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Everything posted by tbird

  1. But the bed of that truck is very light weight!!! My Daddy used to throw bags of cement, sand, anything with a lot of weight in the back of his truck when the weather got bad. Without it--you are just going to spin tires.
  2. With all the snow that I knocked off it!!! I took an old broom and once I cracked the sheet of ice on top--it come off pretty easy. Now I am letting it run a few minutes with both defrosters on so hopefully it will clear everything. ust got to try not to forget to go turn it off!!! Hate to burn up tall that gas, but I figured I better get what I can off now.
  3. He won't get anywhere in that truck if he doesn't load that bed down. If he doesn't have some major weight on those rear wheels--he ain't going no where!!!
  4. I worked at C&S Bank on Bankhead Hwy (between Mableton and Austell). I finally left work about 3:00 and when I was pulling out of the parking lot--my uncle was coming down Bankhead. He stopped and told me to follow him. We had to go thru Powder Springs and 278 was of course still a 2 lane. We did fine until we got to Hiram Sudie and folks could not get up that hill at 92. He got out and told me to stay put and he went to help push folks up the hill. I finally made it home a little after 9:00 that night. My Dad left their house on Hiram Side and went to go pick up my son at the baby sit
  5. I am on Hiram Sudie--right past Davis Mill and it is not snowing at my house.
  6. I am right on Hiram Sudie and there are VERY FEW cars going by and most are 4 wheel drives going very slow. I am not about to try it--I say stay where you are!!
  7. Could also be some arthritus (or similiar) showing up--especially with this weather. Freeze you some water in a zip lock bag and wrap it in a towel--make shift ice pack.
  8. Why in the world would you want an expressway in Paulding??? Just with Thornton Road (or whichever name it uses now)--we have had a rise in robberies and such because they can hit it and be on the interstate easliy. 278 in Hiram is bad enough--we don't need an interstate. Paulding has certainly grown enough lately--they need to sit back and let some other things catch up with all the growth first. THat is unless they want to put a Macy's and a Borders out here--and maybe a DSW and Steinmart--then I would have no reason to leave the county at all to shop.
  9. I'm right there with ya!!! I did not even call my boss today. He knew that I would not attempt to go in--even if it had not been half as bad. And I never heard form any of them. Just chilled around the house, played outside with the grandaughter for a little while, read some in my book, played on the puter and even took a little nap in my recliner. Planning on doing pretty much the same tomorrow!!!! Enjoy.
  10. For the love of Pete---it is not woth risking wrecking your car and being injured to get to work in this mess. I sincerely hope that sny law enforcement give folks a severe talking to when they had to go out and rescue them. Common sense should tell you that you can't drive on this ICE. Even the 4 wheelers and 4 wheel drives were having problems today. My DIL is out working in this mess. They are taking every call there is--whether it is a true emergency or not, because that is their job. And by the way---they ARE NOT getting any exta pay for going out and rescuing these people. She is
  11. There are very few vehicles going down Hiram Sudie--saw several folks on 4 wheelers going slow and with their helmets on. To the idiot in the black Doge truck, revving your engine and trying to cut up---if you end up in a ditch or a tree--you deserve it. Try using your brain for something other than to sit on!!! You could run off the road and damage other folks stuff.
  12. Mail is the least of my worries right now. I do not expect them to even attempt to deliver.
  13. These same idoits that are out on the road tonight will try to go out to eat tomorrow!!! Just can't fix stupid!!!
  14. My daughter works for Regions and she said that they had them put up signs Saturday at all the doors, drive thru and night drop that there was a possibility that they might not be open due to weather and they might not get credit for their deposits. I worked in banking for over 20 yrs and thru some of these major storms and we were closed for several days at a time.
  15. And from I what I heard--I don't even think they found her when they got out there. So much going on--I can't keep up with it.
  16. I really got to meet you one day--we sooo think alike!!!
  17. She would get more than a word of prayer from me!!! When I heard that I couldn't believe it. They should send her a bill after all of this for wasting tax payer money. I think they should just tell her to spend the night inside Labamba. And they should give her a sign when they get her home---STUPID.
  18. Oh yeah--my boss lived in Pittsburgh and Kentucky until about 11 yrs ago. He expects us all to be there--but he's gonna be disappointed. I did bring work home with me so I won't get behind because of being out.
  19. 61 at Winndale shut down--per the scanner.
  20. They already have wrecks and folks in ditches. Steady stream of traffic passing my house on Hiram Sudie--all with flashers on???? But they are moving rather slowly--ya think??? We had plenty of warning that this was going to happen. Maybe I am just way too cautious, but I would have been sure to be home before all of this started. Like I told my boss on Friday--not risking coming to work if there is anything at all on the roads--cannot afford to have to buy a new car.
  21. Ahhh--they will do that anyway--you know how some folks are. You constantly see the same folks wanting free stuff.
  22. I have a cousin that works for Georgia Power and they have already called them in. They have to be there at 10:00 tonight so they can be ready to go out first thing.
  23. Won't they have a problem getting green wood to burn?????
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