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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. While I can't answer your question I think it will be a fun, fast shift is he/she is working retail or in f/b. I am glad to see that it is a short shift. It seems that even though places are opening earlier this year the employees are having to work any longer. Maybe y'all can meet up after and go Black Friday shopping!!
  2. I'm glad to hear that it is good. We have been to every Harry Potter and Twilight midnight premiere and this was the first one we missed (out of state for a funeral ). I usually take my older kids and any friends whose parents don't mind them going on a school night. For the last Twilight movie before this we got their at @4:15 pm but of course we were seeing all three movies. For last the Harry Potter I we got there about the same time but were just seeing part one and then part two. I can't imagine waiting until that day to buy your tickets~~that's just crazy. My husbands boss sho
  3. Thanks for the reminder. I had voted for him a few times when I first heard about it (on FB from RR) but thought the voting had ended. I will go add a few votes now. Good Luck Andrej!!
  4. The more I hear about this the sicker I get. When I first heard about this story I pictured this puny little 19 year old graduate student being so shocked or whatever by what he saw he went home to ask his Dad what to do. Now I find out this Graduate student was a twenty something x-football player (not puny at all) and I ask my self why didn't he say "What the F is going on here, get your hands off that kid" all while he was throwing the sicko off the poor boy. I haven't had a chance to read the grand jury testimony yet but it sure sounds like it is painting a much clearer picture th
  5. I voted. I like how you could add your concerns or comments at the end of each section. I basically said that I would support whatever calendar they (and the teachers) felt was best for the students. Personally though I do like it the way it has been. I think it is great that this year the high school kids will get to take their mid year exams before a two week vacation. My kids do well with all the breaks. Before the February break I usually had one or two of my kids out sick about that time and I think it is a the perfect time to clear out the schools for a week. It's a
  6. Bfads has a link to Wal-marts 28 page Black Friday ad. They will be starting some deals at 10 pm and others at Midnight.
  7. I have been following this only a little bit and haven't heard anything about the family/famlies of the boys involved. Did they try to report it to the police and were not allowed? I can definitely understand both sides of the whole Paterno deal but what I don't understand is why it seems that some people are holding him more accountable than anyone else?
  8. I grew up loving MJ's music and still love it. Having said that the person most responsible for MJ's death is MJ himself. Did the Doc make mistakes~yeah but he shouldn't go to jail for them.
  9. My parents divorced when I was @ 4 and my sister was 2. My Mom remarried 3 more times and had my brother with her 2nd husband. She is currently divorced and has been for @ 15 years now. There was a time when I thought she just couldn't be alone~she liked "fixing" people. My Dad remarried twice, first to his HS sweetheart (the stepmonster) and then to my current stepmom~~they have been together @ 25 years and had my youngest brother and sister together. I can't imagine what it would have been like if my parents stayed married. All I remember is them fighting and I have no idea how they
  10. I check and get e-mail updates all year from www.bfads.net There have already been some pretty great deals as WM does that whole pre-black Friday sale the first Saturday in November and Best Buy and Target have jumped on board and tried to out do them. I didn't get anything this year but the past few years I did. They have already announced that Target and Kohls will be starting their BF sales this year at Midnight and ToysRus will be starting theirs at 10 pm Thanksgiving night. They have a bunch of BF ads already posted. If you see one that interests you you should save it to
  11. We tend to have the most fun playing Apples to Apples and Catch Phrase. Everytime we attempt a board type game as a family it gets ugly. When we get together with other families we play Scrabble and various card games like Euchre and Spades~~of course the kids need to be older to play those. We also have a great time playing those DVD games as well as Kinect Dance and Wii Sports.
  12. Savings to Checking~~seems inconsistent since we had more than one transfer on that statement but only the one charge.
  13. I didn't try to read through it all but the first line reminded me of "over the river and through the woods to Grandmothers house we go" I stopped there.
  14. I believe the new fee's were supposed to start in November. And my husband is supposed to be calling about that $17.50 charge~~surely it is a mistake,
  15. Yes, my husband showed me a headline on this over the weekend. I'm not sure yet if this will change my mind about finding a new bank or not $3 didn't bother me too much when I thought about how easy having a debit card makes things for me and how little it is in the long run. I however did not like the $17.50 transfer fee that showed up on our last statement. I don't remember hearing anything about that ahead of time but I am sure we were told at some point in the form of small print.
  16. Just started watching this show last week when my 8th grader and I were home all week sick together. We got through the first season. Can't wait to catch up on this season. I don't LOVE it but I do like it~~it kind of reminds me of a collage of a bunch of movies I've seen throughout the years.
  17. Thanks! I'm still a little confused about where things would go after this week but at least I have this week cleared up. I sure wish I could remember what it felt like to feel healthy and have a clear head. Oh well. Looking forward to Friday night. Surely I will be feeling better by then. Thanks again PTR
  18. Where will the East game take place? And if I am reading this right East would play Pope again if both teams win? Sorry if these questions are stupid, I''m sick and exhausted.
  19. Guess I should have checked FB first~~RR reported an hour ago that East was winning 35-0.
  20. Any updates on how the local teams are doing? I texted my daughter to ask how it was going and the only thing she said was that someone was grabbing her leg from under the bleachers (She's in the Band at East and they are playing at Osborne) but she has yet to let me know what the score is.
  21. I'm surprised no on has mentioned Folklore (sp?). Before Folklore opened my son went to Netherworld~~which is a bit of a drive but has been voted one of the top Haunted Houses in the country several different years. The friend my son went with never made it out of the parking lot~lol. Anyway, apparently some folks from Netherworld came our way and opened Folklore. Last year my son went there (he's 13 now) and said it was just as good if not better than Netherworld. I think Jason from those scary movies (can't think of the name just now) was there last night doing a book signing. Anyway
  22. Thanks for your replies. Sadly at this point the van with the accidents is looking the best~lol. Not really but it has been a very long day of Car shopping. We started out the day in Suwanee and ended it in Ringgold. The "fleet" car was in Ringgold and had been listed as "Everything works, very clean" When in fact several things did not work~4 of the 6 heat vents, the second door on the driver side, the speakers were blown out, a piece of the inside of the driver side door was coming off. The sales guy said things like (regarding the speakers) well I never thought to turn it on, (regardi
  23. So, in our car search we have been looking at some Carfax reports. They can be pretty informative. We found out one car we were thinking of driving an hour and a half a way to look at had been in TWO accidents last year. That is going to save us some time (well, I say that now but the price is really tempting and if we don't have any luck with the others we are going to look at today who knows but still it is good info to have). Another car we were able to see has had trouble passing emmisions the last 4 years and would only pass after multiple attempts and still hasn't passed this year.
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