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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Yeah, he's yummy alright!


    That youngest daughter is too cute.


    The people who complain about her "showing" off the kids are the same ones that would accuse her of "hiding" them if she didn't have them out on stage and in the audience. I don't think it matters what party you belong to, as a mother or father you would want to show off your family at some point.


    I don't know who I'm voting for yet but I sure was entertained listening to her speech. In fact I've watched it twice (Thanks goodness for TiVo).


    While watching her I kept thinking how fun it would be to see her and Hillary in a debate. I also thought Obama was probably laughing and sweating at the same time.

  2. I haven't been on since school started but I tend to rotate. Right now I like triple strike sol. and Where's Wacky. I love the word game but I have never been able to finish it. I think I played all day once last year and had to quit when the kids got home from school. If there were a timer I'd do poorly but I sit there and try to think of the longest word possible for the most points. I used to have a cheat sheet I made of words that end in some of the harder letters but I don't know what happened to it.


    When I first started playing I was addicted to Cash Cow. Oh and I love tile towers and the one were you have to add up numbers. Man, I can usually make a good $200 kinzcash on that one. And then there is bullseye batter. Oh I could go on and on.

  3. I reccomend selling them at a consigment sale. I did a sale last week at Due West United Methodist church and made $250. I still have some more stuff to get rid of and am going to do the McEachern consignment sale next week. I think they still have openings.


    If you are not familiar with these type sales usually you pay around $5-$6 and you price your stuff. The church or group hosting the sale keeps 20-30% and you keep the rest. The sales going on right now are taking winter clothes, toys, baby equipment, etc.... They usually have two sales a year and I have always had great luck at the Due West sale (called Due West Treasure Chest). When I lived in Woodstock I would sell at the First Baptist church sale. I have only done the McEachern sale once before and made around $100.


    Another bonus to selling at these sales is that usually sellers and volunteers get to shop before the public does. You also don't have to wait long to get your money since these sales usually last just 2-4 days so you have your money by the following week.


    There is a website called thebargainwatcher.com that lists sales by date, county, etc.....


    Good luck whatever you do!

  4. I have to admit the talking stain creeps me out a little but it is a great commercial. The talking stain reminds me of when I'm trying to have a conversation with someone and my kids just talk like they are the only ones in the room. I can't understand a word anyone says. The person who came up with this commercial should be patting him/herself on the back. It's unforgetable.


    My favorite commercial right now is the roll over minutes one where the hubby goes to throw out the minutes after milk gets spilled on them and the mother says how they are perfectly good minutes and how happy her sister would be to have roll over minutes because she doesn't have any and then I think it's the husband who says "I thought your sister was lactose intolerant" and the hubby and the kids start cracking up. My kids and I can't stop laughing everytime that one comes on. It is definitley a TiVo stopper in our house!

  5. We have a King but my husband only sleeps in our bed about 50% of time for either because of his schedule or because a kid is in it. I can sleep comfortable with two kids sometimes all three but my husband can't even sleep well with one. Ironically I sleep very close to the edge with one leg out of the covers and a fan blowing on me but for some reason I can't sleep as well on a smaller bed. My husband is very hot at night and although he doesn't snore all the time when he does I can hear him from the next room.

  6. I personally haven't done this but the past few months there seemed ot be a lot of buzz about a company called Seeingangelstwobytwo or something like that. As of a couple of days ago the posts were on the front page. It sounds like you pick a company to work for (AT&T or Dell or Disney, etc..) and you are one of those people that answers customer service calls. Different companies pay different amounts and have different "training" fee's. It sounds good but I am waiting to see if any of the several pcom who signed up have actually made any money. Well, that and I was a little bit busy this summer.


    I really hope it is legit because I would love to find a way to make some money from home to help ease a bit of the financial strain. Personally I don't need to get rich but I would love to have more coming in than going out and be able to pay down a little extra on the mortgage each month.


    Good luck in your search. I will be watching this thread.


    Thanks for starting it!

  7. No, I am not ready. I wish summer would go on and on and on. I totally miss them when they are at scholl. Mine are starting 2nd, 5th and and 6th tomorrow. My 6th grader has been ready all summer long but totally stressed out tonight about the science homework she was given this summer. She is in Venture and she had to come up with some scientific questions, resources, things that could be proven when you change variables. And then she had to make sure they were "upper middle school and beyond". I feel sick myself. I never had to do a science fair thing when I was younger and she doesn't know if her stuff is too elementary or not "upper middle school and beyond" because she has never had to do this before. Oh well, if there was any alcohol in the house right now I would be drinking it. LOL

  8. We went to Moses as well and although I was disappointed that we didn't get a schedule, a school supply list or find out my daughters electives we were able to add money to her lunch account, meet her homeroom teacher and the venture teachers and pick something to get the class off the giving tree or list or whatever . We also went by the library and got some nformation on AR testing and if we had wanted my daughter could have checked out a book. There were also cookies and tea in the cafeteria where we were also entered into a raffle. I still think it stinks that we don't have a schedule or school supply list and I would love to know if she needs to wear sneakers on Monday (If she doesn't have PE it is just too hot this time of year to wear socks and gym shoes if you don't have to). I also was disappointed to hear that it could be 3 weeks before lockers are given. I don't know if this is just for the 6th graders but really, having to carry around stuff for 6 classes all day long in 90 degree weather is no fun at all. I kind of wish they would do another open house next Thursday once we have a schedule. Oh well, everyone we did meet was nice and friendly and I have already e-mailed her homeroom teacher with a couple of questions and heard back from him.

