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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I bought the 1st Twilight for my son for Christmas after hearing how popular the books are. I hope he likes it.


    If you've read it, what would you rate it? The movie clips that I see are vampire love scenes. I hope it's not X-rated!



    I would not say that the books are x rated at all. Although the fourth book does make it obvious that alot of action (for lack of a better word) is going on but without being descriptive, if I remember correctly.

  2. My daughter is going to be 12 in less than a month and loves Twilight. This summer it bacame her favorite series. She absolutely loves the movie too. Recently though the Twilight series has been bumped from her favorite series to second favorite by the Percy Jackson series. Third place is Harry Potter.


    My Mom is the one who got us into Twilight. I remember last Spring my sister calling me and saying I hate to admit it but Mom is right you have to read these books. They are really good. My Mom is always into something or another so it's kind of a joke when she sends or reccomends a new book. It could be about a new diet or a new age thing but she was right. My Mom gave me the first three books for my birthday in May and I loved them. I still like HP better but I still think there great. Of course I like anything that gets the whole family reading.


    I saw the movie twice and that is enough for now. The midnight preview was the best. I think my daughter would be up for a couple more times though.

  3. Nothing wrong with making a profit. Basic laws of supply and demand.


    Thank you for that. Yeah, it was about $270 with tax so my profit would only be about $45 which might be worth it for someone who doesn't feel like driving around. I have several interested people it's just finding one that works out. Plus I don't want a check from someone I don't know.


    Having said that, I was just at the Wal-mart in Acworth and they had 4 left out of a shipment they got today. Not sure if they still have any but it might be worth a call. When I was there someone was buying one and calling a friend to see if they still needed one as well.

  4. Behind would be the understatement of the year. I'm hoping Santa brings me a cleaning fairy for Christmas. Seriously though I would love someone to come help me get organized but well, then I would feel like I had to clean up before they got here :lol:

  5. I am not saying am so old I need a cane- I am just saying most get them when the are HS or something. And it becomes them. I was always have had the regret factor.



    As for crisis- i think there is one for every age ending in a "0" 30 and up. They just get worse :)

    I hope I didn't make you feel bad. I really did expect you to be eighty or something. Having said that most of my friends who got them in college regret it and the only people I know who don't regret them got them after their lives were settled and they were older.


    I hope you get it because it really sounds like you have thought it out and I feel like the likely hood of your regretting not getting it would me more than if you do.

  6. First off to the OP~~~ 29 OLD are you crazy or just fishing? Seriously though I expected to open this thread and read about someone who was 80 or something.


    I am normally against Tatoo's but I feel like in your case you won't regret it. You have wanted it for 10 years and nothing has changed. Do it as a Christmas gift to yourself.


    Now to the person who called 30 a mid life crisis age. I don't think so, 30 is just out of puberty in my book. 50 might be mid life or even mid 40's but definitely not 30!

  7. I didn't read through all the posts but I wanted to say I have three kids and I don't know if I have ever gotten the perfect Christmas card picture when I tried. The first year I did it I had a 1 year old and a baby and took like two rolls of film (before digital). The picture I ended up using was one of took of them in the Christmas PJ"s watching toy story sharing a recliner in their Santa Hats. Then a few years later I took one of all three kids with Santa beards (bubbles) in the bathtub. I had taken dozens in front of the tree with no success. I think the pressure is just too much for the little ones and they sense it.


    So anyways, what I am saying is don't beat yourself up. It is a very frustrating experience for most of us. We only see the end results of other families pictures and not the stressful process it took them to get there.

  8. We got our daughter one when she graduated from elementary school with all A's. Truth be told I would have gotten her one anyway once she got to middle school. I had heard complaints from parents about their kids not being allowed to call home. I want my kids to know I am here WHENEVER t6hey need me. They won't abuse it though but I'm sure every kid is different. We made her pick out a free one and if she wanted anything that costed more than that she had to pay for. She did. We have unlimited text (I think it was abou t$20 more a month) on Verizon and couldn't be happier. I love all the texts I get from her and so does her Dad. She only recently started texting with friends. I had to take it away for the first time today (do to her not doing her homework and lying about it) but it was hard. I will miss all those cute little messages and pictures she sends me. Even the requests she sends from her room upstairs. Those crack me up!


    I have an 8 year old and I'm not sure about that. He's not getting one for a while and he will have to earn it. I did finally let him have an e-mail though and we are having fun with that.

