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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I remember back when I was just out of college and working on Hilton Head Island. One of the bar tenders at the hotel I worked at had Thanksgiving at midnight. It was fun. Most of us were night owls anyway because of the hours we kept. It was probably one of my most memorable Thanksgivings as an adult. The dinner was amazing and the drinks were fantastic and the company was a blast.

  2. It allows you to compare several different plans --- where did i say that it got you a reduced rate???


    When i needed just dental isurance when my cobra ran out and my company allowed me to continue paying on the medical only, this helped me find the right coverage.


    Of course, you can talk to a broker, who has only a few plans, and might try to hard sell you into the one that gives him the highest commission -- don't know.


    We are aabout to go on COBRA, does it not extend to dental and life, etc.....? Yikes my husbands last day is in December and the kids have Dentist appts in January!


  3. well there are 3 books i believe in the series ... you gonna have to be aspeed reader to get them all in i think :lol:



    There are actually 4 books in the series. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

  4. I would LOVE to get one for my classroom! If you don't mind me asking, how much was it at the Rixie Pixie? The ones I have seen online are pretty expensive....


    They are pretty much $29.99 everywhere you go BUT Barnes and Noble gives special discount on them for teachers. I tried to get it but I don't teach full time. I don't remember the exact price but it was less than $25. Also Barnes and Noble has a coupon right now (I got the e-mail this morning) for 40% off one item. You could use it for that. Or The learning Express has a coupon for I think $5 off an order of $50 or more. So if you were buying more than one you could save a little that way as well.

  5. My 18 yr old daughter took her brother and sister to see it and they all loved it. My son has read all the books and loved the series. He read them all in a week. They have the series at the library at Moses. He read them last year unless something else has come out he doesn't know about.



    The fourth and final book came out this summer. It's called Breaking Dawn. Although Moses has all the books the first three are restricted to 8th graders (unless you have permission from you parents) and the 4rth I beleive is available for adults (parents, teacher, etc....) to read. One of the fun and great things about the Moses Library is that the parents and staff can AR test as well. In fact there is a running competition between the adults as well as the students and the top readers are announced each day on the announcements. Ms. Talley has the tests for all 4 books.


    Also if you go to www.stepheniemeyer.com you can read a version of Twilight that Stephenie was writing from Edwards perspective. She was going to finish and publish it but well, you'll have to read what happened to that on her website. I forget the title but you should be able to find it pretty easily.

  6. We saw it for the second time yesterday. It's not going to win any awards but I love the books and found the movie funny and entertaining. My favorite part is when Charlie is cleaning his gun... I won't say more but it's funny. The ending was great too definitely leaving things open for New Moon. If you haven't read the book you really should. They are an easy read. My daughter wasn't even able to use them for a book report since the reading level is 4 point something.

  7. Bummer I really enjoy both of these shows. Of course Boston has had a long run. Didn't it start out with Dermont and well I don't remember everybody's names but it was great back then. I quit watching it for a few years then started back up last year. I'm really going to miss these two. I loved when Katie Holmes was on Eli.


    Oh well, I watch to much tv as it is. And atleast I still have Lost, American Idol, 24, Bones, gosh there is just so much great tv these days.....

  8. Sounds a bit like what I have to look forward to over Christmas break. Michigan, Georgia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, home. I'm still not sure I can handle that on my own (well, I'll have my three kids but none are old enough to help with the driving) and I will have more time than you. Prayers and thoughts are with you.

  9. No, I can't imagine underwear lasting that long. I wear mine until they are worn out but I have never had anything that I wore on a regular basis last that long. I did have a pair of well, unmentionables I got at my bachlorette party 16 years ago but they didn't haven't seen a whole lot of action the past well, several years. I finally tossed them last spring.

  10. COBRA should be available to you for 18 months. It can be expensive though. My husband is getting ready to swith jobs and we found out that it is going to cost close to $1000 a month to keep our insurance. It is great insurance but I had no idea how much the company put toward it. We have been paying abou t$58 a week for health and $10 for dental (this includes ortho). I wish we had known how much it would be when my husband agreed to his new salary. It sounded like a great increase in pay until we figured out how much we would be paying for our own insurance. We are currently shopping around but will keep the Cobra for the winter months atleast.


    Have you looked into peach care? Depending on how much your family income is your child may qualify for that.


    Good Luck!

  11. My daughter wants one of those too! My MIL gets the catalog, and my daughter always brings them home with her and points at them and says "mine." My husband keeps telling her that we will get her one. I keep telling him that he is crazy-no way will I buy a $100 doll for a 2 yr old!! She won't know the difference in one from american girl and one from walmart-but i sure do $90!! However, we might get her one on down the road when she is older.



