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Everything posted by catalanojo

  1. I second using USAA. I also would like to ad we bought a 98 caravan used in 2002 and in 2005 bought a new caravan. The 98 caravan is holding up better than the 05. Toyota will be our next purchase
  2. I think it all depends o nyour relationship and trust level. I however have a very close friend who is female and we have been friends for 30 years. I also consider her my sister and am closer to her and her family than I am my own sisters. When I travel home and my wife is not with me I will not stay with her because of appearances and I just do not want to give any opportunity to happen. My wife thinks I am crazy but thats my opinion.
  3. One more thought talk about money. We had the money talk with our oldest son (it was worse than the sex talk. he knew he was going to be frugal and budget unlike his oldest sister. College town that literally closes when the sun sets. He had enough money for laundry but called and asked for more. I inquired where his money had gone and he had a memory lapse and could not remember. I jumped on line and checked his card and asked him "if he remembered being at FYE at a certain time on a certain day". "No memory" "OK I will call the police because soemone stole ur card". "OOOOH I remember i stepp
  4. If possible check which cell phone company has service for where he is going. I singed a new 2 year contract with t mobile lat year and when i took my son to orientation we found out that verizon was the only carrier that worked in the town his school is in. Luckily t mobile agreed they did not have service there and allowed us out of the contract for his phone.
  5. Have a great one, and stay out of trouble
  6. you may also want to talk to your DOC. When someone has an autoimmune disease their siblings will also have an autoimmune disease. It may or may not show up for years. It normally will not be the same disease. Not trying to scare you just be on the look out.
  7. Not sure if he has a local bank account but get a reloadable card at walmart. If he needs money fast you can put the money on the card here and he will have instant access to the cash. Condoms are not needed they give them out now at the college health center.
  8. OK guys many months ago I asked for a good lawyer to adopt my "step" son. He is over 18 so biological has no say. We went to court this morning and the Judge was great. It is final he is mine now I am not his "step dad" not that I ever was but he feels better. thanks to all.
  9. It's the last one over there (island that is) Did you go to Morrocas? Did you have salt fish and bake?
  10. Get a life. News Flash some ethnic groups are built a little different.... give the woman some credit edited to add it almost looks photo shopped
  11. Trinidad/Tabago is my all time favorite. Trying to decide where is next stop Italy, Isreal, or Japan????
  12. THANK YOU!!! for trying to help a young couple out. You give me a glimmer of hope for humanity. Long story short when my wife and I married she was divorced with 3 kids and 2 years later we added one more. Image 2 adults 4 kids in a 2 bedroom apt. We lived as normal until God provided us with our first house. We both recall we literly went from nothing and worked our butts off to get where we are. To see someone trying to help is GREAT!
  13. Donnies behind grands on 92 & Hiram Sudie
  14. Actually it does concern me...as his father I need to be the one to protect him, lead, guide him as well as teach him morals and the road of life. Once he can support himself he can start making those decisions and I will step back unless asked for help. I understand about phases and I was 25 before I got my ear pierced. I FEEL that kids have so much and do so much at young ages that when they are grown up there is nothing left to do or look forward to doing.
  15. I wanted one and toyed with it for years. I ended up with a shark on my shoulder. Unless I am at a beach you wont know i have one. To me MY OPINION they are not professional. All of mine have been warned if you get a tatoo it better not be seen unless your at a beach and for the girls no "tramp stamp"
  16. My 14 yo wants to get his ear pierced. I cringed and quickly deferred him to his mother and he was smiling as he dialed because he knew she would say yes. She said no and then after him harrassing she said ask dad. I said no as I cringed because I thought of sounding like my dad. i have really gone back and forth with this. But I am more stuck on no. Of course he said you got your ear pierced. I added that I was 25 when I got mine done and 31 when I got my tattoo. I keep going back and forth but stuck on no which shocks me...??? Opinions....keep it nice
  17. Our last was 10 pounds 6 ounces yes he was a c-section and the condo was shut down after him. I have never heard my wife so sure when the doctor asked before sewing her up "are you sure you want them cut tied and burned?" she tried to sit up and answer but it was yes. That buzzard is 14 now and has six pack abs
  18. we sailed the Inspiration on Christmas to Cozumel. We took the tour of the Myan Ruins very interesting but wish we would have taken the trip to the main land and seen the standing temples. The leather store in Cozumel is excellent and suggestions Ponchos back Yard for lunch or dinner is well worth the walk. It is on the main strip in Cozumel baut far down. From experience take a taxi to ponchos eat and them walk up the strret shopping on your way back to the ship. Delsols will suck you in with their stuff that turns colors in the sun be careful.
  19. If you register for things on a baby registry include multiple sizes of diapers. When my wife had our last we included diapers and actually received some as gifts. If you figure they drop a load multiple times a day having diapers on hand from gifts really saves on the parents:) good luck we are in the home stretch our younges is going in to 10th grade. We have decided once he is in college we are buying an efficiency apt so no one can move back in
  20. OK so they are a member and I think I can use their name in the title. Thanks Mary you always have what we need.
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