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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I have to agree with the homemade gift thing. You can still end up spending some money on stuff but they do mean alot. My Mom is really good at drawing so some years she draws me a picture of a bear (pooh, paddington, etc.. I used to collect bears and love these pictures), another year she made a photo/scrapbook for me.


    I also want to say that every year when my dad asks me what I want I tell him I would love it if he could spend a week or few days at my house and help me get some things done, fixed or painted. He always says "No what do you really want?" It drives me nuts. I would so love for him and my stepmom to just come down and spend time with us instead of sending us a check or gift card (Checks always end up going to pay bills but gift cards we use to help get stuff for the house). Anyways, as far as your grandchild make a date and decorate Christmas cookies, paint a Christmas swearshirt or pair of jeans, that kind of thing. My neices and nephews loved when we did crafts for two days last year but can't remember what I bought them.


    Good luck, I know if will be harder on you than your kids.

  2. My Mom got me hooked when she bought me the first three for my birthday back in May. Then my daughter got into them (She's in Middle School). I shared this in another thread but when we bought the 4th book we were on our way to Michigan and stopped about 11:45 pm (15 minutes before they went on sale) at a Borders in Kentucky. My daughter finished Breaking Dawn before we got to our destiniation (we did stop for a couple of hours to sleep but I'm not sure she got all that much sleep!. Right now we are planning on going to the midnight showing but I am not sure she will make it. I know it is a school night but we had plans to do this before school even started so I hate to go back on it. Of course is she decides she would rather wait until after school Friday I can wait (or maybe I will sneak off by myself and see it both times).


    Tell me, those of you dressing up how are you doing it? My daughter wanted to be Alice for Halloween and I just didn't know how to put it together so she did something else.

  3. I am really glad that Nebraska made this law with this loop hole. I wish they wouldn't change it either. Although I don't think Nebraska should be shouldering all these children/teens there needs to be something. I could NEVER imagine leaving my children but I am not in the shoes of the people that have. From the stories I read these parents are not looking for an easy way out, many of them have tried desperately to get help and simply don't know what else to do. The parents who really don't care and are irresponsible just don't care and probably wouldn't spend the money and time taking their kids all the way to Nebraska.


    I hope something is done on a national level to help these parents who feel so desperate to have felt they had no other choice. Maybe there is help out there but they just don't know it. I would much a rather a teenage be abandoned that beat to death or starved to death or just plain neglected. I hope these kids are getting the love and attention and help it sounds like many of them need.


    I know not all of them are troubled youth either. I read one story of a father who lost his wife last year and has just been so overwhelmed with taking care of his kids. I dont' remember how many he had but I think it was about 5. I find it just sad all around and hate to see people judging these parents.

  4. Once you set up an account you can search to see if anyone has sold that same item and for how much it went for (in the past few weeks). I always check that before selling. Some things sell better at different times of the year. Sometimes it is good to sell new things in November for those holiday shopping. I also find collectors shop right after the holidays with their Christmas money for those retired or hard to find items.


    Good Luck!


    Oh and you could always list it on Craigslist for free first to see if there are any local buyers interested.

  5. I am slowly but surely trying to declutter our home. With 3 kids (and a Mom who loves cute little stuffed animals) we have way to many. I realize we really need to cut back and my husband is always saying I should donate some to a hospital or firehouse or something. Does anyone know if they actually accept them? Or of a place that will? It will be a slow process for me since I know my daughter and I get attached to the ones we love and even the ones we don't because they came from people we love but we have to start somewhere and my boys well they can easily part with most of theirs. I would really like to give them to someplace where they can be used. We are a non-smoking home so no worries about nasty smells or anything.



  6. Around here two of my kids attended First Baptist and First United Methodist. The teachers at both were really nice and my kids had a great time. Both places did some really cool stuff. The best teacher any of my kids had was Ms. Micheal Ann but I don't think she is there anymore although I here the teachers there now are just as great. The only thing I didn't really care for about these two was that I didn't feel very welcome. Not because of the staff but at FUMCD the rooms were so small and at FBCD the doors were always locked,( I know this was for safety reasons) Plus if I ever asked about helping out I was told they had everything covered or I felt uncomfortable is I wanted to walk in with the kids. Before we moved to this area I had experience with a couple other preschools (One in Woodstock and one out of state) and always felt welcome. I could stay as long as I wanted and the teachers would find ways for me to help or I could show up early. Not that I did that everyday or anything, I had other responsibilities as well. I like to know what my kids are doing and have a feel for the atmosphere they are in. I also like getting to know the kids (and teachers) they are spending time with.

  7. I plan to give. Last year we took some information from some trees at our church and bought some stuff for s few kids who shared the same ages as my kids. I don't think we will do that. Our income is down considerably this year but I have a feeling we will be giving more. My kids aren't asking for anything expensive either. Don't get me wrong, I am completely stressed but still feel it is important to give. We will also donate as much as we can and our going through the process of finding things we no longer use that others might be able to. We have been blessed in many ways, just not financially.

  8. I too have read this series after my Mom bought me the first three for my birthday ack in May. My daughter, a 6th grader got into them as well. When we were driving to Michigan this summer it happened to be the night the 4th book was being released. I am they type of person that goes to those midnight release parties. We were on the phone with my Mom who was on the internet trying to find one we could go to on the drive up. At 11:45 pm we walked into a borders and got in line to buy the book. We did end up stopping at a hotel for a few hours but my daughter finished Breaking Dawn before we arrived in Michigan. I'm not wild about her reading that particular book at her age but there are worse things. I really liked the series but did keep thinking it could have been better written. I became a little less obsessed after reading the final book. I felt bad for all the grief fans were giving poor stephanie meyer after that last book. It wasn't my favorite and for me things got a little wierd but I am still glad she didn't keep this to herself and published it for all to see.


