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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I have waited tables, hosted, bartended, managed and even been part owner in a restaurant. I always tip atleast 20% of what the total bill would have been before any freebies or coupons or anything. Once in a great whle I will want to leave less for poor service (usually attitude but sometimes just too many mistakes) but I always feel bad and still leave 20% but nothing more.


    When my grandpa was alive, bless his sole, he was probably the worst tipper ever. One time he took us out to eat, used some coupons to cut the bill in half and still left hardly anything. The waitress kept asking if she could take our empty plates and myself and a couple of other relatives kept saying "no". After we left we got to talking and realized we each had snuck some extra money under our plates. LOL Anyway, I have so much respect for that waitress. My grandparents were regulars and I'm sure never came in without a coupon and always tipped horribly (out of ignorance) but she treated them real nice.


    I think if you haven't ever worked in a restaurant you just don't realize how much this workers rely on tips. I don't think it is just older people either. Looking back, as a teenager I wonder how I tipped. I remember going out with my youth group and some of the boys just leaving some change in the bottom of their drinks. It was sad and embarrasing.

  2. I think it is really nice they are doing this. I drove my daughter in this morning since I wanted to come see her in the spelling bee but hopefully they will be doing it tomorrow as well. My daughter wore her "winter" coat yesterday and couldn't get her locker closed so she had to decide between carrying her stuff around all day or her "big" coat. Today she opted to just bring a hoodie, which is crazy but I understand. She knows if she lost it I might cry, that is the most expensive coat she has ever had (it was originally $99 but due to my thirtyness I was able to get it new for around $25-$30) and I could not afford to replace it if she lost it.


    I'm sure the school system will do whatever is best for the kids and if they decide to give them a day off what a treat for us to have a FOUR day weekend!


    Stay warm all you wonderful drivers out there!

  3. I don't have anything new to add as far as what to pay. I think the $10/hour would be the going rate but I would be specific about what you expect.


    I did want to say that it's interesting or crazy or whatever that teenage babysitters get paid more than say, ah, substitute teachers, overnight workers at Target (I did that one holiday season and got paid $7.50 an hour plus an extra $1.50 because it was the overnight shift), and probably many of the hourly workers that help us everyday.



  4. I don't know how many books my daughter has read but as of this morning she had 506 AR points so I think she has read well past the 25 books required (she's in 6th grade). My 5th grader has read maybe 6? He's on his 2nd book that he is reading for the fun of it and he reads a little nearly every night. It just takes him longer and he isn't as into reading as my daughter. I'm thinking part of it is his eye sight so I am having that checked in the next week or so. My youngest has probably read around 20 books.


    I think they way they figure it out in middle school and the older elementary grades is a book is 150 pages so if you read a 300 page book that would count as 2 toward the 25 book campaign.

  5. ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))) and Prayers coming your way. I hope they are able to find out what is causing Ashton so much discomfort and make it better. I hate when they can't figure it out. I hope both you and your husband (papa) are able to get some sleep.

  6. maggie valley...about 2 hours away. they have skiing there too and snow mountain @ st mountian is ok. But the kids only got to go twice in the 2 hr period because of the long lines



    I'm glad you mentioned that about the wait. I was pretty excited at first but the more I think about it I bet it will be very crowded. I'm going to go google Maggie Valley, what state is it in?


    Thanks Sadie612!

  7. Stone Mountain has snow until March 1st.



    Seriously? I think I did hear that was coming but totally forgot.


    Has anyone gone? Is it fun? For those of you who grew up in the north, how does it compare?


    Okay, I'll be back, I'm off to check out their website.


    Thanks INSANE!


    Edited for spelling error.

  8. Okay, I know we don't have any snow but it is going to get pretty chilly here this week and I'm assuming that might equal snow for some of the states just north of us and two of my kids have birthdays in the next 10 days and the schools have a 3 day weekend next week so I would love to take the kids somewhere to go sledding or snowmobiling. I could drive home to where my parents live but that is 12 hours away and I am thinking maybe if I go 6 or 7 hours north of here somewhere we could get a hotel, spend the night, have a fun, freezing cold day (hopefully get the I wish we lived somewhere colder out of my youngests system) and come back in time for school on Tuesday.


    Any ideas? When I was growing up in Michigan there was this place we used to go called Echo Valley, it was like a winter park for sledding, ice skating, CC skiing, etc... I would love to find a place like that only closer.



  9. Mine are in the attic in plastic containers where they have been since I became a mommy and my kids could rip those oh so valuable hang tags off...lol... I thought about selling them but whenever I go throughthem I can't seem to find any I don't love. I especially love the bears but the others are sll so cute too.

  10. On looks alone it would have to be Jen without a doubt. Seriously if you walked into a plastic surgeon or hair stylist or make-up persons place of business to get some work done and had to choose between those two without any knowledge of their personalities or past could you honestly say you would pick Jolie?


    I will admit though that my level of respect for Jolie has gone up in recent times.

  11. Our mortgage rate just went from 5% to 6.25% so we looked into refinancing and it was going to cost us just over $8,000. Since we are planning to put our house up for sale we decided to hold off. It would take about 2 years to get us back to what we owe now. With the economy the way it is I dont' need to add $8,000 to what we would need to get for our house. It's crazy, isn't it!

  12. Personally when we are looking for a house we look in our price range and then within that range look for deals. When we moved to this area we looked specifically in a certain school district (Abney). I have heard that alot of families look at schools so I don't think we were in the minority there.


    My husband recently took a job out of state and I am here to hopefully to sell our home and this summer after school lets out join him. I totally understand about you not wanting to just "break even". We are in a similiar situation only we don't have any savings right now and any extra money we have coming in will be to fix things up around the house (pressure wash, paint, landscape, etc...). If we only break even we won't have a down payment to put on a new house. I am going in with the mindset that it may take a year or two to sell so hopefully I won't be too disappointed if we are a long distance family for a while.


    I wish you luck with your house. It seems like the market isn't great but might be on a very slow upswing.

  13. Yeah, I was doing a search on TiVO today to try and find out what time the inauguration is on and at one point I put Obama in the search area and a Obama Coin thing came up. I assumed it was an infomercial and shook my head. It is a historical occasion though and people will want something to remember it by. Even something cheap.

  14. We have filed electronically and used direct deposit for the past several years and love it! Many years ago we had a check get "lost" and it took months to replace. Never again. We are just waiting on all the tax stuff to do ours. It always seems like my husbands employer waits until January 31st to even mail out his info...........blahhhh

  15. At our house Santa brings one gift and puts some things in the stockings. The Santa gift isn't the 'big" gift. It used to be but when my daughter (who is in the 6th grade) was in Kindergarten or First grade one of her classmates wondered out loud how come Santa brought something so big/expensive to so and so's house and only something small to hers. After that Santa started bringing something like a board game or a hard to find item that you might not find in a store. This year Santa is bringing Apples to Apples, a computer game called Portal and my youngest is getting a school desk straight from the North Pole (actually a very nice P.commer).

  16. I got one for Christmas last year and still have not figured the thing out. I'm real excited to have it but, well, if I have to wait for my husband to figure it out for me I doubt I will ever get to use it. He is out of town now and took it with him but I plan on getting it back soon and trying to figure it out myself. He's had a year, I figure that is long enough!

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