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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Well, I don't mind giving it a try. I have until he gets here at 1:30 so I guess I could take a look and see what is what. I think the hardest part will be getting the dishwasher from the back of my van to the kitchen. If I can do that, my guess is I have to figure out how to shut off the power and water.


    Would shutting off the power be as simple as going to the fuse box and clicking that button for the kitchen? When I shut off the water, is that something I do for the whole house?



  2. Hi, I was going to have a guy install a dishwasher for me when he came to switch out my counter tops but it's going to cost $100 extra. I'm wondering if I could do it myself. What do those of you who are experienced think? He's coming later today. The thing is I was so excited about saving $100 on a dishwasher and if I had paid full price I could have gotten free delivery and installation. Bummer. One step forward, one step back.

  3. When I work, I substitute teach and make $60 a day. Haven't worked for a few months. We are a family of 5 and would love to have the problem of making to much to take advantage of the tax cut. Heck, I'd be happy if we brought in half that. If you ask me $150,000 a year is a LOT of money.

  4. Hi, I was searching online for the Ghost Whisperer episode from this past Friday and discovered they are replaying it at 3:29am since most of it was preempted due to the storm last week. I was out of town and TiVo'd it and was so disappointed that it wasn't on.


    FYI This is the episode titled Thrilled to Death and stars Hillary Duff.

  5. Y'all were so awesome and helpful with the dishwasher I thought I would see what places were recomended for carpet and a vanity for my bathroom.


    I know there are several great places north of here to go for carpet but I was hoping to get it narrowed down. Where have you gone and received the best service? Are there any places to avoid? Is figuring out how much to buy pretty straight forward (just measure width times length)?


    I also need to replace the vanity in my bathroom. We had a drip that caused the bottom to turn black and start to crack. Nothing is leaking or anything but I've been told it there is no way to just fix it and that I will need to replace it. I was hoping to get one of those already to put in ones from Home Depot or Lowes but the size I need is not a standard size. My vanity is 58 and a quarter wide. Any suggestions?




    PS I was able to get a dishwasher that sells at Home Depot for $399 for just under $300 (at Smiths) thanks to you all!

  6. Ya know it doesn't really matter but I hadn't heard that about Adam even though I suspected. I wish Matt had done better. I do want Lil to go but I thought Simon was unneccesarily nasty to her tonight. Love Danny, Adam, Kris. Also like Allison. Anoop is okay and Lil is my least favorite right now but still has an amazing voice. I wish her well.

  7. My kids go to Abney and they both got off the bus talking about how they had a code red most of the day. We also received a note explaining that there was a robbery and that the kids had been secured in the buiiding and although some had to eat later than usual all the kids were fed. My youngest is in a portable classroom and he said that he had to spend a couple of hours in the lunch room. Yesterday due to the power being out he was inside the building as well. Nothing like a little distraction the week before CRCT's.


    It sounds like no one was hurt so that is a blessing.


    Edited to add the the note sent home actually said 'burglary" not robbery.

  8. We had a house near us have a tree fall on it. By the time school was out the tree was taken care of and the roof looked like someone was already being repaired. I don't know who they have for insurance but I want them if anything ever happens to our house! That's what I call service

  9. Not sure where you are but in the past month myself and my two kids have all gone to Target in Hiram. On Mondays Dr. Steve works and he is very nice and I was just so impressed by some of the questions he asked and how he knew what kind of problems I was having with my eyes. He did a great job explaining stuff to me and also to my son. My daughter went on a Friday and saw a Dr. Patel. She really liked him and he was also very nice and friendly. I would recomend both of them. I'm not sure who the other Dr.'s work there but those two where great.

