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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I know he will! He's exactly 6 months today. So it's his half birthday. It truly does not seem like it's already been half a year. I'm already getting sad about him going off to pre-school.
  2. Yes, exactly. If fact, he's so spastic right now, I can't imagne what he will be like in a few years. I think will have my hands full. I look foward to it though. we'll have to keep him active.
  3. Fer real. ya'll need to simma down a little with all the dancin. your car is not a dance floor. And NO LAUGHING either. kidding. and I don't dance, I bounce. My mom "hand dances", now THAT was embarassing as a teenager. Heck, it's emabrassing now.
  4. get pregnant. I had the best hair & nails while pregnant.
  5. yes. I think California's next. I hope not, but they are overdue for a big one.
  6. bbq baked chicken, something else, and no clue. with a side of garlic bread.
  7. Holy crap! That is awesome! I so wish this baby would take a pacifier, his thumb, something!! He dosen't self sooth, so when he wakes up, he has a hard time going back to sleep on his own. My daughter sucked her thumb and slept like a dream. of course the orthodontist bill sucks, but looking back and comparing her sleep to his I think it was worth it!
  8. I started him on cereal at about 4 months. He eats baby food 3 times a day along with his formula. He's fed well. I think he's just in the habit of waking up and eating. I think tonight I will see if he can go back to sleep on his own without me going to get him and feed him. I've created a monster. a cute monster.
  9. Like my momma always says "it's ok to feel your feelings". a bad day here and there helps us appreciate the good ones so much more.
  10. Thanks! it really does make me feel better. Mine is 6 months old today, so i'm starting to lose hope that he will ever sleep through the night. He might still be waking me up in the middle of the night at the age of 15 to make him a sammich. And yes, i'm compiling a list of questions right now to ask my husband for tomorrow morning, when it's my turn.
  11. so, it was my darling husbands turn to get up with the baby for his first waking of the night.( )He (the baby) woke up at 2. When this happens (he rarely sleeps through the night, still.) one of us gets up, feeds him and puts him back to bed, we take turns and it usually works out for both of us. So for some reason, this morning though, confusion must have set in for the hubby because he wakes me up to ask me questions like "what should I do?" why won't he sleep through the night?", "should I feed him?". So knowing me, after this game of 20 questions, I can not go back to sleep. All I can do
  12. I made frito pie casserole with it tonight. It's a little different, but not bad. My daughter loved it!!! hooray!
  13. I didn't notice at first but that does make me giggle a little. It took balls to point that out in here. kudos.
  14. that's terrible. I wonder if alcohol was involved?
  15. I think NASCAR fans started the trend with their rolling Dale Ernhardt #3 car tributes.
  16. Thats my guess. I wonder what the case is for?
  17. That's a good idea! I was actually wondering about ground chicken. I've never tried it. I bet my daughter will like it too, it's been YEARS since she had a bbq sandwich. thanks for the idea!
  18. True dat. When I was a kid we NEVER went out to eat as a family.We couldn't afford to. Once in a while we would get Dairy Queen for dinner and that was a big treat! I don't fall for the excuse that foods that are good for you cost more so poor people have no choice but to eat crap. We were poor and managed to heat a balanced diet. I think kids are fatter now because of lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle and parents who can't say no to that secont Twinkie because little Sally or Johnny might get their feelings hurt. and yes, I think parents should be held responsible if their child is
  19. Frito pie made with ground turkey and a salad.
  20. I'll be happy to try it out for ya when it's done. you know, gotta make sure it works.
  21. Is it labeled that way on the package? I didn't know there was a difference.
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