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Everything posted by Jughaid

  1. I'm having one a Happy Day right now! Are you having a Happy Day filled with Happy Thoughts in your Happy Place?
  2. That's predictable. The glory of ths state and it's uniforms at all times in all things, right?
  3. Yeah. Because SOMEBODY said that even after the TV news reports and his resigning and all that, she didn't know if he had an affair or not. I was just checking to see if anybody else had been smoking that same stuff. They weren't. Just one person was. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/236549-did-glen-richardson-have-an-affair/page__p__3069510__fromsearch__1entry3069510
  4. Wait. You mean there was a place in Dallas that had a liquor license and is not there anymore? Did the Board of Regents put any pressure on the city of Dallas about this because the college was coming in? That's a legit question, I think.
  5. I see Mr. Stout in here. Good to see you, Mr. Stout. I don't have a problem with any of that in your past. So what. Doesn't matter to me because that is not what we are talking about with your running for office. I don't agree with you on many issues so that is the point I will use in my decision as to whom to vote. Has nothing to do with this and shouldn't for anybody else either.
  6. Completely different and you know the difference. Stout is not even elected and this was a personal event. Richardson was using his office to help his Ms Hottie's company and threated his ex with the powers he could weild with his office. Night. Day. Even a blind woman can see that.
  7. I sure hope I'm wrong but had Stout had a DEMOCRAT after his name, would he have gotten the same kid-glove treatment. Just asking.
  8. Who cares? Honestly, what the hell does that have to do with whether or not he can do the job as a legislature? Not one thing. I don't care if he had an affair, two affairs, or rivaled Tiger Woods in the number of affairs. It doesn't matter. I won't vote for the guy because I disagree with him on the issues but this is totally and completely unfair. Do any of you want to be judged forever for something that happened ten years ago? My God. The guy could have committed all sorts of crimes years ago, spent time in jail, come out as a Conservative and no body would have said a word. Remember Chuck
  9. Because it is a terrible idea that doesn't show anything, can't compare teachers and gives those schools in high economic strata the pay advantage over teachers that might be much better and work much harder but the kids are just so far behind that the scores just don't meaure up. That is not the teachers fault.
  10. Sure drop out rates are bad. They used to be much worse in the 60s and 70s.
  11. Could be. That's what happens when the test becomes the standard instead of an education. Still, the majority of the problem was in one system, Atlanta.
  12. Do the Jr. High math. 58 of that 191 was from one system. One. That means the overwhelming problem is with one system. You're going to make that a statewide thing? You're going to extrapolate that extreme example to every drop out situation?
  13. Sure. That kinda makes my point. The higher the drop out rate, the lower the scores of those kids in the future.
  14. Has nothing to do with being rural but with parental education, household income, work drive time for parents, recreational facilities, non school sports programs and a ginormous amount of other info. Checked the foreclosure information for Paulding lately? Did you say "a good many." What percentage of schhols would you say is a "good many?" Let's do some Jr High math here.
  15. Think that might have something to do with the demographics of our county? What about all that personal responsibility I keep hearing? Shouldn't the parents take the blame for this instead of the government?
  16. Shhhh. Don't say any of that too loudly. It let's them score political points, which is more important than the education of children. The facts getting in the way is not good for their politics. Shhhh.
  17. Can you back up that claim with test scores? You're going to have a hard time proving that assine statement since test scores have gone UP over the last 40 years. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/08/26/sat-scores-stay-at-lowest_n_121611.html
  18. I'm sure they could get a lot more convictions if they just randomly searched people's homes too.
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