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Everything posted by JohnnyJ

  1. I use the Green - Left. It works the best for me.
  2. Let's get the rest of the story. Papa John's Founder, Chairman and CEO John H. Schnatter, explained in a conference call with reporters that in order to pay for Obamacare's mandate, franchisees will have to increase the price of a pizza 11 cents to 14 cents per pizza. Dang, sounds like 1 or 2% per pizza would finance the insurance...What is the problem?
  3. Check out this link. http://www.weather.com/blog/weather/8_23986.html
  4. My wife had already made plans to close her account with Suntrust.
  5. There is no denying that the polar ice cap is melting faster than ever before. And yet we know there have been many ice ages over the eons. Is it nature or is it man, or is it both this time?
  6. "He immediately went balistic and pronounced me the "worst dad ever!!". Ahaa!! does that mean I finally got your attention on this? Now I fully intend to hold true to my word. No party, no gifts from us." Been there, Done that. I am sorry for you and your wife. DO IT!
  7. Yes, I do too. In fact I have to pick one up from him this afternoon.
  8. There are a great many old cemeteries in Paulding. Try this link and the next. http://www.usgwarchives.org/ga/paulding/cemetery.html http://maps.google.com/maps?rlz=1T4GGLL_enUS413US413&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=cemeteries+in+paulding+county+ga&fb=1&gl=us&hq=cemeteries&hnear=0x88f52701903803c3:0x10f625bf4e35d05,Paulding,+GA&sa=X&ei=KEwgUI6nDMmL2AXVl4DgDg&ved=0CMYBEMgT
  9. Try Harmony Grove Church Cemetery on Harmony Grove Church Road for Kennedy, Starnes, Crowe, Brown...
  10. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/user/843-gem-man-86/ OR Post your question at this link for Dale Loudermilk. http://www.facebook.com/index.php?lh=6ca37b8bc97c322533d67b57e8280b68!/PauldingRoots
  11. I have an Uncle that drives a bus loaded with elderly women from Paulding and Bartow to Biloxi to gamble.
  12. I missed it all last year. I would love to meet the folks this year.
  13. Just a bit of info. Burnt Hickory got its name because of an old hickory tree that stood near the Burnt Hickory schoolhouse. The place at the time was a favorite camping place for travelers going between Stylesboro and Marietta. One camper built their campfire too close to the old tree and it started smoldering as it was hollow inside. It took a long time for the tree to burn but the name Burnt Hickory stuck as the smoke could be seen from miles away.
  14. The tax records, the Census records, Civil War records, Civil War Widows applications and maybe even in the old New Era records at the library.
  15. This is the Old Section of the Cemetery on the path to the Falls. William Strickland and his second wife, Emily Wilson/Wilson/Flanigan/Strickland (my G-Great-grandmother) is buried in the Cemetery in front of High Shoals Church. Also buried there is Alexander Flanigan, her second husband.
  16. I am going to apologize first, then ask my questions, I AM SORRY. What services does Hiram provide besides the Police (and their vehicles) and water in old Hiram? The reason I ask, my cousin worked many years for Hiram, cutting grass around the govt buildings and keeping the water working, a one man crew. Many of us are aware that the Old Hiram sewer is a mess, is that one of the problems? Are there other services? Has the Hiram govt become bloated with expensive Executives? I hope Don Brown will weigh in on this as he lives there and has ran for a seat in the Hiram govt.
  17. William E Tant, Jr (distant cousin) lived across from what is now A & R 1845 to 1875. There were 4 gold mines within walking distance but he never found any and it nearly drove him crazy. 3 Great-grandfather Archibald Walraven owned a gold mine in Lumpkin County that his sons worked...three of whom died at an early age due to mercury poisioning. My grandfather told of knowing where to get a little gold...but he would rather farm.
  18. Love your old map. It shows Huntsville to be Burnt Hickory at the intersection of the Sally Hughes Gold Mine Road and the Old Stylesboro Road (now called School Road) just north of the old Methodist Church.
  19. There are conflicting records that show my 3 Great-grandmother in Huntsville between 1860 and 1870 where the old house sat that is now the entrance to Black's Subdivision on High Shoals Road. The records also show her in Huntsville west of now Burnt Hickory Estates in 1880 and her daughter next door married to William Dunaway, owner of Dunaway Gold Mine. The records also show her in Huntsville on the Old Benson Lake Road as late as 1892 before moving to Taylorsville, Polk County. How close are you to Mt. Miriah Road?
  20. Apples and oranges...you can not compare the two. Your property remains the same, no matter the value the county applies to it. As long as the AMOUNT of taxes remain the same year to year then your taxes have not been raised nor decreased no matter what the TAX RATE may have done.
  21. The AMOUNT is the important part...it is money out of my pocket. The RATE is irrelevant unless the AMOUNT goes up.
  22. Dang winston, have you had your eyes closed when reading Pcom? Pubby is a LIBERAL Democrat, no doubt and he frequently takes on the Conservative Republicans' talking points in a heated manner. LPPT is one of a kind. She is Conservative but recognizes the middle ground and compromises are the way to go. She is a big proponent of a Living Wage for all workers. "Welcome the Communist County of Paulding..." You are full of it. This county is 70 - 80% Republican. As to Pcom, it is owned by a Liberal Democrat...nothing about Communism in that.
  23. IF I pay the same amount in taxes as last year even though the value of my property went down...Then My taxes are not higher than last year. I am still paying the same amount! Even the most ignorant among us knows the value will go back up, it is a matter of time.
  24. I have read many of the Postman's topics over the years. Some have been very informative, some have been a rant against some situation. As many of us, he is getting along in age and some of his topics are now showing that. READ the topics and THINK about what he is saying. Carry on Postman.
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