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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I always wrap everything. Even the stockings. I use paper with Santa on it for the present from him and the stocking stuff from him. I don't think my kids really notice though. When they were younger the big gifts were from Santa but one year when my daughter was in K or 1st grade one of her classmates wondered out loud how come Santa brought better gifts for some kids than others. After that I decided that Santa would get the kids something smaller like a board game or smaller toy.


    I don't think the whole unwrap thing would go over well in our house. My kids are pretty close in age and I would hate to see one kid get huge eyes for something that turned out to be for the other. The best thing I ever did gift wise was to get the youngest the Nintendo DS lite when the older kids had aging Gameboy's. They were so nice to him and for a while there was peace amoung the three of them. He loved the attention and had fun sharing with them. In return they were so polite and sweet to him. That ended when they got their own. :D


    I love hearing everyone's traditions.

  2. I love the REM song.


    Isn't there a song that says something about "these are the days of our lives"? THe previous poster reminded me of it.


    Good luck. It sounds like you have a lot of great ideas and I'm sure whatever you pick it will be perfect.

  3. Thank you for using Paulding.com. :huh: Everyone here is full of great advice. :nea: My suggestion to you is to contact the school and/or the Board of Education to get your question answered properly. :good:



    I had hoped someone here would know. A message was left but if it is gonna open a can of worms for the school to even bring it up I don't want to do that. Especially if there is nothing in place. On the other hand if there was something that helped with this kind of thing why not use it.


    My son got hurt at school and needed stitches a month ago..My Insurance paid for it..But it's not cheap since you have to go to the ER..PED's don't do stitches for some reason :wacko:


    But the Insurance wanted to get the responsible person to pay for it first before they would. Since a minor fell on him..They paid for it and let it go.


    I also didn't get the Insurance the school offered.


    Thanks, that was just the information I was looking for!


  4. Hi, I had a quick question. My child was injured on the playground and his head hit either some concrete hidden under the wood chips/dirt or perhaps a rock. He ended up getting stitches and having some medical tests done to make sure he didn't have any further injuries. After the deductible we still owe close to $600 and I'm wondering if the school system has something in place to help cover these kinds of things. Kind of like workmans comp when someone gets injured on the job. I don't want to make a big deal out of it and I certainly don't want anything to happen to the swings or playground. From what I was told he just fell off and hit his head, nothing improper was going on. So I don't think it was a safety issue so much as an accident. Money is just tight and I was just trying to figure out how I am going to pay this bill when someone suggested I look into this.



  5. Ihave never had this happen. I usually use Quicktrip. However today I got some gas on Bobo road because it was $1.49 a gallon. I haven't checked my bank account so maybe I should do that since I used a station I don't normally use.


    WOW, that's just crazy!

  6. I really appreciate everybody's help, I can afford to go buy the kids a couple of outfits a piece. I just did not realize who sold the extra slim or the adjustable slim pants for boys. All of your help is greatly appreciated and looks like I am headed to Target and Walmart to the slim boys dept. Thanks everybody!!!!!!!!!


    Hi, I just wanted to give you the heads up that on Black Friday Target had all their Cherokee jeans on sale. I went to 3 Targets and couldn't find an 8 slim. Anyways, I ordered them online (straight leg version is slimmer than the others atleast that I have noticed). They had free shipping with a minimun order. So if you can't find them I would order them that way. Hope you are able to find some. It always seems like the size we are looking for is sold out. Thanks goodness for the internet. Oh and you can get a rebate back if you go to ebates.com and click on the Target link through there.


    Good luck and prayers for you sister and her kids.


  7. We had Geico for a long time and then a few years ago we checked around and Progressive was cheaper. They gave discounts for paying for 12 months instead of 6 months. Last year about this time Geico called and we compared what they had and they were cheaper at the time so we switched back to them. Our policy runs out in the next week or two so I will be calling around one day this week to see if they are still our best bet.


    Good Luck, I will be interested to hear what everyone has to say.


    Oh I just remembered that I did fing a company or two that was cheaper than both of them but when I checked out their ratings online there were a lot of complaints. I don't remember where I checked them out, maybe epinions but you might want to look at that as well when making your decision.

  8. My husband and daughter served their last night. I'm bummed we can't go. I was in the choir the past two years and just loved it. Every year I think, next year we are going to go as a family and last Sunday I came soooo close to just buying those tickets despite out of our budget price tag (there are 5 of us). But Dave Ramsey's voice of reason won out (if you don't have the cash, don't spend the money). He doesn't always win but this time he did. I really hope if we are still in the area next year we can go. If not my husband, myself and two of my three kids are old enough to work or sing in the choir.


    I hope you have a great time. The past few years they have showed bits and pieces of it on Sunday morning. I could never grow tired of the whold drum thing last year. WOW that was amazing!

  9. I went and checked this service on a couple of addresses I knew that have sold in the last year and none of them showed up. Like most on-line services, they are 2 to 5 years out of date. Not a good source for property value information. Now a days, 6 months may be out of date!


    Oh I'm sorry. When I put in our address it seems to be current. Last night after I posted the link I went to check it out and it had several recent sales in our area. The latest on 10/12/08. Maybe it varies by location I'm not sure.

  10. Here is a link to a website I like to use.




    You don't have to give any personal information. When I click in my address it gives me an estimate (not sure how accurate that is) for my house but the real useful information it that is shows what houses around yours have sold for and when and tells a little about the home (square feet, # of rooms, etc..) When I get bored I type in family and friends in other states to see what they paid for their houses. Oh yeah , it also tells you what the house last sold for and when.


