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Everything posted by dianne99

  1. Morning Pcom,,,Take that umbrella.
  2. Yes, I spent months on myspace,facebook,classmates....only to be disappointed for a middle school friend we both moved out state and just lost contact,,i thought i would check records at a courthouse and she just happen to work there, it was so funny,we both just stood there with our mouths dropped wide open,we have spent several Sat.s together and catching up...I quess it was one of those deals where you were in the right place at the right time..
  3. Morning Everyone......Glad to see ya back Luvtennis5
  4. Looks like maybe a quick burger from Steak & Shake.....mmmmmMilkshake, all I need
  5. Have a couple of friends that this might be an interest for them...Thanks for posting.
  6. Hoping it's a slow steady all night rain ..No storming
  7. What Kind Of Business, May I ask??
  8. Maybe I need to take a second look at that Laptop now.
  9. Great suggestion Caped Crusader.....Roasted Corn...mmmmmmgood!!!
  10. Sorry I didn't see this post...No we use the plastic containers that you just insert a spout in.. Have you had luck?
  11. I used that crap on my dogs years ago...it was bad then and is still bad..
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