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Everything posted by Jughaid

  1. Seeking medical advice on the internet is about the goofiest thing ever. That's like getting legal advice from the beauty shop. IMHO.
  2. No idea if it is true or not. What if it is?
  3. I don't get it with Dagmar. My dear husband thinks she is hot but I don't see it. I really don't. Is it the hair or what? Help us out here, guys. What is it about her?
  4. Global Warming is going to cause the earth to sneeze in a few centuries and we're worried about energy drinks for our kids??? What is wrong with this picture?
  5. My sister said she and her beau went there today! Texas fajitas for two!
  6. Half a mill, eh? Just about enough for me and my dear, sweet, loving husband to take a few trips.
  7. Maybe. Just looking at the stuff about him tonight, I would say they didn't forgive because they didn't even know. Problem is that what he did 10 years ago might be a sin but I'm asking why a sin is something voters should be deciding on anyway. Since when do we cast those stones on sinners. I thought that was God's job. We are supposed to decide what politician will make laws, not how sinless somebody is. The only job I know of that we are to look at sins is the job of a preacher and I didn't know we got to elect a preacher because they are appointed in my church.
  8. Richardson's affair is "alleged?" Watch the damn report again because the TV report was tied to the "alleged" affair. Insinuations? Good God. I said he was cleared. He did not break the law. That is the finding. Now let me say this slowly so you can get it. What he did was found to not break the law. Now anybody can see there is a problem because if he didn't discuss business in those 40 plus meetings then he was a damn fool for spending money and not discussing business. Being stoopid is not a crime either. I'm just saying that a blind man can see this one, even if the law was n
  9. How in the hell do you get that? You are ASSuming an awful lot! I said that the people up there said there was no law broken. No law broken. That doesn't mean that what he did was ethical, but that there was no law broken. That's why the report said they were going to look at the law and maybe rewrite the thing. Evidently those people want to hold other lobbying groups' feet to the fire too. I'm just saying that what White did was found to be fine under the law, but that's as far as it goes. If anybody thinks 40 plus dinners and no business there was talked about, well, I have some gold I will
  10. Forgiveness verses a legal matter? Seriously? What Stout did broke no laws. What Richardson did broke no laws. I have no problem with either one. You're ASSUming I do. I guess the whole sarcasm thing was missed by you.
  11. I didn't vote for him either but it had nothing to do with the "revelation." I just disagree with the guy on nearly everything. The point is that the people that talk so much about forgiveness just can't seem to find a way to do that when it comes to sex. Now if he had shot and killed somebody and did his time in jail, found Jesus behind bars, and came out on fire and waving a Bible, he would have been elected preacher and politician. Rmember Chuck Colson? He didn't kill anybody but he spent time in jail for trying to throw a presidential election and he is the Darling of the extremis
  12. I'm not much of a Sunday Schooler but could you point out that verse for me where it says we can forgive but hold it over their head and not forget?
  13. What about all that stuff about forgiveness and not holding somebody's past against them and all that?
  14. What exoneration? The ethics rule didn't get broken because the ethics panel was convinced that those 40 plus meals were just between "friends" and there was no business discussed. Wink. Wink. I'm certain there was nothing discussed. Just certain. That's the finding of the ethics panel and that means there was no law broken.
  15. The report said that the way the law is put together, if there was nothing discussed, there doesn't have to be any reporting. I'm just so certain the report White made was correct and there was no business talked about. I'm just so certain. Denial is not a river in Egypt.
  16. 40 something meals with Richardson and no notation of what they discussed. It was all just "friends lunches." Yeah. Surrrrrrre. What about those emails from Richardson to White and White's replies about setting up the rendevous with the Atlanta Gas Light floozy? I/m sure all that was just miscommunication and a misunderstanding.
  17. Like I said. People with a lot of fear and the need to intimidate. Or self protection after being an arse at various times.
  18. That's right. There are some places where there shouldn't be guns and, if there are, it should be illegal to have them in those places.
  19. Nope. We arm them to protect us all from those people who carry the firearms.
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