    Your comment about how she wouldn't know the difference reminded me of a couple of things. First, I remember meeting a lady at a consignment sale 4-5 years ago (we were just about to get my daughter her first AG) and this lady told me how her daughter had wanted one and she kept buying her the Wal-mart/Target brands and wished she would have just gotten her the AG to start with. She said she would have saved $ in the end. Also, last year my niece who was in Kindergarten at the time said she wanted one. Well my sister got her the Target brand instead and she still wanted AG and ended up getting her Julie for Christmas. She is really into the Bitty Twins now and bought a set with her Birthday money last February, Julie is their big sister. I also got her a Bitty Baby when she was 2 or 3 and she plays with that alot.


    I do agree that at the age of 2 seh wouldn't know the difference and you could wait until she is older and would appreciate the value of it a little more before getting her a big girl doll. Having said that, if you decide to get her one anyway feel free to contact me with any questions. Some of the girls have hair that is harder to take care of than others. I also belong to a message board and there are tons of Moms on there that can give you advice on which dolls are best for what age. Some kids are just more careful than others and you certainly don't want to spend $90-100 on something that will get trashed. But if it does AG does have a hospital that can fix your dolly right up.



  12. my daughter wants a doll from american girl. I just do not know how sure I am. $100



    There is a free shipping code that ends today if you are planning on ordering it online. I can also share a $10 off code with you if you like. If you buy the Kit movie some of them come with a $10 off coupon you can use in the store or online. It took nearly two years of my daughter wanting a American Girl doll before I splurged and got her one. Now she has several (some second hand and some she saved and bought for herself). I have never regretted it. I only wish there was something I could have bought my boys that retained it's value like American Girl does. One thing I had bought for $18 that my daughter didn't end up wanting I was able to sell for $80 after it retired. Just PM me if you want the code or any information on the dolls. American Girl is a great company and they have awesome costomer service. I could tell you stories about how great they are that no other company can touch.

  13. Maybe she is more comfortable on a couch. When I was younger my parents used to make sure I tried out any couch before they bought it because they knew that is where I would crash. Now I really only sleep comfortably in my own bed.


    When I first got married 16 years ago I remember my parents coming to visit and them taking our bed and my husband and I sleeping on the couch. We still always give up our room when we have company and bunk with the kids or in the extra room.


    Personally it drives me nuts when anyone sleeps on my couch because I like to stay up late and watch tv, also if I can't sleep I like to go and watch tv or read in the living room. Just last night my daughter started falling asleep on the couch and I was about to push her onto the floor but she finally wandered up stairs.


    If it's a couch she wants maybe you can get one off craigslist real cheap or even free. Good Luck!

  14. I voted that we will be spending a little less. As far as gifts I will be spending quite a bit less but plan on giving more than usual in the offering at church. I made a commitment to "give big" for the next three months and I am going to try and stick with that.


    I was feeling pretty lucky that none of my kids has been asking for anything in particular. I know my 6th grade daughter wants a DVD player so I planned to get one on Black Friday. Well today my kids on their own all decided to do wishlist. My 8 year old currently has 53 things on his list. I had to laugh. He has little things like a pencil or calendar and then he has things like a book shelf, desk and pool for the back yard. My 6th grader has about a dozen things two of which she said she knows she won't be getting, a puppy and a laptop. I would so love to get my kids computers if I had the money. We are so blessed to have a computer but as my older two need to do more and more school work and research on the internet I find we are really having a hard time making sure everyone is able to get the time on it they need. They are such great kids. My 5th grader is asking for a couple of video games and a webcam so he can talk to his Dad. My husband is taking a job out of state and I think we will definitely get something to help keep us all connected when we aren't together.


    I have also been using giftcards that my husband I have gotten from last Chrismas and our birthdays to use to buy gifts for the rest of the family. I would love to be debt free in three so the best way to do that is to not go overboard the next few years.


    I am however really wanting to have a real Thanksgiving dinner so we may need to pull out the plastic to do that. Dinner in our house usually consists of ramen noodles, cheap hotdogs, mac n cheese, grilled cheese, pizza rolls , nuggets, that kind of thing.


    We definitely have much to be thankful for this year so I am especially excited about the holidays this year. Well truth be told I always love this time of year.

