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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. I am with you on that. What it seems like is people think that just because they have been waiting longer that they have the right of way. What I mean by that is if on one side there is a line of traffic but on another side there is none. I have been flipped off or cussed at I dont know how many times when I had the right of way.
  2. I can tell you as a bus driver for Paulding county we cannot turn right at a light if there is no yield sign. If there is not one we have to wait for the light to change before proceeding and a lot of folks gets really ticked off at us. But it is a law we have to follow as are the majority of rules we have to abide by.
  3. I use cash at Kroger too. If I use my insurance at CVS I will be charged my co-pay which the minimum is 20.00. I take 7 prescriptions on a dally basis. So with my insurance I would pay 140.00 but when I pay cash at Kroger its under 50.00 for the same medications. Plus as an bonus I earn points on my Kroger plus card for gas.
  4. Naaaa....second one was the best!! I have them all.
  5. I appreciate that bored. It just really bothers me that even after everything that has gone on in this country for years there are still folks that want to make others look bad. I don't find fault in others that may have more than I do but don't put someone down when they don't. You never know if tomorrow you will be walking in the same shoes as those you looked down on.
  6. My Internet is free. Part of the perks of renting this apt. You know its a sad world we live in when so many are struggling to stay alive and others think its ok to be hateful. I am happy that you have so much in your life that you can put down others not so fortunate as you.
  7. If this person is in the same situation I am where I have to choose between buying food or paying the tag ahead of time then food wins. Not everyone has the ability to save up for things and I am glad for those folks who can. I have literally had .03 cents in my account at times. I do the best that I can but to tell me how idiotic I am for waiting when you have no idea of the circumstance is wrong.
  8. Fridge works well for me. Even if the outside looks bad the inside is still good.
  9. So its this person fault that they didnt know the tag office was closed. There are alot of reasons people wait to get their tag. There have been times I didnt have the money to get it earlier.
  10. In my lifetime I have seen so much. TV dinners, Cell phones, Microwaves, Computers (the servers took up a entire room), Video games, VCRS and then Dvds, Music CDs, Internet, Music Videos, Gas at .89 cents a gallon, Self Checkout at the store and so much more.
  11. 21 and 19 yr olds. Scheduled c-sections two weeks ahead. Started mine on cereal about one month. My son was 10 lbs so he came into the world ready to eat. He was out of newborn sizes before he left the hospital. Had to put them on their stomachs to sleep. My son had to be swaddled tightly to calm him enough to sleep. I peeled grapes and hot dogs so they wouldn't choke.
  12. Postman put up your pot stirring spoon this early!!!
  13. Spunkywman


    I am not disagreeing with you.
  14. Spunkywman


    The controls as far as gas and electricity is the prices. Consumption doesn't change only the prices and that's the case not matter how much someone buys.
  15. Yes thats him. Thank you all again. I will make sure they know there are prayers for them on here.
  16. Spunkywman


    When I worked for conveniences stores ages ago that was happening with the cigs and change. We would run out of change and beg the grocery store for some. They don't mind the once in the while stuff but there are convenience stores that take advantage. My understanding as far as limits on sales its to try to make sure every customer gets to take advantage of the sale. But I will take a ad paper to Walmart and I have never had a limit as far as matching prices. What a lot of folks don't realize is those discount cards have a record of everything single thing you have ever bought with them. Ther
  17. LMBO! You mean Morons?? I wasnt sure if maybe you were hungry? You started off with Good Gravy!!
  18. Please Keep a friends family in your prayers. His father who has been wheelchair bound for a long while has passed. They lived with his mom and dad to help with the care of his father. They are all such wonderful kind people and I am so sad for them. The Craton Family is who I am asking prayer for. God Bless
  19. That's what I was trying to do make her feel better! You are right my son better hope he survives!! Right now I am not so sure he will.....LOL
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