  10. My aunt who has 4 girls (and 3 boys) realized after the first three girls where born that the begininng of each daughter started with the ending of tha last daughter born Theresa, Sara, Rachel. She named her youngest daughter Elizabeth, which is kind of cool because you can make a circle with their names



  11. I have a used Hotpoint we replaced two years ago because my wife just HAD to remodel the kitchen. Bought it new in '97 and worked good when I took it out. Needs supply line attachment (can get off your old one) and new front. You can have it for $50 cash. I replaced the motor bushing in 2000. Fronts can be bought from Lowe's. PM me if interested.



    Thank you so much for the offer. I'm hoping I found one. Since we are planning on putting our house on the market very soon I think it will be nice for the new owners to have a new dishwasher under warranty. I'm trying to get everything around here as close to perfect as possible. My family laughs at me because I have no problem spending money for whoever the new owners will be but if we weren't moving I would just live with things the way they were.

  12. Thanks everyone. I think I found one and should be picking it up later today. I went to Sears, Smiths and Appliance Smart. Appliance smart is awesome and they have a HUGE selection but I decided to get one from Smiths. They originally didn't have the color I needed but they were able to find one at another location and now I am just waiting for them to call and tell me it's there.


    Now it gets interesting. I'm thinking of trying to install it myself. It shouldn't be that hard right? Just take the old one out, unhook some things and stick the new one in. lol.... I have a guy coming tomorrow to put in a new counter top and I just think it's a good idea to get this hooked up before then.


    Thanks again!

  13. :( :unsure:


    Why did you hide the eggs....shouldn't the Easter Bunny have done that? :( :unsure:


    The last few years one of my kids kept saying he knew I hid the eggs and I could honestly say that I didn't. Well the Easter bunny is working out of state right now so it was up to me to do it. I don't know if I did as good of a job but it was fun. My youngest did leave carrots and a bowl of water for the bunny and he somehow managed to eat and drink up so maybe I hid them for notheing. LOL.


















  14. Off of of Thronton Rd in Lithia Springs on the left before you get to the QT. We are also in the market for one and my wife went by there and they had some that you are talking about in that price range. They are a overstock liquidation store so the warranties still apply. I think in the scratch and dent you loose warranties but I'm not sure.


    You don't by chance know the name of the place? I would like to see what time they open so I can plan my morning. If not I will just drive over there and see if I can figure it out. Thanks!



    I think the one in Hiram (Smiths) still has the Factory Warranty with them.


    That would be awesome. I'm definitely heading there tomorrow. Thanks!



    I was going to mention that location also until I got down in the threads and noticed that you had already mentioned them.



    Cool, I may need you to dispose of my old onw if you are still doing that. I'll let you know. Thank you!


    ApplianceSmart on Thornton Rd.


    We bought our Refrigerator there. It's a freezer-on-bottom model that retails for $1500. We got it for $750. :good:


    I will definitely make sure I check them out and Smiths and Sears tomorrow. I still can't believe with all the stuff closing in Paulding that we have a Sears and soon to be JCP.




  15. Go to the Home Depot outlet in Austell.


    Go to the Home Depot outlet in Austell.


    Thanks, I actually have already gone there and they didn't have any white or white and black or even black ones. They did have one model in my price range but it wasn't that great of a deal and the color was wrong. Hopefully I'll find something tomorrow at one of the other places mentioned but it not I will check there again.



    have you checked craigs list?



    I hadn't actually thought about craigslist but I guess I just want to avoid getting one second hand. You just never know how long it has left and atleast with a newer model if something goes wrong I have a store to hopefully fix things or atleast complain to. I do like craigslist though for other things.


    Smith Appliances in Hiram...it's off of Hwy 92; they have "scratch and dents" 20-50 percent savings.
    As soon as I'm done checking out all the suggestions I will be trying to find out what time they open.




  16. Well, I'm looking for a new dishwasher. I don't want to get one of those $199 ones from Home Depot but I'm not wanting to spend more than around $300. I would love to find a $400-$500 dishwasher for $300 or less. I did check out the Home Depot Clearance store today and didn't find anything (I kind of need a white or black and white one). The people I talked to there said they hadn't received anything new for about 2 months. Does Lowes have an outlet or clearance center? Would about Sears? I know there are appliance stores but I don't know which ones are good and which aren't. If you have any experience, good or bad please let me know.


