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Everything posted by vslade

  1. I just received an email from the county saying they are looking for customer service person or persons in the water dept. Go on www.paulding.gov, I think you can fill our application on line. Good Luck
  2. Yes they do grooming. We used to them, and my husband loved them. We use Royal Pet Resort in Hiram now for grooming. Wendy does a wonderful job.
  3. Mr. Chester, did I read somewhere that you children went to private school, or maybe it was someone else?
  4. The person that owns the house on Hiram Sudie lives right down Davis Mill North, I think he owns 50 or 60 acres there. He says he is not going to sell it. At least he takes care of the yard. I think they have family reunions there some times.
  5. Yeah right, and how much money do you think they make, very little if you will look it up.
  6. She had gotten her teachers degree, and thought she could get a job. She did not want to teach and be on the board too. couldn't get a job as a teacher, so we need her on the board.
  7. Yea right, you can't take it with you no matter which place you go, one of two places.
  8. I agree, if they are American Citizens, they need to speak English. That should be a requirement for them, before they are citizens. Oh, but God forbid, it would be discrimination, I am so tired of this word. Did we hear this word when we were growing up. NO
  9. I hear that one of the council members did the brick her, his company, is this right??????????????????? I meant brick work, sorry. We already have E verify in the county, but I bet you it is not being enforced.
  10. Powder Springs and Douglasville, oh I forgot Lenox Square in Atlanta.
  11. You could check on school choice.
  12. Surepip, I want to thank you for trying to convince these people to vote yes. Yes, we probably had the Splost before some of these people came here. Now they want to get rid of it. They want the county to furnish everything. I bet Cobb has a Splost, and just about every other county. thank you so much, my patience runs out with them.
  13. I do not live in either post, I live in Larry's district. So it was District 19.?????????????????????????
  14. Does Howard have opposition this year? He has been the luckest person, I don't think he has ever had opposition. So this may be the reason he has not sent them, maybe you should check with someone that has opposition.
  15. Just because it is there don't mean you have to spend it??????????????????????????????????????
  16. Well, I live in District 19 , and I have always voted. I did not receive a mailer, guess I don't count. You know these candidates take a lot for granted. Just saying.
  17. Yes things have changed, this may be in the wrong place, if someone can move or delete it. What happened to the time when someone running for an office would come and sit down and talk to you. I emailed one that is running, told them I wanted to talk to them. I received an email, saying here is my telephone number. No I want to talk face to face not on the phone. By the way I am not able to go to these meet and greets. Just saying things have really changed. I did do your survey, and I sure didn't vote for this person.
  18. It is not a tax hike, we are already paying it. Fairest tax of all, if you spend money you pay, and if you don't spend you don't pay it.
  19. WRONG She was in front of Walmart in Hiram last Saturday afternoon.
  20. Well I have yo say, you are using common sense. Alot of other people should consider this. I have had some work on my house, and I told them, you know everybody wants to get rich off of one job. If they did them at a reasonable price, they could stay busy all the time. Not really saying this about you.
  21. Somebody that works at the court house told me today that all the signs are gone..............
  22. Just saying, I was not venting, only the truth. I love our school system..............................
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