  9. Regarding the whole "forclosure" thing. Since you don't own the house you can't be forclosed on. If the owners are forclosed on then you would have to move. If the owner actually means "eviction" well I knew a couple who used to dable in the renting business and they said eviction is a looooong process. You can't just be a little late but a lot late, like months and they told me if a payment is made you have to start the whole process over. I don't understand why your landlord would want to evict someone who is only $50 shy of their payment but what do I know.


    I totally understand about your kids and wanting to get them presents. Money is tight in our house too. I had to pull out the plastic to cover some of our gifts. I will say though that both my church and the school where my kids attend have been collecting donations to give stuff to families. I don't know where your kids go to school but Abney was collecting stuff from the families there to give back to the families there that couldn't afford stuff. I hope you can hook up with an organization, church or school because I bet you could not only get some toys but some clothes and other neccesities as well.

  10. Well daang it. I have 11 classroom teachers, 7 specials teachers, 4 lunch ladies, 4 custodians and 2 bus drivers. I was planning an all night bake-a-thon of fudge and cookies. I do it every year. I did get the main elementary teachers an additional gift as well but I hate to leave anyone out and I hate to give homemade goodies to some but not others. Oh well............

  11. I had one for sale on Craigslist and the buyer had to back out because her brakes went out in her car. If you are interested send me a PM. I am asking $315 for it. I bought it at Game Stop last month (still have the reciept around here somewhere) and it is new in box. It's the Sports Bundle (boxing, tennis, bowling, baseball and golf) and comes with two controllers< one regular and one numchuck.

  12. My husband used to work for a restaurant chain and would get a $100 bill (he was the GM). Then in 2001 he recieved a nice thank you note explaining how hard the country had been hit since 9/11 with a $15 gift card to the restaurant he worked at. I thought that was so lame of them. After that there weren't any Christmas bonuses but they could still get store performance bonuses based on costs, employment and customer surveys.


    What are all these jobs that give huge bonuses? I am a stay at home Mom for now but am looking to join the work force in a few years. I was thinking about going and getting my CPA but I really don't know how it pays or what I would need to do to get there. That is the goal anyway. I love numbers and always aced my accounting classes in college but for whatever reason got a major in Hospitality Management and a minor in Marketing.


    Congrats to you all!

  13. I was driving in my car yesterday going totally crazy thinking about all the things I have to do this week (half of which won't get done but hey don't let me hear you say that just yet) and I thought "Thank goodness for my son's room parent". I have done the room parent think a few times and I absolutely love it. It is so rewarding but yesterday I thought Wow, I so appreciate all this woman is doing this week. My son is in a great class and had I think 10 parents offer to be the room parent this year so I wasn't needed :( Anyway, I feel so guilty that all I had to do this week was send a check in for some food and a few craft donations. I am feeling the need to go get her a card or gift. It has never occured to me to get the Room Mom something before which is surprising considering I know first hand how much work it is. I guess I know how much of a reward it is to walk in a room and have all the kids want to come give you a hug and smile when they see you. Still though, if I can find the time I really want to show this woman how much I appreciate her.



  14. I don't buy on ebay as much as I used to but I wanted to suggest using a bid sniping service. There are several out there and they will place your bid for you with just seconds left. I use www.justsnipe.com when I remember to because you get a certain number of free bids per week or month. I would get so frustrated when I would think I had won an item because I was the high bidder with lots of breathing room in the final seconds only to be out bid. ALOT of people use these services so if you are looking for something that is sought after you are almost at a disadvantage if you don't. Like I said I don't use ebay that much and I don't always use this service but it does come in handy when I am not going to be home when an auction is ending or if I am worried that I might forget about it.


    Good Luck!

  15. Hi, I just wanted to bump this up in case there are any more places to add. Also, we went and watched the Felix Family Lights for a little while tonight (hope to go another night and catch the whole show). They were AWESOME! We left a little change and a check (hope that is okay). Thanks Felix Family!

  16. I don't think anyone should judge the people that left him. We don't know their story. Maybe they got evicted, maybe they had to move, who really knows. They probably thought he might have a better chance at the church than the shelter. The shelter is a great place but maybe they were worried he would get put down or not be wanted because of his teeth. Whatever happens I hope he finds a home for Christmas.

