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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. Well I wasn't gonna say anything about that....
  2. That is a great way for us to do our black friday shopping.
  3. Ima need some paper plates. Think it would be worth my time to get out at 4am?
  4. How odd... I was just whistling a sad tune....
  5. My mom had it done at Ritz or whoever they are now... and I was able to take the vid and do what I wanted with it. Which, btw, was to make it way better than it was!
  6. Crap. Is this the part of the show where we have 15 different black friday threads?
  7. At my house, Black Friday is better known as sleep-until-non friday. Then we get up and watch all of the black friday horror stories on the news. And we laugh.
  8. There was no reason to bring cross-dressers into this!
  9. The only thing that is gonna get me out of the house that early.. especially on black friday.. is my house being on fire.
  10. Wow.. we agree. You are right, there are a few posters here who post the same old thing over and over and over... or always post negative stories over and over and over... or bait people for the purpose of trolling. And those things.. those people.. run people off. But former member... you won't run me off that easy!!
  11. Why can it not be the Revolutionary War?
  12. That's really cool! I think maybe I should at least try it.
  13. Maybe I need to try vodka and berry 5hr energy. Bet that would be good! And it only has as much caffeine as an 8oz cup of coffee.
  14. What?!? You want people to discourage me?? That ain't right!!
  15. Yeah.. but I am a lazy hyper drunk.
  16. Alcohol is good!!! Caffeine is good! Why not combine them???
  17. cmorg


    Ouch! Hope he has a speedy recovery!
  18. What do you burn in there... kittens?
  19. So I shouldn't expect a Christmas gift from you then?
  20. Do you work for these people?? And why don't you gift me while you're at it??? Serioulsy, thanks for the info! Thanks for the tip... I'd hate to dump a bunch of money out the window.
  21. Yeah.. cherry? But I may give it a try. Not the cherry.. but the electronic cig.
  22. I naturally assumed this was about me.. but I guess not.
  23. I'm glad you shared this and I would be interested in hearing how it goes.
  24. I wouldn't mind going along with this if they would also install a device that shuts up the passenger when they are offering "driving advice"
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