  9. I personally don't like the county lists. WHen I have gone off of it I find several of the items are not needed or wanted and I would much rather buy what each teacher wants. Many years I have purchased enough paper, notebooks, glue sticks and crayons for the whole class only to be asked for more part way through the year. I think that there are a lot of kids whose parents don't ( or maybe can't) send in anything. It is sad but true. We don't have any extra money at the end of the week and live paycheck to paycheck to sometimes plastic but when it comes to my kids and their classmates I will get whatever the teachers needs to help her do the best job he or she can. When my oldest started school I was a little shocked but now I am an old pro and some years have enough extra to carry through for the next year. Of course that was elementary and not my oldest is starting Middle school and it is a whole nother ballgame that I am still trying to figure out. We have to wait until school starts to find out what is needed and a couple of weeks to get a locker to put the stuff in. Not venting just telling.


    In regards to paper. It is so wierd for me how it varies by teacher. I have three kids ages , 10 and 11 and last year each teacher was different. One of my kids used every copy she was allowed to, one said there was no way she would ever need that much and one didn't ever complain either way. If she didn't have enough paper she just did stuff without it.


    One year we had a teacher who did the monday note, homework and everything she would be e-mail. I loved it. I didn't have to go looking for anything and I think it saved alot of paper. Now they didn't do their homework online but I think that day is coming and would certainly save a load of money. I would love if my kids could log on online and do their homework.


    Wow, I did way to much taking here.

  10. We use Wachovia and for the most part have been happy. Once in a while we have gone over draft and they have always covered us however they cover the largest amount first and charge you a hefty $35-$39 for each item they allow through. For example one time last year we I was literally less than $10 overdrawn. IF they had just put through the smaller amounts first ( a couple of drinks from the quick trip, a couple of dollar menu items from McDonalds and a blockbuster movie) instead of putting the larger check in first which was for a few hundred I would have only had to pay one over draft fee instead of 4- YIKES, I was 68 cents shy of covering the larger amount before including the drinks, double cheeseburgers and movie. I feel like if they are going to cover them all and really were looking out for their customers they would work it to the customers advantage. I remember way back when we were with a phone company and each month they would figure your bill using all the plans they had and charge for the least expensive one. I can't remember if it was Bell south or AT&T or what but we also got free long distance on birthdays and holidays!


    Having said all that we don't pay any monthly fee's and my hubby check is direct deposited. It actually works out great because if he were to go with the paper checks he wouldn't get his check until the following Tuesday and with the Direct deposit it shows up as part of our available funds on Friday and shows as completed on Saturday morning.


    Good Luck finding a bank you like. I have been trying to find one with kids accounts to help them learn how to save with no luck.

  11. Sorry your are missing the car show. I grew up in Michigan and just got back from a family vacation in South Haven and a day at Cedar Point. It was awesome. I hope you can get there next year!

  12. I am so glad you where able to get Gato back.


    Reading all this reminded me of something that happened a few years ago. The neighbors across the street where going through a hard time (parents split up) and they got a puppy for the kids. Well he barked alot and would get out of his fence. One of my other neighbors did not like this at all and kept calling animal control. My daughter was about 7 at the time and is a huge dog lover. She would put him back in the fence whenever she could. Finally the one neighbor made a video of the dog barking for something like 3 minutes straight and was able to get the other neighbors dog taken away permanently. My daughter was so upset I had to take her to the shelter to visit the dog a few times. She was adopted quickly I think because she was a golden retriever, very beautiful.


    Anyway, congrats on getting her back. I'm so sorry you are out the $50 though, that is just wrong!

  13. I love getting the mail. I actually get a little bummed when someone else gets it. I like getting the bills more than the junk because it lets me know where I stand (or how much more debt I've accumulated this month). I do hate the days when all I get is junk mail.

  14. Wow, I am surprised so many people find this comment "rude" or "offensive". In the past I have been told I was skinny and it didn't bother me at all. I don't think they lady was trying to be rude at all. I think she was trying to give you a compliment and just used the wrong word. She probably should have said you look great. I wasn't there but I also think that maybe in a round about way she was trying to find out how you keep in such good shape.


    It seems to me that if you were someone who had been overweight and then worked out and lost the weight you would have taken it as a compliment. But it sounds like you are someone who has always been thin and maybe are just tired of hearing about it. Unless you think the lady was coming from a rude place inside of her (someone who likes to put people down in order to bring themselves up).