    For those who don't know Stephanie Meyers website is amazing. You need to be careful where you click if you haven't read ll the books because things could get ruined for you. She has the songs listed that she listened to while writing, pictures of the cars described in the book. You can read chapters or sections that didn't make the cut. She also had a portion of the first book she had written from Edwards perspective. She decided to turn it into a book but someone leaked out what she had written and she was so distraught she had to stop working on it but because she didn't want her fans wondering what it said she reluctantly put it on her website with the warning that it was in no way complete. Before Breaking Dawn came out there was quote a day with quotes from the book and my daughter would check every night at midnight to see what the next days quotes were. Anyway, it is really interesting.


    We are thinking about going to the midnight showing Thursday night but it is a school night and I am not sure if my daughter can make it up that late. I am trying to talk her into (so she thinks she has a say anywya) going after school on Friday instead, although I will have to find something to do with my younger kids. Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed it and have thought about posting a thread on it with the upcoming movie but on other boards these threads seemed to be overtaken by negative comments.

  9. I had mine out nearly two years ago. The Doctor and all but one person said I'd be back to feeling normal in 3 days. Not even close. It was 3 weeks before I started feeling normal again. I remember feeling like something was really wrong with me and I couldn't describe it. I constantly had that feeling like I was about to get sick (I would much rather have gotten sick and gotten it over with). I was scared, my husband was scared. We went back to the doctor and he just said everything looked fine and maybe I was coming down with something. I don't beleive that at all. I still dont' know what it was. My Moms said maybe it was a reaction I was having to the anestasia (I know that is spelled wrong but hopefully you know what I mean).


    The good news is it did eventually pass and for like 6 months or so I could eat anything I wanted with no pain. After that I started getting stomache pains an bloating again from time to time but nothing like what happened to me before I had the surgery.


    I hope you are feeling better soon. I feel horrible just remembering about how rough it was for me.

  10. We use to do a much better job of recycling when we livedin another state. They had pickup and I just have not been able to get it together here (we have been here 8 years!). I guess we were just spoiled. I am making an effort though to donate magazines and newspapers and recycle cans (we also used to pay a deposit where we lived so there was no throwing away cans that is for sure) but we could do a lot better. I am trying to become more "green" little by little. I also started using those bags at the grocery store when I can remember them.

  11. I'm a bit older than 21 but I do go there and have heard great things about Genesis. You should check it out. Some of the things I love about West Ridge is the casual atmosphere, the great music, the down to earth teachings and the fact that they don't judge people. Another great thing about West Ridge is the way they give back to the community and the world. They do this really cool show called Dinner in December that you should check out. I can never afford to go but always manage to see it by volunteering or singing in the choir. It is usually alot of fun. One year they did a thing called West Ridge Idol and last year they did a version of the office (these are only small parts of the show but still very funny).

  12. I was just checking this out (late as usual) and noticed that at the top it says they have extended the offer until Sunday at midnight so if you are having issues just try again later. No need to stress! I'm so glad someone shared this offer with us. I would love to hear some of the stuff you all are doing with your books? Are you using them for your kids art work or more for Photo's? I want to make some as Christmas gifts and have already decided one of these would make an awesome coaches gift in the future.

  13. How sad. I remember when Sophie died. I loved seeing pictures of those dogs. We had a cocker too and well it was really, really hard to let her go. I remember a story where Oprah spent the night in her bus one time when the hotel she was booked at wouldn't allow pets.


    Anyway, I'm sorry I missed it. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Before I get to the type of theft that goes on at my childs MIDDLE school let me address the person or people who think kids should not have cell phones at school. I bought my daughter a cell phone (for getting all A's through elementary) because I heard story after story from middle school parents (some teachers at the elementary level) about their children not being allowed to call home when they were sick. No way is that going to happen to my kids. If they need me for ANYTHING I am there. I doubt my daughter will ever use it to call me and only once sent me a text to remind me I was supposed to bring something up but I want her to have that safeguard in case she does need. I will get my son one next year when he heads off to middle school as well. We actually didn't even pay for the phone. WE told her she could pick out a free phone (for adding another person to our service) She picked a phone that without the deal we got would have cost close to $200 but only costed $19 (she paid this) but if it were stolen we would have to pay the full amount to replace it. Sorry to rant but there are so many reasons students need phones these days (did you read the thread about the kids left at school because their bus had a broken window and no one called the parents?).


    Anyways, on to school theft. At my childs middles school I have heard of two cases so far. Both very sad. The first was when a child lost their check while shopping at the book fair. A couple hours later another student uses it to purchase stuff for her and several of her friends. I was shocked. Then a few weeks ago another student turned in their fund raiser money and the checks had fallen out. Again another child used them to place an order. I heard so they could attend the party for the kids that sold a certain number of items. It saddens me that some kids are like this.


    I really hope your daughter gets her stuff back. I left a camera card in the slot at Wal-mart and almost immediately realized it. I didn't really care about the camera but the card had over 700 pictures on it. Many I had taken of my childrens classmates to make scrapbooks for the teachers and framed pictures for the students. I also had the Christmas concert one of my kids was in, Chrismtas pictures, basketball, softball, baseball, field trip, field day, Kindergarten beach day, etc.... those were priceless. I make a point to make a cd everytime I get pictures developed now.

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