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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I agree with you 100%. I just don't understand how these mortgage companies think it is better to take the house rather than recieve some sort of payments. They have to know that they are not going to sell these houses in any real time and when they do--they will loose their a$$. It just doesn't make good business sense to me. Now, the folks that are not making any efforts at all to make payments---yes--boot them out and foreclose on them, but if you are making some sort of decent attempt and have a good reason in this economy--they should be willing to work with you. But then
  2. Probably 75% of my clients are trying to get loan mods and all are having the same problems. We have had several that just give up and file for Chapter 13 to get back on track. One thing that folks don't know now is the fact that a Chapter 13 can possibly strip a second mortgage. Now days, folks are so under water in these mortgages that the Bankruptcy Court can basically change your second mortgage into an unsecured debt and once you are finished with your Plan (either 36 months or 60 months)---your second mortgage lien is stripped from your property.
  3. BEWARE OF BRANDSMART. Their return policy stinks. If anything goes wrong after 30 days--they will not take it back and you will have to deal with the manufacturer--which can be a pain. Yes--their prices are usually cheaper--but there is a reason. Not worth it.
  4. This is just right past Hardy Chevrolet--not close to Walmart. They have been there for at least a week or two. I go by there every morning between 9:00 and 9:30 and there is never any movement. Just a bunch of ugly tractors.
  5. Yeah----my boss will be gone a few days!!! He has been to the Steelers game the last 2 weekends--hope he goes to the Super Bowl. I could use a few days of peace and quiet at the office!!
  6. My feelings went with Extreme Home several years back when they built a house for a couple that needed a bigger house so they could get married and blend their families????? I personally don't think that is an extreme reason for them to get a new home when there are lots of folks out there that need one more. And I really wonder if the folks are still married--or if they even got married afterwards.
  7. A fine example of why I would NEVER live in a subdivision. I hate being that close to the neighbors!!
  8. Yes, but Elizabeth is only their grandaughter because Steve Hardy had an affair years before. Remember, when her Dad found out (wasn't his name Jeff). And Elizabeth and her sister showed up many years later as teenagers from California. And now the brother, Steven, has shown up--which I like him on the show. He seems to be trying to bring some of the "old" hospital back.
  9. Wasn't either Jesse or Audrey married to Lee Baldwin's brother--who was a drunk or something??? And Carly took Lucy's place!!!
  10. Sean and Tiffany. Yes, I started watching GH back in the 60's with my grandmother--it was black and white and only 30 minutes. I do remember when the soaps went to an hour---I was thrilled!! And I still DVR it everyday. GH is the only one that I watch now, but I just can't seem to give it up!!!
  11. Maybe it should be reversed??? I was at Town Center last weekend and believe me, as a white woman--I was a minority there. Arbor has never bothered me--I have worked at several banks in D'ville and know a lot of folks out there and I usually run into somebody that I know when I am there. Yes--sometimes I do feel out of place when I go there, but that also happens at Town Center. Not a racist remark at all--just the honest to God truth.
  12. Me too. And I wanted to go specifically for Macy's!!! Having a Style & Co. withdrawal!!!
  13. Could have been someone from the mortgage company. When folks are close to foreclosure, they will send someone out to do a drive by inspection. Or it could have been an appraiser looking at a comp??? Those are my only legit suggestions.
  14. My son, his wife and 8 yrs old son are going. The grandson is soooo into the Falcons and he is very excited!!! On another note, my boss is from Pittsburgh and a huge Steelers fan. He flew out last night for their playoff game. Got to the airport, goes to board the plane and it is the AirTran Ravens plane!!! He said that the outside of the plane was all decorated for the Ravens!!! He was not a happy camper at all.
  15. tbird


    I have been drinking Luzianne coffee. You can only find it Kroger and Food Lion--Food Lion is cheaper. I just like my coffee strong and the Luzianne has chickory in it and you can really taste the difference. I can drink any kind--not a coffee snob, like my boss who will only drink Starbucks.
  16. I missed it today--finally made it to the office. I did see on the morning news that he had admitted himself to a treatment center--wonder if that will have any bearings on his new job/contract???
  17. Does anybody know if Macland and Powder Springs is any better than Whitlock??? I really need to get inot the office today, but not sure if I want to try Whitlock. Something tells me that my Mustang could have problems.
  18. Explain Potato Chip Biscuits---never heard of them!!!
  19. I am not sure that I completely buy this guy's story. There is just something about it that makes me wonder. And he keeps telling his daughter that he's gonna buy her a new purse??? A new purse to make up for all the years he was gone and a deadbeat dad??? Yeah--that Coach purse is gonna make it all better??? What is your opinion of him?? Especially if you saw the story on him and his daughter last night on ET and TMZ???
  20. Other than taking the 4 legged child out--I have not left since Saturday afternoon. And I have been in PJ's or sweats since. Had to do a load of clothes cause I was running out of warm stuff!! And I cannot seem to get warm today at all. I even sat a space heater in the living room--but I am still freezing. Will try to get to the office tomorrow????
  21. OK---I think I only know one of those and it is Kansas City??? And we are about the same age??? Kansas City is a great old skating song---longing for Crescent Park!!!
  22. Back when I had my Thunderbird---the rear end was very light weight. If they predicted bad weather--my Dadddy would throw a couple bags of concrete or whatever was around here in the trunk. Made all the difference in the world!!!! Wish he was still here!!! I know that we probably don't have anything around here now to throw in the trunk of the Stang--although it is not near as bad as the Tbird was.
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