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Everything posted by tbird

  1. From what I have seen on FB--I would say that it is that hill at Lost Mountain. Folks don't realize that they need to go one at a time in these conditions. You get stopped on a hill like that and you aren't going to get going again!!
  2. The school board did screw up this time. But I can guarantee you that if they had announced last night that they were closing school today, some of the very same folks bitching right now would have been crying that they were going to have to make up that day and it was going to take some of their winter vacation, blah, blah, blah. (sorry for the run on) To some extent, I blame the parents for not having a good emergency back up plan. They should have had a friend, neighbor or somebody as a back up to help. Just like I saw somebody on FB griping because their kids were on the bus in
  3. My son was out in it most of the afternoon. He pulled several folks out of ditches with his truck (an old 4 wheel drive). He said that most folks are causing the problems themselves. You can't have folks trying to go up a hill and everybody just follow along. You have to get a running start and keep going. He said they are getting stalled out and just spinning. He also said that most of the back roads are actually better than the main ones, but them again--he is in an old 4 wheel drive.
  4. I just saw some folks walking down Hiram Sudie in front of our house. I just thought it was somebody that lived around here, but I guess it might have been older students??
  5. Sorry, but they are working all of these wrecks so people like YOU can get home. I guess when you run up on a wreck you will be bitching because it is in YOUR way--huh?? My son has been out pulling folks out of ditches with his 4 wheel drive truck. One guy even paid him to take his trailer home for him because he only had 2 wheel drive and wasn't going very well.
  6. Hiram Sudie is bad. We are right before Settlers Mill and Davis Mill and traffic has been crawling by for hours. There was a wreck around Davis Mill a while ago, but I think folks are having time on that little hill and curve to get to Davis Mill. Plus folks are saying that the hill at the end is bad. Both ends of Hiram Sudie are always bad when we have a storm. I have pretty much lived here since 1965 and not much has changed in that aspect!!
  7. Just went out and swept off the porch and steps--trying to keep it from being a sheet if ice. Traffic is still pretty much still stopped in front of house on Hiram Sudie and I could hear folks yelling. I think they might be having to push folks up the hill towards Settlers Mill and Davis Mill. I can't see for the trees!! I am kind of in the woods!!
  8. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
  9. Sounds like a bunch of these bus drivers know that the parents stay at home. Why don't these parents get off their a$$es and walk out and get their kids?? I think the school system needs to put out a letter and have everybody have several back ups. Although, the school system has messed this one up just as bad, but then I guess we didn't know that it was going to hit so quick. I told my boss first thing this morning that I was leaving as soon as this started. All the while, he is vacationing in south Florida!!
  10. And a lot of these parents need to have several back up plans for something like this. If they don't have any family in the area--they really need to find a neighbor or friend that does not work or works close by and have them as a back up. I realize that his only happens every few years, but maybe it will knock some sense into folks. (including the school system and employers)
  11. But---then folks would have been complaining becasue they shut down too early. Just like they did with the cold a few weeks ago.
  12. I am told that they are not releasing the car riders at Nebo because all of the busses aren't there yet. Get the kids out of there so they can get home!! The longer they wait, the worse it gets.
  13. Honey--I am already at home!! I was trying to gather some files to bring home and looked out and the parking lot was solid!! If you come down 61--be careful. I didn't hit anything until I got to Dallas, but Memorial is getting slick.
  14. I hit slick spots on Memorial Drive in Dallas and at the intersection of Hiram Sudie and 61.
  15. Just got home from Cartersville and the roads are getting slick. I saw several folks around me sliding on 61 around Hiram Sudie. I just want to say thank you to the idiot in the white Taurus that stayed on my a$$ all the way down 61 and the 2 people that pulled right out in front of me on Memorial Drive. I tapped my brakes on Memorial and slid a good bit. You would think the idiot in the Nissan with Tennessee tags would know better???
  16. But it is snowing like crazy in Cartersville!! Parking lot already has a layer of snow in places.
  17. I am on N Tennessee Street and it is spitting snow a little. Let me know if you leave!! I don't want to get stuck on 61 trying to get back to Hiram!!
  18. Taking the 11 yr old grandson to get his cleats for the year today. I have favored Mizuno cleats for many years. Back when my son played--he would go through 2 pairs of Nike's in a season and when I finally found Mizuno's--they would last the whole year. Grandson found some Under Armor's that he liked online. Has anybody had good luck with them?? We have stuck with Mizuno's for the last few years and hate to waste my money!!
  19. You and me both!! I have one person that absolutely drives me insane. She has a comment on every single thing that is put on here. And you can tell her posts right away, because she doesn't reply like everybody else. I don't even open her topics, but just grinds my last nerve when she starts posting in another one!! Oh well--my gripe for the day.
  20. Look at the Flavia system online. They have small to large systems. A former office space that I worked in had one of the large ones and it was real good. They supplied a very large variety of coffees, teas, etc. I would much prefer the Flavia system over the Keurig--only thing being I don't know about the availability and convenience of the Flavia coffees.
  21. Just a 2 person office and the boss rarely drinks coffee!! I will try the cleaning and see if it works. I am really thinking about just bringing my little 4 cup coffee maker to work, since it is just an extra I keep around the house.
  22. Figured out that the one at the office is the mini. I use the same cup to put water in and use the same amount every time. About 90% of the time--it only brews half a cup. Any ideas on why??
  23. We use one at work and I am not impressed with it at all. I have no idea what model it is, although it looks like a smaller one to me and it is red. I drink too much coffee for one. We have the reusable thingy at work and I just take my own coffee. For some reason, this one never makes the same amount of coffee. One time it will completely fill the cup, but most of the time, it only does a half cup. I have also found when it only does about a half cup, to go ahead and put a little more water in it and use the same coffee. It also fills the resavoir on the bottom really quick. I don't k
  24. Yes, it is bad PR for the bank, but that is pretty much how it works when dealing with any type of mortgage. We tell our clients to call the bank/mortgage company every single day if they have to. Seems they rarely ever talk to the same person and get different answers every time. Yet--they pretty much have your life in their hands.
  25. I live on Hiram Sudie, home all day and have not heard anything like that.
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