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Everything posted by justgettingby

  1. Not morbid, it's reality. I guess I just never thought it would cost that much. I guess I can now see $10k, but what about more than that? And in all fairness, it wasn't mentioned how much the mom in this story had on her child?
  2. Why have life insurance on a child? It's just something I have never understood. Enlighten me.
  3. I buy at Harry's (which is owned by Wholefoods). They might not be the cheapest but they are the best quality. They strive for local and organic. Starting later this year they will also label all GMO produce. I gave up going further to Trader Joe's as I didn't see any great difference in produce. I'm picky because I juice everyday, sometimes twice a day. So I need quality produce, and I don't care for all the pesticides that local grocers have to offer with their veggies. I also order an organic veggie basket from https://farmersmarketbaskets.com on occasion. If you can't find a cer
  4. Am I reading that right, they said "never" go to Stars and Strikes?
  5. I still think there is something amiss here. The whole bit about the life insurance is even more strange to me. So much strikes me strange about this case. I suppose we'll probably never know what really happened.
  6. Now I'm curious how much some of you pay for your internet. I'm cheap and cut the cable tv awhile ago and stream Roku instead. I've never had a problem streaming anything with my internet speed (up to 12Mbps), along with video chats, multiple users on the network at one time, two Roku devices going at one time.
  7. Just checked mine, not bad comparatively speaking...
  8. LOVE Patak! Now I'm definitely going to try it out!
  9. Thank you. Nope, no Gallo Pinto but that doesn't surprise me as I don't think it's a Cuban item per se. But I'll have to try them out because their menu does look great!
  10. I'm interested to try it. Can anyone explain to me what differentiates a "Cuban" restaurant from other Caribbean places? I have an intense craving for Nicaraguan/Costa Rica/Panamanian food. Is it similar? Do they have Gallo Pinto?
  11. My husband I have a Peep tossing contest each year. So, PEEPS are my fave even though I don't eat them. Rules to Peep tossing; pick your instrument, and toss Peep into designated target area (bird bath, horseshoe pit, etc) The best Peep Tossers are usually some sort of spatula that you bend back and FLLLLLIIINNGG! You get a certain amount of tries and whomever gets the most Peeps into the target area in the pre-determined amount of "flings"...wins.
  12. Now I'm just playing internet psychiatrist but I *did* think of a sort of Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy. http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/sick/munchausen.html It could be that she enjoys the limelight from her child's pain relating back to her son that was killed. I feel bad even saying/typing it. But I'm sure it's a possibility the police have looked at...hopefully. If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to apologize.
  13. I keep wondering as well, why didn't they shoot HER in the head because she was the only witness to their alleged crime...not the baby. Again, I can't say one way or another what happened but it has struck me as odd from the moment I saw her on TV.
  14. Like Mei Lan said, everyone grieves differently. BUT it's rather convenient that there were no witnesses, she was barely wounded, and then gives MULTIPLE interviews. The second I heard her story, I thought of Susan Smith. I hope it's not true, but either way, a sweet child is dead because someone is evil.
  15. Can't do it either. It's the snot filled kids spreading their germs everywhere that deter me.
  16. Tuition Assistance has been reinstated... Military Tuition Assistance Reinstated by Congress I know MANY military families; some young, some older, some junior, some senior ranks. The only ones I know that are hurting did it to themselves by living outside their means. I think those who are newly retired are having the hardest time. People seem to thnk that a military retirement means big $$$. Pfft!!!!
  17. Again BL, I don't have any info or recommendations for you. But you are in my thoughts and I hope, beyond hope, that you can get the assistance you need.
  18. I didn't talk to my father either, until I turned 15. Then I wanted nothing but to have a relationship with my Dad. My situation is quite different though. I'm just now at 36 years old getting to know my biological father and I feel like a giddy teenage girl all over again. Good luck! At least you seem to care and notice. There are so many fathers who could give two cheezes about their daughters (and sons).
  19. I'm blaming him for the 2011 SPLOST not this ESPLOST. He said in 2011 that if we didn't pass the SPLOST that they'd have to raise millage rates. Well go figure, the SPLOST passed and he voted to raise millage rates anyway.
  20. The realtors site that I listed above displays square footage as well. The sq ft is from the tax records.
  21. Glad I don't live in Paulding anymore because I'd be embarrassed as hell today.
  22. Nothing changed, it's simply been extended. Damnit. Greatma, let me guess, you worked or worked for the school system?
  23. Wasn't this open for all of Paulding County (unincorporated, City of Dallas, etc?) Every other county in Metro Atlanta has already voted and passed this, haven't they? I live in Cobb County (own in Paulding) so we can buy alcohol anywhere on Sundays anyway.
  24. Exactly. WTH? Every other "special election" today in GA is reporting results. But not Paulding... Guess it takes Paulding awhile to report. Here's the link for all counties with a March 19th vote... http://sos.georgia.gov/elections/election_results/2013_0319/counties.htm
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