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Everything posted by Jughaid

  1. Awwww. I didn't say you denigrated teh reputation of a politician. I said you didn't apply the same standard to YOUR political views that you applied to others' views. I bet you get the connection. Would you want to have drinks with Beach Bum and me one night? Bring along some more and we'll have a Big Time.
  2. I'm not interested in the lawsuit stuff like you are. I'm just asking that you apply the same standard all the way around. You will be fair won't you? You will apply the same standard won't you? Great! Then maybe we can go out for some drinks one night and have a girl's night out!
  3. Now I see. YOUR political views are protected. People you disagree with don't have the same protection. Gotcha. Thanks for clearing that one up.
  4. That's a good statement. I like that. Good job. I just asked if you thought drinking was somehow wrong. Do you think drinking is wrong? Just your own opinion.
  5. Ah, stay with me Madea. When Beach Bum says that making untrue statements in a public forum could harm someone's reputation, I just asked if the same idea applied to another politician in another thread. I bet you get the connection. I didn't notice any calling for restraint in that thread when that other politician's reputation was being questioned.
  6. I feel much better! Thank you for your concern. I'm sure you are also.
  7. So now your moral high horse is that anyone who drinks is a bad person. Gotcha. If that makes you feel better about yourself, have at it. If you will re-read that post you will see that I said the thread was above and then quoted it.
  8. I could. I decided to just quote it so you could see it better. Cheers!
  9. You might want to re-read that. I asked Madea if she had been drinking, not you. Having a bit of problem there keeping up, are we? Or are you Madea, too?
  10. Mr Jughaid just reported ice on the back porch.
  11. Can I play song lyrics, too?
  12. Political speech is protected speech, right? I need some chocolate. I made brownies this afternoon and I think I'm gonna get one now.
  13. Really? Awwww. You might want to have your glasses checked. Look up a few posts and you'll see. Have you been drinking tonight?
  14. Same with Whitey's questions. Set. Match. Now go have a drink.
  15. Did you answer my question? Is it potentially harmful to call Obama a crook?
  16. Are you threatening Whitey with a lawsuit now? I think he has the right to ask political questions. Would you say calling Obama a crookis a potentially harmful statement?
  17. Whitey doesn't have to do anything YOU want him to do. He is allowed to ask public questions on here, anonymously or as a known person. YOU might not like it but he is allowed. I hope Whitey is cute because I do plan on kissing him when I meet him.
  18. You're a good guesser on last names. Still, whatever you think is fine with me. Because I promise you, what I think is fine with me.
  19. You're right. It doesn't really matter. Believe me, it doesn't really matter what you say. To each his own. Would you believe I'm in a Bad Ass Contest?
  20. And I believe everything you say too.
  21. Jealous? I slept until noon. I worked out from 7PM until 9:30PM and I'm competing in the Hard Ass contest. Why in the world would I be jealous?
  22. Hell, Mr. Jughaid might enjoy that and that's why I'm afraid to ask any more details.
  23. You're entitled to your opinion. That's what makes the world go round. Great world, right?
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