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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. Some chicks can pull off the leggins look, others should never have put them on in the first place. But you have to be careful with the chunky monkey.
  2. Oh....that kind of fox. Never mind.
  3. I would inform them so they can weigh their options. Look at it this way, if she does the trials and it is not successful at least she has provided the researchers with much needed information that may one day save the life of someone else. So in the end she is helping someone else and doing a good thing.
  4. She did not die because the airlines could not accommodate her. She died because she did not take personal responsibility for herself and get treatment while she was overseas.
  5. Bullocks. Women get the same recognition for combat wounds for none combat roles same as men who are not assigned to combat units. The only job in the Military that gets more recognition is the Infantry. They get a Combat Infantrymen badge (CIB). Other Combat arms units such as Artillery and Armor do not get any more recognition then people, men or women, who are serving in a none combat arms role. "Supporters of lifting the ban say women are already being wounded or killed in war, and the policy keeps them from being recognized for their battleground experience, which could lead
  6. Didn't work for me. I guess since I was in the 42 year old age bracket.
  7. Has there been a coroners report released yet? As usual people are assessing blame without even knowing the facts in the case. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programing.
  8. It really all depends on how they edit it.
  9. It would depend on where you plan on going for vacation. If you are planning a trip abroad you would probably start planning it well in advance and buy tickets early when they are cheap and make your reservations if you are going during a "peak" season. It would also depend on how much flexibility you have at your work place. Right now at my work we can only schedule vacation time for the first 3 months of next year. Then sometime in March they will open up the rest of the year for scheduling. Not to mention it is a first come first serve. It would also depend on how much vacation
  10. Is the issue because they are sold a Wal-Mart as compared to places like Sports Academy which has all sorts of firearms? :unsure: If the weapons are legal to sell what does it matter.
  11. They missed it because they did not bring in any computer forensic experts.
  12. It was a major screw up, but probably would not have made a difference in the case. From what I have read the reason they did not convict was because the prosecution could not specify how Caylee died. If they could have determined exact cause of death they might have made their case, but beyond that the whole thing was pretty circumstantial.
  13. Do you have DVR? Or just basic or digital cable? Basic or digital should be a free box unless they changed it. I just have basic but use to have digital, I have never "rented" the box for the TV regardless.
  14. How did you know, oh wait..........yogurt does that to me.
  15. A real tree is only a fire hazard if A) you let it dry out and B)you get it to close to a heat source. Refer back to A. I just go fake, I can't justify spending $30-50 or more on something I am just going to cut up and burn later. We have 2 fake trees, large one and a smaller one. Using the smaller one this year as the bigger one is in the back of the garage and I don't feeling moving a bunch of stuff. Of course I went through the trouble of setting it up and decorating but since it is in the front room that no one really goes in no one noticed it till I pointed it out.
  16. Well at least they did not say she got cream pied. :rofl: It has been widely touted as Lindsay Lohan’s acting comeback after years of personal problems, but the much-hyped Lifetime movie “Liz & Dick” is attracting more bad buzz than good, and it hasn’t even hit the boob tube. “It’s just bad. Her voice – she sounds like herself, a smoker from Long Island and there is no chemistry with her co-star (Grant Bowler) and she was clearly not prepared,” a Lohan insider who previewed the movie, told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “There was no flair, no elegance.” And according to sco
  17. The $7 a month should be for just the cable modem so you can get internet. You should have another box for the TV that is free of charge. Unless you have both TV and computer in the same room sharing the same cable wall jack you would not need a splitter. The cable modem just goes from the wall jack to your computer. It is not used for TV.
  18. Not specifically sure about the phone but if I am not mistake the "comcast" phone is just a standard IP phone. If that is the case any cable modem that will get you Internet will work.
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