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Everything posted by catalanojo

  1. I liked the announcement at the beginning that stated something like this was not a competition but a place for all of the bands to show their talent and get together. All of the bands were great and showed great sportsmanship. Again I still have to go with it was GREAT to see all the bands unite to play the National Anthem! WAY TO GO!!!
  2. Which one?? Let us know if it worked
  3. If you can Dr. Goolsby has a great Nurse Practitioner who is very knowledgable in this area her name is Glenda. She is WONDERFUL
  4. they are on sale, I do not think there will be an auction.
  5. DITTO and if we order $20.00 worth of food and u cant give me a freakin pack of sauce I will go else where In fact we went to burger king no nuggets and asked for a pack of honey mustard (for my fries) and they gave it to us FREE imagine that customer service:)
  6. Since you were one of our FULL PAGE SPONSORS I have a program for you and your admission is free.
  7. This is kind of like the Dr. Pepper commercial with santa, eb, tooth fairy, big foot, etc... We told our oldest daughter at 11 she gave all the indications of knowing so we told her and she said yeah right stop playing i know ur kidding. She had no idea and we said psyche.. your right we are just playing. The next year was her last. My oldest daughter was 14 and too boot was a 4.0 student in school. When she was younger "she saw santas boots in her room christmas eve night" She was 14 before she really realized and put it all together. The boys were about 10 and had it all figured out.
  8. I want to take my son i was finally able to wake him up but i think he fell asleep in the shower. If he ever gets out I may see you there!
  9. Just wondering who plans on attending the band exhibition at Paulding County High School? Admission is $2.00. All five high school marching bands will be there. Tuesday September 28, 2010 starts at 7:00. Concession stand will be open with great food and programs with each schools show and songs listed, parent shout outs and advertisements from the GREAT businesses of Paulding County who willingly supported all of our kids. A LOW COST night out!
  10. Yea there is another one I know about personally (can't say they are lying for sure but the mail does not take over a week areound here) and they were not begging but i do believe lying. I am wondering if i should bust this person out on here. They are a p.com member and yes it has to do with money for a fundraiser
  11. One suggestion UVERSE with AT & T
  12. Wow so at least 2 people have proven her "it does not take a genious" statement wrong. Maybe it does take a genious in her case!
  13. I know it is hard being the one to have to have the mamo and then a sono but...it would be nice if the imagining center would keep in mind that the husband being with the wife when she has to take off work to come back for the sono can be good for her and him as well. Not saying which imaging center but they looked at us like we had something wrong with us when my wife asked could i come back for the sono which took 3 weeks for them to schedule the woman asked why???? WTH why because I am her freakin husband and we are both uncomfortable that she had to come back for another procedure. I w
  14. Just heard from family in that area they think they have the gunman
  15. please make them very aware of my comment as well
  16. I just have one comment it may take a geniou to figure this out. Any child who has started school in another state where they start school younger than in GA will be 13 and in that school. I know this for a fact. Maybe she should check her facts before making a geniousdumb ass statement!
  17. I have to agree with east paulding. They were great a few years ago and now it seems you cant get an appt.and if you do they act as if your just a number. There is only two Nurse Practitioners there that are any good.
  18. How bout we just do vitual tric or treating and call it a day!!!
  19. YEP My mother in law lives in another state and when ever we visit it drives me crazy what can/ cant/ go in the normal trash and then what trash can to put what in. No smart remarks I love her to death so I follow the rules for her sake. They are strict and do check!
  20. EXHIBITION is tuesday September 28, 2010 at Paulding County High School. Starts at 7pm. It will be an GREAT experience. Invite everyone you know to support our band kids
  21. I have had several epidurals there for my back. The staff there have always been GREAT! Good luck prayers being said.
  22. The two bands will just be the icing on the cake!!! Both marching bands are GREAT!!!
  23. Wow can you imagine being a pig and a dog at the same time the benefits.....
  24. where on davis mill? we are right off davis mill and i did not hear a thing
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