    We are getting ready to put our house on the market and everyone keeps saying just get the cheapest you can find. I definitely don't want to do that so any suggestions would be appreciated.



  17. Well, I started the day around midnight by hiding the kids Easter eggs outside. They woke me up around 6:45 am to go get em. We went to church last night so this morning we went to the Cracker Barrell for breakfast then hit the Home Depot Clearance center and Lowes looking for a dishwasher with no luck. Then came home, hung with the kids and after that watched the Masters.


    Overall a great day. The only way it could have been better is if Phil would have won and then if not him Kenny Perry. My congrats to Angel though.

  18. Okay, I'm looking for a little advise or maybe just reassurance. About 12 days ago my son started feeling sick. He had a fever, sore throat, body aches (especially in the legs) and headaches. I took him to the Dr. on the 3rd day he missed school and he tested negative for strep. The Dr. said it could be the flu but there was really no point in getting him tested for it because even if it was positive there was nothing that could be done. After a few more days the fever went away and he started feeling better. A couple of days after that he was sent home sick for throwing up (that was last Tuesday) since then he has only thrown up once but has had a pretty steady fever getting up as high as 103.1, he still has the sore thorat, headaches, body aches, a couph, and very little appetite ( his appetite hasn't been normal since a day or so before he started feeling sick in the first place). The left side of his cheek also hurts.


    Sorry this is getting long. So I haven't taken him back to the doctors but I did check out their website and it says that the flu starts out with all the symptoms my son has and then just when you think your getting over it phase two comes. I called the nurse yesterday and she thought he should be over it about now. I talked to a pharmasist who said it could take two weeks to get over it. Should I be worried? His appetite is startinig to come back but he still has a fever of 101.8 and all the other stuff going on as well. I was so encouraged when he got up today and wanted to play video games for a while and started eating more than he has but as the day has gone on the other symptoms persist.


    We used to have just a $15 copay so anytime my kids felt the slightest bit ill I just took them in and most of the time I was told there was nothing we could do but wait for whatever it is to pass. Now we get 3 $30 copay visits a year and then we have to meet a $5000 deductible so I want to be a little more conservative about taking the kids to the doctor but I don't want to be to conservative.


    So what do you experienced Mommy's and Daddy's and medical people think? Is it just the flu and should I just wait it out a couple more days? Or should I be worried? I just hate when kids get sick......this one of my kids happens to be a real trooper and rarely whines but it still breaks my heart to see him feeling so bad.



  19. Sun Valley Beach would be a great place if it wasn't for all the dang kids there.



    Totally agree, well except for my kids.. :D


    I'm bummed that they will be closed on Mondays. We bought our season passes last fall and I don't remember being told this or seeing it in any of the e-mails they have sent us recently advertising camp and specials. Bummer.


    Yeah, that also stinks about blockbuster. I'm more annoyed that they close so dang early these days. I remember when they used to be open until midnight. But I understand... they gotta do what they gotta do and it makes sense for them and I'm just glad we have one here in New Hope at all.

  20. Well this is my first trip to the insomniac thread. One of my kids is sick and I couldn't fall asleep after giving him some motrin an hour ago. Since I was planning to get up an hour from now I decided to just crawl out of bed and see what I've been missing on Paulding.com lately.


    Anyone know what time Starbucks opens (the one near the crossroads)? I'm actually a little sleepy but if I go back now I will not be a very cheerful person when get up and I have company so those true sleep deprived colors will have to stay packed away until next time.

  21. Prayers from me too. Did anyone ever confirm whether it was Pastor Jim from West Ridge? I read his blog every now and then. I guess I'll go check it out as well as Pastor Brian's.



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