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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I haven't used them but I have used Cedarcrest PC a few times and his prices start at $40 and go to about $60-$70. Good luck~~computer problems definitely suck!
  2. I was just checking out some of the other comments on some of the other finalists. The house in 3rd place was able to get their school system to do a call out which I think was pretty cool. I also think it is pretty AMAZING that we (well the Felix Family) is number two (as of right now but hopefully that will change to #1 before midnight) out of what started out as a nationwide contest. WAY TO GO MR. and MRS. FELIX! Thank you so much for the beautiful display! I can't wait to see what you have in store for next year.
  3. That is sad that they just left without a note. A few years back my husband was snoozing in the car while one of the kids was in Sparkles attending a birthday party when BAM!! someone hit his car. The little old lady was totally busted and completely shocked when he got out of the car. She was just planning to leave without leaving a note or anything.
  4. I think the ticked off is because Paulding County schools didn't do the same thing. I checked www.paulding.k12.ga.us just about every day this past week expecting to see it on the front page complete with a picture and link. I still don't understand why they didn't do a call out and post a story.
  5. When I saw the title of this topic I thought someone had offered you thousands of dollars to have your e-mail. Like it was something catchy the business wanted it. Now that I understand I'm a little confused why this is a problem. My mistake was not origianally setting up a separate e-mail address for stuff like this but I have probably saved $100's each year by giving my e-mail out and getting coupons and notices of special sales and deals. I especially loved all the $10 off ANY purchase I got from Kohl's after the remodel. I got quite a few things for free or nearly free when I c
  6. I am so glad I didn't respond back when you first posted this. My ideas where quite far from cookies. Sounds like a fun, classy party. I was going to suggest stuff that at my age sound funny but could be by the time I am that age not so much.
  7. I love that we are in second but I can't understand how it is we haven't gotten the votes to take over first. I was just on the www.paulding.k12.ga.us website and it says we have 28,0000 students. When I looked at another area I read (and this was outdated a few years) that we had over 3,000 school employees? It just seems like we should be able to make up the 4,000 votes needed to catch up. The community that is winning posted that they have 8,900 students. I applaud their community support that they are able to out vote a school system with more than 3 times the number of students.
  8. Voted for the day, the kids will vote via their FB's when they get home from school and my husband when he gets home from work. It's great that they are in 2nd place but we need to get more people voting to overtake first. FB is blocked at the schools so maybe that is why we haven't heard of the kids each taking a minute to vote each day. It would be awesome if they could though. If you thought of it as a fundraiser the time it takes ( about a minute a day) vs the reward is amazing! I know at least one school did a call out but wish the county would do one as well. I know I see n
  9. Saw his videos last week. Very sad and touching.
  10. Don't know if they can so I off set it by giving a positive.
  11. I meant to watch but didn't. Hopefully they will replay that one soon. I know who Gary Bussy is but I have no idea who Ted is. Sounds like it will be interesting though.
  12. I didn't start watching until the 3rd quarter and the score was 16-0 Georgia. Having grown up in Michigan I was a little torn but was rooting for Georgia. When it comes to Michigan teams I tend to pull for U 0f M. It was a great game. I hated see Georgia lose after starting out so strong but I was happy for the Spartans. They fought hard to come back and win.
  13. I was thinking the same thing. I think the schools open for staff tomorrow so maybe notes could be prepared to be sent home on Tuesday or one of those calling posts could be set up?
  14. I love it!! You won't get any complaints from me. I just wish I could see them as well as hear them. I'm in New Hope as well and your right it does sound a bit like cannon fire~~perhaps it is coming from the Raider Cannon!
  15. I've sent an e-mail out to my class so hopefully we will get some votes there. I also CC'd the principal. Our PTA president has also posted links on the school FB page as well a another school related page. Best of luck! (to all of us)
  16. Thanks, the place my husband stopped by was on Hwy 92 north of East Paulding Drive. We live in the New Hope area but the car is actually somewhere else right now.
  17. Nice body would be a stretch. It was a Michigan car and has the rust around the edges to prove it! It was also my younger siblings college car and has some dents on the side. If not for that I would probably try that route after hearing your suggestion. What your planning sounds cool but like it will be a lot of work~~Good Luck! I'd love to hear your progress as you go along.
  18. Wish I could give you a +1. Your a sweetie for putting this together and shouldn't feel bad about anything.
  19. It's a Cavalier (sp?) early 2000's. It was a free car that my parents were getting rid of and we stuck in the garage and were gonna let our oldest drive once she got her license but we lost both our cars this fall (one to an accident and another wouldn't pass emissions) so we had to pull it out to drive for a bit. It kept over heating and no one could figure out why. We replaced some parts and had different things done but to no avail. Finally it was determined to be a head gasket. Found someone to replace it but when he got in there said that the over heating had caused some warping to
  20. My husband did go by a place yesterday and they told him the guy he needed to talk to about it was on vacation until next week (as previously posted). I thought someone here might be able to give us some info before then so we could get a head start if there were things we should take off before hand. I did get a PM from someone who has done this and appreciate the info he provided. It is a smaller car so we don't anticipate getting too much but still hope to get as much as we can and recoup some of the money we have put into it. Edited for typo
  21. Thanks but we are looking to do it ourselves. Last time we checked into having someone else do it (I think it was them) they paid $50. Someone on here recently talked about doing it themselves and getting a few hundred dollars. We want to get as much as we can from it. What do you mean by that? Do we need to take that off first?
  22. I did want to come get some from you. I probably should of called but instead I posted in here (page 2 I think) and asked if you'd be in the office a few weeks back. I think you had told someone else to make sure someone would be there before stopping by. I just didn't want you to think no one wanted to come visit you .
  23. After 2 and a half months and too much $$ to think about we found out one of our vehicles needs a new engine. It's just not worth it so we are planning to sell it to a scrap yard. Has anyone done this before? We have installed some new parts in our quest to fix it and plan to take some of them out (battery, water pump, etc...). I believe I read on here that they pay by the pound. Does anyone know if we need to remove all the non metal parts first? The place my husband stopped at to ask said the guy in charge of that is on vacation until next Tuesday but I'd like to get a head start if
  24. I voted as well. Wish we had made it out this year. We were so close (@ a mile and a half a way) but have just had a ton of car problems the past few months. It really looks like you out did yourself! I can't wait until next year.
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