    Of course all this is coming from someone who doesn't mind having her belly touched when she was pregnant. I found it amazing and wonderful and all that.

  15. I remember one mom complaining about having to dish out $150 for a calculator last year and was shocked! I guess I'm showing my age because back in the day (the 80's) using a calculator for homework or in school was called cheating!


    My oldest is entering 6th grade, maybe if I start saving now........Gosh where's a calculator when you need one :D

  16. I bought the Wii fit game back in May and have been working out to it. I think this month I actually did it everyday! I love it. I do some of the arobic type stuff in the morning and at night and try to do a total of atleast an hour everyday. I also do some of the Yoga and Strength training stuff every other day. And the balance games I do just for fun. I'm sure it isn't as good as what you are doing but compared to what I used to do (pretty much nothing) ....it's something. I also like (and dislike) that you get your BMI # and weight everyday.

  17. I called the main number for Paulding county schools last week and they said they don't put out a middle school list and that you needed to go to open house to find out what each teacher wanted. My daughter will be going to Moses Middle school. I did talk to some parent who told me that last year there 6th graders needed tab dividers, graph paper, 2 binders, pocked folders with brads (One said to wait because certain teacher like to color code each class), paper, pencils and a jump/junk drive thing. I hope this helps.


    Also I wanted to add that I bought the last two packs of graph paper at Target in Hiram this morning so that may be a hard to find item.


    I think I mentioned everything mentioned to me by other parents and in response to a post I put in the School section but you can check it out to see if I missed any suggestions. If I wasnt' so link illiterate I would post a link here myself but it is in the school section.

  18. I honestly don't know what to make of this case. I haven't read anything new recently but a week or two ago I was googling it trying to find out what the story was. It just makes no sense to me. I am wondering if the Mom has some mental health issues or something. There is definitely more to this story than meets the eye.


    I had actually forgot about it this past week so thanks for reminding me. Hopefully there is some news soon.

  19. I don't ever add it up but I rarely pay full price for anything. For clothes I try to buy stuff on clearance and at consignment sales. For example in June I got my son three pair of Tony Hawk jeans from Kohl's for 90% off plus I had a 20% off coupon. Those same jeans last week were $36 and I got them for about $3. So I tend to buy out of season. My oldest is starting middle school and she is not into name brands but I usually do buy her Abercrombie and Hollister and those brands when I see them but I buy them at consignment sales and know I will most likely be able to get my money back when I resell them the following year. So they end up being cheaper than new from Target and they cost me less in the long run.


    As far as school supplies when they are as cheap as they are right now I will try to buy enough glue sticks and notebooks and crayons and pencils and notebook paper for the whole class. I also try to send in replacements (of the inexpensive stuff) at Christmas. I still have a few left over from last year so I probably won't have to get as much. We also buy backpacks after they hit about 75% off at Target.


    I've already bought some supplies last week and will probably head to walmart at midnight when the tax free weekend starts to get some of the more expensive items. I only wish I had the middle school list from the teachers but Oh well.


    Having said all that I do wish we could take our kids out for "school shopping" each year. I remember doing it one year when I was a kid and it was so fun getting a bunch of new things at once!


  20. I voted with thought that the picture was supposed to refect a shelter for animals and although they were all good I thought that #1 would look fantastic on a billboard for such a place. I have never heard of Saving Grace and before I voted and saw the pictures wondered if pubby was entering his dog in a contest sponsored by the show Saving Grace (with Holly Hunter). Anyways, I also thought #3 was a close second. If we were supposed to vote on look a like or cutest my vote probably would have been different.


    Congrats to whomever wins!


  21. I wanted to add that at West Ridge a few Sundays ago we were actually taught the importance of observing a sabbath day. I took from that that it didn't have to be on Sunday but that it was important to take one day to just rest. The Pastor who spoke on it did so from a comfy chair and talked about how his family doesn't answer the phone or e-mail or do ANY work on their sabbath (which because he is a pastor obviously isn't from sun up to sun down on Sunday). Regarding this weekend, I would normally be tired after doing such things (picking up trash, pulling weeds,etc...) for myself but in doing it for others it energized me much like a sabbath is supposed to. I do appreciate hearing other people's thoughts and it had never occured to me that someone might think what we were all doing as dishonoring the sabbath. It made me think. But I respectfully disagree and that is okay.


    Blessing to all!

  22. I would love to see pictures of Ashton's ramp. My kids and I did some trash pick-up and weed pulling at one of the schools. I was so proud that not one of them complained. In fact after we finished and got a bite to eat they weren't ready to go home and wanted to find another place to help out at! I've been wanting to get them involved in some communtiy service and this was the perfect opportunity.


    The service last night was amazing. My daughter and I were in the choir and I can't tell you how incredible it was to look out and see how far back the people went. I can't imagine what it will be like next year. It sounds like there are dozens of other churches that want to get involved.


    I love how the video plays the song we were singing last night at Sam's club. Well, I am off to check out engageatlanta.com.



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