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Everything posted by Jughaid

  1. I kept hearing about this place and we tried it about a year ago. OMG! The BEST cheeseburgers anywhere bar none.
  2. Maybe you should re-read my post. I said the beef I will be eating will be from cows locked up and the chicken will be from cages. I said the same thing you did. How in the hell do you get "tree hugger" when I'm saying the same damn thing? What an ASSumption. Try reading it again.
  3. No steaks here. We're doing chicken and beef nachos. Those cows never moved out of the stall and those chickens never walked more than 10 feet. That is still good eating. Might do some lamb too if I can convince my DH to fix it. Reminds me. I've not bought the Yellow Tail wine yet! Looks like a Highland Beverage run in a few hours.
  4. If you say so. But I plan on buying several bottles for the Super Bowl Party on Sunday. Thanks for the thread!
  5. No, I don't believe everything I read. I am only saying that until I see something that would make me believe otherwise, I refuse to be lead around by the nose of a group that is wielding a political agenda. That's why I'm asking for links. So far the info the group has shown is something I can agree with. Show me the unbiased links that say they are not all that and I will take a look at it. Until then, I think for myself and would hope you would too.
  6. Did you quote the rest? I've never eaten dove. Good for you if you do eat what you kill.
  7. You are reading into that. "Legal Hunting" is not always a good thing. Take confined hunts, for example. It's legal, but is it right? Or trophy hunting for bear? Why? All I'm saying is that you are reading into this without taking the rest of the context. That doesn't mean they are against all hunting. I'm only asking for unbiased links and I will be happy to look them over. I only ask for you to be honest in your assessment, not just act because you heard something or read it on the internet.
  8. Believe as you wish. As for me and my family, we will be buying lots of Yellow Tail wines from now on. Where are the unbiased links?
  9. You didn't post the rest of it to explain what they meant. They didn't say all hunting is bad. They were explaining what "Lethal Wildlife Management" consists of and that it is an issue for them. That is not the same thing as saying they are against it. Here is the rest that you didn't quote.
  10. Can you give us some unbiased info that shows they are anti-huntin or anti-farming?
  11. I don't see any of that. I looked at their website and didn't see where they were anti-hunting at all. I see where they are against captive hunts, poaching, trophy hunting and stuff like that, but I didn't see where they are "anti-hunting." If you would be so kind as to provide an unbiased link I would love to see it. Not saying you're right or that I'm wrong, but I'm saying that I've seen a lot of misinformation from the gun lobby over the years, so I just take it with a grain of salt until I get some verification from unbiased sources. Based on what I see, I'll start buying Yellow Tail w
  12. Funny. Just about all those choices in poll were about cutting the budget but not cutting the services. If we don't have the money, how can we provide the services?
  13. Next one is Feb 25, 6-7. East Paulding Physicians Center. Call them for more info 678-945-8200
  14. Bullcheeze. And you know it is bullcheeze. More importantly, all the companies in the world know it is bullcheeze. If it didn't reach a lot of people and get people to buy products, go to movies, link to a website, then the Super Bowl wouldn't cost so much. If it didn't work the ad spots wouldn't sell. The sad thing is that you're serious. Now let's get back to another point. Spending that money helped create jobs and if it is good enough for StreetScape in Cedartown, it should be good enough for the census.
  15. Do you know that money was spent and it put people to work creating that ad? Did you know that the ad paid for people who work for the TV company? The census is temporary work for many people and it is important that people have JOBS. I think I remember howJOBS were important wehn we spent that money on the Cedartown Streetscape. The census is not an entitlement program but is vitally important to asceratain how the whole government will work going forward and it creates JOBS. Here's another person that says these JOBS are important and spending this money is important.
  16. Good God. Do you not understand what a pun is? If one doesn't bare it, there is no affair! This has to be the most entertaining thread I've read in days! Stercus, you rock! Where the hell have ya been, sista?
  17. That's the spirit! Good night to you, Madea! You totally piss me off with your bullcheeze you post on here but we can still be friends. Sleep tight!
  18. I wasn't insinuating anything. Pubby posted and then you posted that you were signing off because it was past your bed time. You are ASSuming a whole lot there. Guess that humor remark about my fam reunion just didn't sink in.
  19. Nobody says "g-night" to me? Hmph. And I stayed up to play, too.
  20. Pubby shows up and we all run. Kinda like my last family reunion when the cops showed up.
  21. I think the law would disagree with you. Don't you think so? Political talk is protected whether it is a national or local politician. Last I heard the law applied everywhere, right? Don't you think the Obama kids can read what is said about their dad? Don't you think they can turn on Fox News and see what people are saying about him?
  22. I'm just asking what it means to you. If you said that there was something going to happen economically that was "right around the corner" what kind of time frame would you be thinking? 3 months? 6 months? A year? Just asking. I do wish you would consider drinks one night. Mr Jughaid has a Guys' Night Out every few months and I've not had one since we moved here. Just consider it. I think we can all agree that the same free speech protections about the politician in the white house is the same speech protections about the local politicians too. Right? Somehow I get the fe
  23. I extend an olive branch and you slap it down. I see. Sorry for trying to be nice. So now we can all expect you to do the same and stand up for those same attacks on other politicians, like Obama, for instance.
  24. That's your "opinion" about Obama. So when a thread that doesn't start out about Obama turns into an anti-Obama thread, that's when I need to say "start your own thread." Ooooo. Thanks for that one. Can I ask you what "right around the corner" means? I mean, if you said that something was coming 'right around the corner' what sort of time frame are you talking about? Let's say a new bill coming out of Congress. Or a new economic plan "right around the corner" was coming. What kind of time frame would you, hypothetically speaking, think that to be?
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