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Everything posted by decision

  1. too many to list but a few are....let it be, yesterday,get back,hey jude
  2. oh yea the A i knew it was something missing besides the restuarant....
  3. nobody knows what happen to this place i just eat there 2 weeks ago..went to appliance store there today and the r and r seafood is like empty ghost town....mmmmmmm?????
  4. the r & r seafood place go? the one on 92 in the owens strip where fretnot music is...what happen anybody ?????/
  5. morning all will be cleaning the basement and garage today way way past due gonna be a long day, hope the rain holds off long enough to gather stuff from garage to basement.
  6. travel the world first class of everything and remake myself completely (like mj did) but not quite that far..and then pay attention to all the free and simple things in life we take for granted everyday and be happy im alive to enjoy
  7. ok let see here, im not trying to rain on your parade john but while i was there for a short time all i could see you do was sing once and then you had your face in that laptop soooooooooooo you were not being too socialable youself just my 2 cents have a good one
  8. it is a great feeling isnt it great job working thru your debt
  9. i have no words my mouth is still on the floor.
  10. yes they do and they are banana boxes gret for moving fairly sturdy and have handles.
  11. im curious is this the fisherman orlanda wilson that had the tv show on fishing????
  12. Yep you are right blue moon is unbelievable
  13. like alot of different kinds too but cold stone creamery could make me love any of them even vanilla
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