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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. Are you sure it is not a simple connection problem? I would check all connections before replacing it. It should be easy to correct.
  2. That's not true. Focus on the tranny and it will be just fine. If you need a capable tranny guy (in Marietta or at Team Ford), PM me.
  3. She finally slept overnight and is still sleeping. Hurray!! And, thanks.
  4. Thanks. She did see her doctor and was told to monitor the pain. She did more possible harm to her kidney than her ribs. She's out grocery shopping so she is feeling better than she did yesterday.
  5. Thanks, Fox. She is at the doctor's right now getting her ribs checked.
  6. I'll buy you a coffee. Can't say I'll spring for the others. Was COWA there??!!??
  7. Google Advanced SystemCare. There is a free version that will do a great job of tuning your system. I have a backup drive - 250GB Western Digital My Book. Sounds like you should clean up what you have before you make a decision to reload. Mike (A Friendly Geek) may offer a reload service.
  8. I was born in Toronto and raised mostly in that area, although I have lived in Sudbury, Oshawa, Waterloo, Winnipeg, Monza (Italy) and Rochester, MN. I've lived In the Atlanta area for almost 26 years. My daughter (born in Winnipeg) has been in this area for almost 15 years. She lives in Snellville with my grandson. My son was born here and lives in Acworth with his wife.
  9. Ya know, for a guy who claims that the Democrat party welcomes diversity and is tolerant, COWA is a lousy role model.
  10. I appreciate all the mods - they basically have a tough job that is often thankless. So, let me just say, "Thank you" to all the pcom mods.
  11. Based on what you have said, I do not see any problems uninstalling these products. The only one I checked was NetWaiting: NetWaiting.exe is software program that may have been on your computer since the day you bought it, as this is often found on Dell computers. To help identify that this program is not spyware, always verify the file is in the proper location as the file location is shown below. This software works with your internet connection and modem to toggle the connection when talking with voice on the same line. So, it seems to have been tied to your original modem.
  12. I think you make a good point. I suspect that he will be even more energetic in his job now that he is coming to grips with his depression. Good luck, Glenn.
  13. Beck does an excellent job of providing information and adding a little controversy. Has Anita Dunn called the red phone in his studio yet to argue truth versus lies? Nope, not once. I hope that Dobbs moves to Fox. Best network on Cable News. Fox is number 1. CNN and (p)MSNBC are losing viewers and are tanking in the ratings.
  14. Just a little tingling or a "ringy-dingy"?
  15. 7.5 inches here in Powder Springs just off Corner Road.
  16. Are you sure this biddy is a human being? Racegirl, some people are just, well, jerks. Your Mom just met one.
  17. I think shooting them dead for resisting arrest would get the desired result and reduce the expense. I am only addressing the situations where law enforcement sees the murder(s) being committed.
  18. No sympathy whatsoever. It would have been even better had he been shot and killed when he was arrested.
  19. As some of you know, I sing bass in the Marietta Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. We host and perform in a Christmas Show evry year. This year, we have three performances: Saturday Dec. 12 at 3:00 PM Saturday Dec. 12 at 7:30 PM Sunday Dec. 13 at 3:00 PM The shows will be at the Cobb Civic Center (Jennie Anderson Theater). We offer fantastic family entertainment at a very reasonable price: Adult Age 26 – 59 $15.00 Student Age < 26 $13.00 Senior Age 60+ $13.00 Here is a link to our website where you can order tickets (on line, by mail or by phone): http://w
  20. This is a nicer car but it is an automatic as well. If it doesn't have a stick, I don't want it. http://www.rpmcollection.com/cars_for_sale/71_Dodge_Hemi_Challenger_Red/1971_Dodge_Hemi_Challenger.htm Yeah, baby!!
  21. Like this? http://www.rpmcollection.com/cars_for_sale/70_Plymouth_White_Hemi_Cuda/1970_Plymouth_White_Hemi_Cuda.htm Maybe he needs to learn that some cool is ok but often the cool he thinks he needs is over budget.
  22. Shawna!! An old beetle is cooler than cool.
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