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Everything posted by angiecochran

  1. i read an article a while back about a current program used to verify the legal status of a worker, basically my understanding was that it took so long to get results that an employer would already have the employee working and trained then have to turn around and fire them when the status came back that they were not legal, i can not find the link to save my life, but it was interesting, i might keep looking and see if i can post it for you. it needs to be a free program paid for by our tax dollars, we would be coming out pretty well on it, with all the extra revenue from having legal workers
  2. i think in the beginning we would have some take to the streets, however, would you knowingly and willingly move sneak in to a country where you know that you will have to live in the streets and be a criminal because you dont want to become legal and you know nobody will hire you illegally? naturally, there will be some that think they can and will find someone to hire them, and you know some might slip through, however, it will be a number nowhere near what it is now. like all good things, it will take time and effort, and most of all enforcement.
  3. i agree, it has to be enforced on the employers end of things. anyone could work "under the table", not just illegals. as long as there arent any consequences for those hiring they will continue to do so. and by forcing the employers to only employ people who are legally here, then the illegals will be forced into becoming legal, or going back. hope that made sense.
  4. not really, i believe i was 8 around that time, if im thinking of the same thing you are. my point was that we did not/ do not respond in the manner that they would in the same situation. i understand that it has happened to our soldiers and likely will happen again to some of our own. but we are able to control ourselves and not attack them because of the way they treat our fallen. they however would likely retaliate in horrific ways. as entertaining as the idea may have been to disrespect the a$$hole's dead body, it was in our best interest not too. it wasnt even a matter of being 'better
  5. i think we did the right thing, as much as he didnt deserve a proper burial, you have to imagine the outrage if he wasnt given one. imagine the way americans would feel if all the american soldiers they killed were disposed of the way some of you are saying to do. give yourself a minute to really think about how that would make you feel. what would happen if all the irrational terrorists experienced that? as angry as america would be we have the ability to rationalize and sort through our emotions and make good decisions despite those emotions. i dont think they have that ability. any retaliat
  6. we have already had a few movies done in paulding county, seems its mostly for outdoor scenes. i think having an actual studio in the county would mean they could film other scenes during poor weather conditions and may stay to film longer since there would be a suitable place to do so. its not like there is no interest in filming here and they are building it, that would be a terrible decision. however, with the having had some of the business already, i think it is a good move. and who is to say it could not be used for other purposes while there isnt any filming? i have never been to a stud
  7. my gut says america would have been really pissed if he waited till morning, the fact that it interrupted trump was likely just a bonus for him.
  8. we are one step closer to bringing some troops home. today is a good day. A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR TROOPS AND THEIR FAMILIES! THIS WASNT POSSIBLE WITHOUT YOU!
  9. my day went well, i got to work early, actually finished everything i set out to do, business was good for a sunday, hubbin had replaced my brake lines and fixed a few other small things on my car while i was at work, after i got off at 3ish i came home, i watched the braves win a game (only got to see inning 7-9, but you cant win them all). got some definite dates for a relative coming to visit in a few weeks, so im excited about that. hubbin clipped coupons and we took off to the dollar store, got what we needed, ate some waffle house and headed to cedartown, walked around home depot looking
  10. i was just reading it, its in paulding place, go to the forums list the password is ON
  11. yeah, not someone i know. which kind of sucks, i would have linked her this topic for a taste of public humiliation for her stupid dangerous ways. sounds mean, but i think i would be meaner for not trying to break that habit.
  12. i think a rating system similar to what ebay has would be good, negative, neutral or positive and a few words to explain the rating, that way you can see if it was a simple error or miscommunication as well as how the company rectified (or failed to rectify) the situation. this could be especially beneficial, everyone could see for themselves whether the customer was impossible to please or if they had a legitimate issue the company would not address. it also helps to be able to explain what you thought was so great about them.
  13. what kind of car? sounds like someone i know (not me)
  14. geeze... 7 hours later, glad i wasnt bleeding to death here.
  15. dont know about rome braves, but atlanta braves will be having their bark in the park event, its only $25 per ticket which includes one human and one dog. i really wanted to go, but i cant
  16. yeah, she tried to say i never called her, pfft. i called every phone they have. lol
  17. WOMAN!!!!!!!! where are you? why are you not answering the phones? im going to be in dallas around 2 for an adjustment you want to meet for lunch? and dont give me that sales meeting stuff, thats irrelevant. call me. ps... i really could have PM'd you, but its better this way, really.
  18. it just started back up, lost satellite for a few minutes for the first time tonite. thunder lightning and rain are back as well.
  19. aragon/ rockmart area is calm now. just some light rain, not much thunder or lightning. waiting for the next round.
  20. i told you not to kill my little buddy didnt i? my troops have gathered and the destruction is only beginning.
  21. i think this is mostly due to needing to have an outlet for the pain, most swear words are used in reaction to something if you say sh*t! i forgot something, you are releasing your frustration through the use of the word. i think it has a lot to do with the mentality of it, stress and worries are easier to deal with when we let it out and talk about them, pain is never dealt with quietly, words and sounds are our way of dealing with it. its simply reaction, when a child falls down and gets hurt they cry, intense pain can cause screaming, swearing when you hurt yourself is simply a tool for sel
  22. that is so true. i would rather have americans working for less pay than not working at all.
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