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Mama Carol

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Everything posted by Mama Carol

  1. Personally, I'd be at the vet with my beloved pet and not writing about it on here.
  2. My dog got sick and died after my niece visited. Totally coincidence. Same as your situation.
  3. Just keep in mind that some orthopaedists specialize. You have those who do general orthopaedic surgery, those who specialize in upper extremities, lower extremities, sports med, backs. Be sure the one you go to will do what you're wanting. I had a broken foot that required a bone graft and hardware. I went to a doctor who specialized in foot and ankle surgery. He was an orthopaedist and at least in theory could do anything a general orthopaedic surgeon could do but he limited his practice to the foot and ankle. Also more recently, I had knee replacement. The doctor does hips and k
  4. Yeah, I probably missed that. Five years ago I was running my own business and trying to buy a house in another state.
  5. Am I mistaken, did I read it wrong? Did Pubby just call most Greystone members greedy bastards? Or was he saying it would eventually be taken over by greedy bastards? I miss being one of those greedy bastards. But you know, we still get a yearly check from them. We pay through the nose for our power though. Costs more to heat or cool a smaller one story house than it did to heat or cool a larger two story house. Loved the lower rates with Greystone.
  6. I looked at what they sent out. You pay $5.99 a month now, with a two year contract (I think it was 2, could have been 5). When they start offering it, you get $2.00 off each month. Not sure if you have to keep paying the $5.99 a month to save the $2.00 a month or not. I don't think so. But if you paid for 2 years, it would take you 6 years to make your money back. After that, you'd be saving $24.00 a year.
  7. Gulf Power/Southern Company is doing the same.
  8. I think ours are good for 8 years. I probably should look sometime between now and my birthday.
  9. Actually, you can compare charges for various surgeries, drugs, in office care, etc. Before I had my knee replacement surgeries I was thinking about paying for them out of pocket instead of buying insurance. I compared costs at the local hospitals as well as the ones up there (Cobb, Paulding, Kennestone and Emory). Cobb was more expensive than here and Kennestone was more expensive than Cobb (yes, I know they are both Wellstar hospitals). I ended up having them done at a more expensive hospital but one with a dedicated joint center and a better track record. As to the drug prices, wh
  10. Between me and my husband we had a combined income last year of under $25,000. My pay was under $3000 last year (I work seasonally) I am the only one of us covered by the ACA (hubby is on Medicare). We had to pay BACK over $100 of subsidy I received last year to help pay for my health insurance. Where is that "tax refund toward their healthcare"? I sure didn't see it this year when I did tax returns either. I saw many people with low middle and middle incomes having to repay portions of subsidies. Like I did. I'm grateful for the insurance I have. I'm grateful the hospitals and d
  11. Heck, my husband doesn't even know that. FOR HIM!!
  12. Thank god, Google did what Pubby refused to do and that is censor that particular poster. Way to go Google!!
  13. I wasn't trying to post anything. I was trying to read a post. BTW, it was my antivirus software that gave me the alert, not Google.
  14. Not sure why, maybe it was a chart or something but my antivirus software just popped up with a security alert. BE AWARE!! Pubby, you might want to be checking about this.
  15. I wonder if Pubby regrets leaving downtown Dallas now.
  16. It's been my understanding since studying business law many, many years ago (as well as American Government) that generally the law that gives the greater protection for the citizens is the prevailing law. IOW, if a state law offers better protection to the residents and visitors than a federal law does, the state law prevails. And then there's that reciprocity thing as well. That's where the state law that offers "greater" protection comes in though.
  17. There's another round coming in but it seems to be going to our east, around Crestview.
  18. Yep. It hit just a few miles south of us. Apparently did a little bit of damage just off the interstate. Totally destroyed a townhouse or two in Pensacola.
  19. Isn't the college still in Dallas? I know Craft Cottage moved. Maybe not having anything to do in downtown of a small town is just the way it is.
  20. Dallas and Milton are soooooooooo much alike. We have exactly one real restaurant in downtown and it's tucked away behind the courthouse and if you don't know it's there, you can't see it from the main highway. We have a pizza place/antique store (yes, in one building). Almost every building in the downtown main drag is occupied by an attorney. We have one main road through town. One. It's not like Dallas where you have 278 going by town or you could take a backroad and miss downtown (think Merchants Drive to Legion Road). You HAVE to drive this main road to get through town or hit
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