    Good Luck. It looks like we will be putting our house up for sale as well. Hubby has taken an out of state job and the kids and I hope to join him when school lets out in June. We'll see......

  11. I have a 5th grade boy and he is a little harder than my 6th grade daughter and 2nd grade son. So far I have gotten him one of those round cokes thay have at Walmart, A GIANT Hershey bar and a mechanical pencil. I don't know what it is about those pencils but they love them. Did anyone put a deck of cards? Some kids like card games or magic tricks. My son wants the thing that looks like your finger is cut off. I also usually get him a small gift certificate to his favorite FF restaurant. And then of course an apple or something like that. Oh my kids also like that Flarp stuff. When I was a kid they called it elephant snot (nice, I know) then someone must have discovered if you take it out and try to stuff it back in the tub it makes "that" noise. Good Luck, I'll be checking this thread for ideas.

  12. Good to know. I hate shopping for a place to get car work done. We have a place we use that we like but it's pretty casual and you never really know when your car will get don. I dont know if they do brakes so I will keep this info handy for when I need it.

  13. When I was growing up the Pastors daughter at my church felt this way. She went out with a guy one time and he leaned over and kissed her (nothing long or romantic) and it surprised her. She told him later about how she wanted to wait until she was married. The next time they kissed they were married and have been for 20+ years. He wasn't her first kiss but still it worked for them.


    Maybe for this Chicago couple it will work the opposite it does for alot of couples whose "action" decreases after the marriage. I hope they live a long and happy life together.


    I wanted to wait for certain things but never kissing, boy was kissing fun as a teenager. Of course now that I have a daughter I cringe when I think about her kissing, really kissing boys. I know it will happen but for some reason the older I get the more intimate it seems. Kind of like how Julie Roberts won't kiss on the lips with her "Johns".

  14. Besides some that have already been read I suggest the Percy Jackson series. My son hates reading but loved the first book The Lightening Thief, he is now reading the second book Sea of Monsters. There are two more books in the series (the fourth just came out so it is only available in hardback). I haven't read it yet but I asked my husband to read it and he read it in 2 days and my daughter read it in one. I am holding off because I am a quick reader and my son is a slow reader. It is really bothering him that he "discovered" this series and everyone is reading the rest before him.


    Another book that might also seem to interest your son is the Wimpy Kid series. This seems to appeal to all ages. I worked the book fair at my childs middle school and we sold over 100 of these. I couldn't beleive how many we had to start with ( a few boxes) and we had to reorder them several times. It is an easy read (my younger son has read them as well) but is about a middle school boy. The first one is called Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I think it starts something like this "Let's get one thing straight, this is a diary NOT a journal, journals are for girls" and goes on to say how his mom is making him do this.


    Good Luck, I hope some suggestions are added that I haven't already tried so I can get some good tips.

  15. Okay, so if you know where to get just the elf, I want to know. We bought Elf on the Shelf last year, but I can't find our Elf, Carm. So, I'm fixing to now have to go spend ANOTHER $30 on another one. :(



    I heard somewhere that you can buy replacement elves. Did you check the website? I bought a couple today as teacher gifts and got them autographed by the author at The Learning Express. I had a 40% coupon for Barnes and Noble so with tax I paid $19.05 or something like that. I got the coupon in an e-mail and it is good through tomorrow and you have to use a master card to pay. I actually took all three to get autographed and the lady was just so very nice. I was surprised there weren't more people there.


    They had plenty at Barnes and Noble though with more than one display throughout the store.

  16. DS and I left the house about 11pm last night. We headed for the Mall and hit Areopostale (the mall forgot to set their timer so they couldn't get the lights on until just before 1am but DS slept in a comfy chair while we waited). I got 2 pr pants for myself at 70%, everything else I bought was 50-60%off including body spray, 2 hendley's, black lace bottom cami, monkey slippers and a shirt for 8 year old DS. This put me at $103 so I got one of the teddy bears my daughter wanted for free.


    Next we went and got in line at Target (Kennesaw). Well DS Slept in the car and I got in line. A nice girl lent me a pair of gloves and I went and got her the chair I had bought for DS. At about 4am I went to "find a bathroom" and hit the JC Penney homestore across the street. I had bought bedding for my son this week and noticed it was going to be onsale as a doorebuster. I went prepared to return and rebuy but they just did a price adjustment with the reciept Ended up paying $70 for what was originally $170). Decided to go spend the money I saved very quickly and went over of course. I got new rugs and covers for the bathroom and cool candle things I was eyeing a few weeks ago, and an soft sherpa oversize pillow for my son.


    Headed back over to Target (I did use the bathroom at the Home Store). Q100 came and gave out free donuts and coffee. Everyone was in a great mood. We were 5th or 6th in line but by now it was very long. In Target I got PSP Bundle, DVD player, Flash Video Camera (for DS to make You Tube videos), SD Card, Portable DVD Player, Digital Camera, jeans and a shirt for one of the boys, DS game, a DVD, and a Wii game. I was excited that my DS didn't see the things I got him and will still be surprised come Christmas. I had a 10% card so I saved extra which was nice.


    Then we headed to Borders to get some Twilight stuff (calendar, keychain) for my DD. Then back to the mall to check out gamestop and Hollister (didn't buy anything at either store), then to Marshalls and TJ Maxx (again, didn't buy anything ), then onto Chick-fil-a for some biscuits. After that we headed back up 41 toward home. My sister called so we stopped at the Target in Acworth to pick up something for her, make a quick stop at Circuit City (bought 1 game), then a quick stop at Kohls (line way too long) and then home by I don't know 10am or so.


    Planned to go to sleep but saw I had sold something on ebay so ran out to the post office to mail it. Then to bed.

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