  15. That is disgusting but I bet it was a lot better than had it been a brain tumor.


    It reminds me of a story one of my step parents told me. She said that as a kid she got into a (fun) fight in the barn of her aunts farm and got seed in her ear. She didn't reallize it right away and started having headaches. At some point she went to the doctor where they found some kind of plant growing inside causing pressure.


    A worm though, that just grosses me out!

  16. That really stinks. I bet if you had gotten someone else they would have just plugged in a price and let you go. I know I had some light bulbs that wouldn't ring up this summer and the cashier just picked a price and sold them to me.


    This story also reminded me of a time when my nephew was really into Diego (from Dora) and I found the cutest shirt for him at Walmart. When I went to check out it wouldn't ring up. The cashier noticed that it actually had a K-mart tag on it and had to hand ring in the price. She said that K-mart got stuff from the Wal-mart factory and sometimes the tags or deliveries would get mixed up. Crazy!


    I hope your son gets his train soon.

  17. I took my then 3rd grade son on a long Mother/Son weekend to NYC a couple of years ago and I swear those public restrooms were one of the highlights of the trip for me. I couldn't get the song they played over and over out of my head. It was so fun. There were no flatscreens that year but I was fascinated by all the choices in paper they had in the restroom. There was also an area to take photo's and you were supposed to dance on a stage before they let you leave. People were crazy. It was the begining of December and oh so much fun. Just so you don't think I am crazy we had several highlights~~~skating in Central Park, seeing the Grinch show on Broadway, Serendipidy's (YUM!!!), the tree at Rockafellar Center, gosh I could go on and on and on.

  18. I took my then 3rd grade son on a long Mother/Son weekend to NYC a couple of years ago and I swear those public restrooms were one of the highlights of the trip for me. I couldn't get thesond out of my head. It was so fun. There were no flatscreens that year but I was fascinated by all the choices in paper they had in the restroom. There was also an area to take photo's and you were supposed to dance on a stage before they let you leave. People were crazy. It was the begining of December and oh so much fun. Just so you don't think I am crazy we had several highlights~~~skating in Central Park, seeing the Grinch show on Broadway, Serendipidy's (YUM!!!), the tree at Rockafellar Center, gosh I could go on and on and on.

  19. Awwww! :wub:


    That is such a great idea for you to ask him to write a persuasive essay! GREAT JOB!!


    So, what's the verdict?


    He got to see it last night. I'm a pushover what can I say. I just impressed I held out this long. He doesn't really like writing so I was impressed.



    I'm convinced. Let him see the movie. Please, please, please. :lol:


    No kidding that's a smart kid you've got.



    Thanks, he is a keeper that is for sure. I caved and let him see it last night.

  20. I'm having problems with the website also. I called and just got off the phone. I think I was on hold for 4-5 minutes but once I got to talk to someone they were really nice. The CS lady mentioned how busy they were and took information for everyone in our house, all 5 of us. She said as long as everyone had their own e-mail they could get a coupon.


    How fun!!

  21. That's so cool!!


    Did you ask him to write the paper?


    I don't want you to embarrass him either, but I'd love to read his paper!




    He has been begging to go and I told him maybe if he wrote me a persuasive paper convincing me I would let him. I felt the need to even things out since I let my daughter see Twilight (another PG 13 movie) earlier this week. They are real close in age sooo......


    I tried to cut and paste it but it wouldn't work. I'll go ahead and type it for you...


    Why I Should See The Dark Knight


    Well.... I want to see this movie called The Dark Knight, but, you won't let me see it. There are plenty of good reasons why I should be able to see this movie. That is what you will be reading about.


    First of all, how is this going to effect me in my life? It is probably not that bad. If I see it I promise you it will not destroy my mind. I will act the same and be the same person if I see this movie. The bad stuff in the movie will mean nothing to me.


    Second, if you see a movie in a series you HAVE to see the other ones. So I have to see the second Batman movie. It is like seeing Harry Potter number one and not seeing number two. It is a need to know what happens in the rest of the story. You should not let me not see it. Do you have a movie series you have to watch?


    Now that I have thought about it, I bet you really want to see this movie also. You know you want to. This could be, lets say, an early Christmas present! We would enjoy this movie. You know Mother/son bonding time! It could be a very special moment for the both of us.


    Do you think I am mature? If you don't let me see this movie it makes me think you think I'm not very mature. I am sure I am pretty mature. For example, in this paper I'm not yelling and screaming at you. I am just simply telling you why I should see The Dark Knight. There are many more reasons why I am mature enought to see the movie.


    These are just some of the many reasons I should be able to see The Dark Knight. So please, please, please let me watch the movie. Please.



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