? Also, he will be 6 months April 7th, I can't believe it's already been half a year!! He's still not sleeping through the night, he does some nights, but not most nights. I'm very curiou
  10. I know for sure that young girls are maturing at much quicker rates than ever before. My daughter included. I have a suspicion that something going into our food is the cause. Honestly, i've always blamed chicken. She ate a lot of chicken nuggets growing up. Sounds stupid, but i'm serious.
  11. UGH!!!!! I.hate.lice. My daughter got it at a sleep over in 1st grade. What a nightmare. Another reason i'm glad I had a boy this time. if he ever gets it I can just shave his head.
  12. haha!! I didn't know your hubby was a cop? Otherwise I would have figured it out. I knew you were here somewhere.
  13. Yea, I think i'll pass on the pills after reading this. I've actually been motivated lately, i've been watching what I eat (and drink) and walking. It feels good. I know I can do it, I just need to make some lifestyle changes and stick to it.
  14. I wanna change my name too. Mrs.Q would be awesome, but I don't wanna be a copy cat. I need to think of something...
  15. do they make you feel jittery? I've been considering going, but I hate the jittery feeling.
  16. I would so wear that to prom....If I were in high school and not 33. Thanks for sharing, very cool.
  17. it's a bad school because of gangs. It's a shame too. Maybe someone can correct me if i'm wrong. All I know is my mom, who worked for a P.S. elementary school for 25 years felt compelled to retire early because it was just getting too bad out there. And that was Elementary. All of my friends who live in Powder Springs send their kids to private schools. I hate it because I grew up there I love Powder Springs. I certainly won't blame it on race but as my mom explained to me once, it's the inner city and sometimes out of country folks who wanted a better life for their kids and moved to powder s
  18. Sorry but this makes me LOL. Did your friend tell you this as a prank or was it just a lie? While we are discussing random resturants in Dallas, has anyone eaten at the new Mexican place next to fuji sushi in Hiram? I think it's called la salsa or something.
  19. Maybe it's just me but I would feel kinda guilty using the valuable time of a police officer to unlock my car. I'm really suprised they do this.
  20. I see a lot of confusion or a-holes at the Macland bobo 4-way intersection. My big driving pet peeve other than tailgaters is when people leave a huge space in between themselves and the car in front of them at red lights. preventing me from getting in the turning lane. I always pull up if I can to try and make enough room for the person behind me to get over. also, when someone lets me out in traffic I always say THANK YOU!!!! People who can't give a simple wave or thanks p me off.
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