  17. My first thought when I read your post was to tell you two words "Cesear Milan" That man can work miracles. My daughter was wild for dogs a few years ago and we had to watch that show constantly. I learned so much and you probably could to. Of course I think even he would agree the first step is to keep the dog away from the kids (which you already have) and make sure nothing else is going on. Honestly though, with what your poor dog has gone through for me that is explanation enough. Not an excuse but I can see where his world has been turned upsidedown. I hope you are able to figure this out so that you can all remain one big happy family. If not atleast you will know that you did everything you could and explored all options.


    You sound like a great person with a BIG heart and whatever you decide will be the right thing.


    I'll be thinking of you (and you family, including the furry member).


    It is obvious to me that the OP is not having the dog around her kids at this time. I think everyone'e ad

  18. ALthough you gave some good choices my favorite burgers are from Fudruckers and then Steak and Shake. I haven't had a Fudruckers burger in forever but everytime I do I melt inside. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Now Steak and Shake might be my other favorite because I only just discovered them recently.

  19. Never heard of singled out but LOVED Party of Five. Jennifer Love Hewitt was Bailey's girlfriend and Neve played Bailey's sister so Jennifer and Neve were like sisters. I tried to find some episodes online to show my kids since they so love Ghost Whiperer and Lost but the only episodes I found were horrible quality. I never thought to check Youtube. Maybe I will do that.

  20. Not a stupid question at all. I was actually wondering the same thing. All I know is mine came with a nice message and made me smile. Of course when I click on my rating thing the mayberry shows up but it also says something about having a warning issued and being -1?

  21. Brown-eyed-girl:


    I have a thing for brown eyed girls ... if you think these folks were too mean or put your down, maybe I can shoot them for you.


    As far as the information on your child, the schools carry liability insurance but they're not eager to have claims against it and would likely require you to prove it was their fault before paying the claim.


    I'm not certain of the status of the peachcare program for your youngster but, depending on things like your income, etc., that program may be worthwhile even in addition to an employer-paid health plan. If you're covering the costs of health care from your income (as in self-employed), yes I image the deductibles would be enormously high ... hence if you qualify and can get it, peachcare would be a good idea for the kids. (I know that the program was in danger of running out of money last year and I'm not sure of its present status but it was an effort to increase the amount of covereage available for kids.)


    Most of the other insurance offered by the school is probably better characterized as life/dismemberment and burial insurance policies. My impression of those is that some insurance company pays the school for the right to distribute the policy information and it may or may not be a good deal but would not likely cover the circumstance you mention.


    I may be totally off base on this but maybe someone who sells insurance may be a good one to contact.


    BTW: My understanding is that you might also contact the folks who sold you the high-deductible insurance ... insurance, which is sort of like institutional gambling (they're betting bad things don't happen to you just as you don't want bad things to happen), can be bought for many things including a smaller policy that would pay off or supplement your current health care policy by paying off 'up to the deductible' ... Yes, there is someone out there somewhere that would take that bet. ..


    the other alternative is to create one of those defined benefit programs where you contribute tax-free money to your 'health maintinance' and it deducted to your health co-pay account monthly (self insurance with pre-tax dollars) and you just pay out of that account. I suspect if you had an account like that setup, it would be a snap to arrange payments to the health care provider (at the rate of $100/150/mo)


    Take what I offer with a grain a salt because I'm not expert ... just felt that some of the ideas may have some value.






    Awww, no one has ever offered to shoot someone for me...Thanks for that. It means alot :) .


    Thanks also for all the information. Although we have insurance now we will actually be looking for some new insurance early next year (job change = crazy high cobra payments) and everything you said will definitely come in handy.


  22. Thanks for everyone's words and well wishes. My child is doing great. No, I am not looking to blame anyone. I know where I work if someone gets hurt while at work it's covered by workmans comp. The company may decide to look into what can be done to prevent it from happening again but usually they don't. Accidents happen and they want you to get whatever you need done to make sure you are okay.


    We have what I consider to be good insurance. The bill was actually over $2000 and all that's left after insurance is about $600.00. Someone had just mentioned to me today about maybe the school system has to carry some kind of insurance comparable to what work places have to offer. I wasn't asking about liability. It may take a year or so but we will be able to pay it. I think as long as we send in a little each month the hospital will be happy. They have already received a chunk of their money. They did a great job. IN no way was I suggesting it was anyones fault or was I trying to find a way to get out of paying. I was just looking for quick information.


    Thanks again

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