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top dog

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Everything posted by top dog

  1. My Candy fav Mallo Cups and my favorite snack Snow Balls by hostess
  2. Retailers all over small and large are raising prices due to Transportation cost have gone through the roof! Exports are going sky high as well. Corn growers are getting more money for fuel then feed so food farmers are paying higher prices to feed live stock and on and on so we the consumers are going to pay more to off set it.
  3. LMAO at your comment! soooooo true!! I always say that is the walmart they take "Walmart People" photos lol
  4. Alarm System and Smith and Wesson you might get by the first system but not the second ne
  5. LMAO Got to draw the line somwhere you know 2 or 22 whn is it not right in public
  6. 2 wrongs don't make a right! Mother hurts daughter physically then the state steps in and mentally hurts the daughter, remember that little girl is missing her mom no matter how bad she might be
  7. Sit in the non smoking rooms and keep saying to yourself the nicotine part is gone from my body only habit left to break and I am on day 6 don't want tolose that time and your lungs areinmore dange when you quit and start again casue yourlungs start to pink up again
  8. You go gurl!!! you got it licked !!! I am going on my 6th month
  9. I totally agree with you!! But I am going to flip the problem for those of you that live off of a main road. I am travling 55 MPH down 61 and someone decides to pull out from Nebo Dallas with no depth perception whats so ever or Just doesnt care going all of 30 MPH.I guess becasue they are sitting there waiting for traffic to clear I should stop on a dime and let them out!I too live ff 61 andwhen I am turning left onto my street I make a point to turn on my signal well in advance to alert them behind me
  10. I have a business but I can\'t wait to see who rents after the coffee shop closes. No Body with a new business cause no bsnks are lending so if the place sets empty for 2 months they are not going to make it up in 6 months and if it sets longer like this very landlords property where Kroger was and the salon that are still setting empty really is not good idea for extra income, I agree we all need to make a buck but not at breaking someones back in such hard times and if the landlord is in the hole before the lease is up then again not calculating the best for themselves to begin with. Someti
  11. Let's see here landlord trying to increaserent during an almost depression oh yes it is a business but not a good business move at this time! Taxes didn't go up so yes Helen will be great where she goes but for this landlord he will not! For thiswill be remembered
  12. If you have an alarm system in your home the only thing that works it is a land line
  13. I agree with all your rant and I am not saying drugs in schools if it were legal like booze I feel would keep it out of schools better then it is now! Everyone has a vise and what ever it is I hope you get to enjoy it before the FBI stops you from doing it
  14. Your still missing the point but since you brought up the drugs yes they should make them legal and tax them here is how FREEDOM works if you want to take drugs then take them there going to wether they are legal or not! And if I want to play poker then I don't need you or the FBI to tell me I can't Just like prostitution its only legal if your married but if I go out and get laid and pay for it I go to Jail!@
  15. What I do at home does not effect you so how you csn say that! The point was the government taking something away that millions enjoyed and that makes you HAPPY?
  16. I figured you miss the point!
  17. Its them getting into stuff like this that Just pisxxes me off! There are a lot of shut ins Who have such enjoyement with these sites and bam FBI comes in and shuts it down Mean while the couple going to Casino is getting robbed by an illegal immagrantbut we will give him a fair trial so we dont violate their rights
  18. Being in america without a green card is not legal either but I don't see the FBI shutting the borders down
  19. I do too but when I want t stay in cause its nasty outside I liked to play online
  20. Went to play some NL poker on pokerstars and the FBI has stopped it and all sights! So that Just sucks!
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