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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. Who the hell can even move around after they have eaten? I mean, if they did it right.
  2. Thank goodness! I was afraid you were gonna say that someone had been beat to death with a book. Happy Thanksgiving.
  3. Just go to Shoneys and eat T-day dinner with the old people.
  4. cmorg

    Shout out

    Yeah... what he said.
  5. cmorg

    Shout out

    What is an anything joe?
  6. That's good to know. If I decide to pee again, I will remember that.
  7. I should go pee in a plastic bag??? Why?
  8. Of course they do! But they poke me when I go pee.
  9. It wasn't me... I stole the diamond earrings.
  10. Nope. I got a pink one so people will leave it alone. And it matches my pink xbox controller.
  11. Well... I probably deserve them for other things anyway. But this is for you...
  12. I really need the ability to give out more negatives.
  13. Really? How much do you charge for an hour?
  14. I think you would be pushing if you wait that late.
  15. I would try and get there about 4:37p Thursday afternoon to make sure you get a good place in line.
  16. I doubt anyone will think to go there!
  17. That's a good idea. Nobody shop.. see if we can start a trend.
  18. I am thankful for my good looks, my keen intellect, my quick wit and of course my humility.
  19. Maybe it would be a lot simpler if we just had black friday this friday?
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