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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. We stopped by and it was awesome! Thanks for doing all that hard work. The pumpkins were amazing, the yard was incrediible and you two looked to die for! My son even went back to show my husband after he got off work. We will definitley make your house a yearly tradition from here on out.

  2. I think that's a great idea. I have been a room mom several times and have always wanted one of classes to do things for the fire station that would service our school to teach the kids a sense of community service. I've never been able to get it going though and couldn't even find out which fire station would be the one that would service ours.

  3. I'm so glad I found this post. I had seen it last weekend and had to do a search. I will definitely be bringing my kids by. I would like to stop by earlier rather than later. What time do you start letting people come by? I'm so excited, usually I am passing out the candy and don't get to see the houses but this year my husband has to work late so I am taking the kids out and just giving the neighborhood kids candy when I see them. Thanks for the invite.

  4. We had Verizon for years and loved them. Then because Sprint was running a special and my hubby wanted a camera phone we switched to Sprint. It didn't take very long for me to start counting the days until our 2 year commitment was up so we could switch back. I couldn't even get coverage in our own neighborhood half the time and I had been assured I would be able to (I justifyied the more expensive plan since I was told I wouldn't have to use my home phone for long distance anymore). I made the word Verizon my password. The CS reps would laugh everytime I called and had to give them my password and I called alot. Then at some point online I was told I needed a password with a number in it so I switched it to sprintsucks4sure. I thought it was funny and so did one of the guys at sprint CS. When I would walk through the mall and those Sprint people would ask if I wanted to join I loved to stop and tell them about my experience up to that point. I'm sure there are alot of people who have had a good experience with them but I for one and so grateful to be back with Verizon and getting the coverage I need.

  5. I just clicked on your link to see where you all were located. I know I have passed you a bunch of times but just wasn't sure where. Anyway, all I have to say is Dang! That is some good lookin pizza you have pictured on your website. I will try to come by with the kids today and will definitiely be placing an order sometime soon. Thanks for the heads up!

  6. Well, I had planned to give out candy while my husband took my kids trick or treating. Usually this is my job (I have a feeling hubby would scare the kids or not answer the door at all). I usually eat 2 or 3 bags before Halloween even gets here so I waited to buy it. Good thing too, My husband has an employee with a sick grandmother so he will have to work late. Oh well, I don't feel comfortable sending them out with out an adult so I will take them out. Should be alot of fun. I was always a teeny bit bummed that I didn't get to walk the kids around. Of course I will miss seeing all the cute costumes come by.


    PS I had voted yes earlier in the week but now it's a no. Unless some kids come by late.

  7. Well, I think I voted no so hopefully that is okay. But, now I'm wondering if I should have voted no on the amendment to allow tax breaks to those who don't want to develop. When I was making my decision I pictured a family, maybe poor who had land that had been in their family for years and without this amendment could loose their land because the taxes were so high. Does that make sense I didn't want people to loose land that had been passed down for generations just because they couldn't afford the taxes and didn't want to sell some off to developers. It never occured to me that the rich would benefit from this.


    Oh well, what's done is done. I voted how I understood the amendments to mean. It shouldn't have been so hard to find out what exactly they did mean. I guess with so much of the news focused on the larger elections (President) there just wasn't enough information out there on the other stuff. Or maybe that is the idea, to sneak this stuff by the people and word it so it is a bit confusing.

  8. I have been waiting to vote because I wasn't sure exactly if I was going to vote no or yes on the amendment to the constitution that involves money for redeveloping. When I first read it online I took it to mean they wanted to take money from the school to use for redevelopement. Then I wondered if that would include buidling new schools. I called the Paulding county school main number and asked them. My feeling was if it was something the teachers were supporting then I wanted to support it and vice versa. I was transfered a few times and someone asked someone and well I was still not too clear on what it was. Then I went to my children's school and asked one of the teachers. They didn't even know it was on the ballot. I finally found a teacher who told me they thought it sounded like it would take money intended for the school and use it for other developement (parks, fire depts. that kind of thing). I'm thinking Okay so I should vote NO. Well when I went to vote this morning and reread it I am thinking it is just the opposite and it would support the schools getting more tax money if needed.


    I hate being so confused. If someone could explain it to me in a way where I would know what it means for my family and kids and school I would so appreciate it. It is to late for it to effect my vote but I am sure I am not thon only with questions.

  9. I think this must be a fairly new law because I remember seeing a story on CNN about someone driving from Michigan to drop off their (I think) 15 year old and then it happened again and the were talking to lawmakers who where saying if everyone was going to be bringing their troubled teens from other states they would have to rethink the law. I don't think it was intended to include kids from Michigan, Georgia, etc...


    Personally I could never imagine doing that to one of my kids but I don't judge the mother either. I think she must have been desperate and I am glad she did something like that instead of something worse. I don't know what kind of help Georgia offers for parents of troubled teens but for her to feel Nebraska was her best option, well. Maybe the child was violent and she wanted to get them help but also wanted them a safe distance away. Just a thought.


  10. Go watch FIREPROOF and get the Love Dare Book. It will really change you!!! And your heart!


    Wow, that looks like a great movie. Can anyone casually suggest to my hubby that he see it? JK, it does look great though and I am thinking about checking it out.


    Brandon, good luck. I agree if you really want to fix it, do whatever it takes but if you are not sure don't put here through something half, well you know what I mean. She sounds like a great girl. Either give her what she deserves or set her free and be a great father and friend.


  11. It seems like everytime I go to vote there are things on the ballot I wasn't aware I would be voting on. Does anyone know where I can look at a ballot online? I like to be as well informed about the candidates and issues before I go to vote as I can.


    I hope I asked this question in the right spot. I don't want to start a political debate I am just looking to see what races and policies I will be asked to vote on.



  12. I'm so glad you asked this question. We also need some carpet work. My daughter room is such a mess we didn't notice a can of paint had tipped over and was buried under a pile of junk until well, it had hardened. I know it's possible to fix and I just hadn't gotten around to finding out who and how. Now I have some ideas who to call. I hope you get your carpet fixed soon, I'm sure the "complex" would charge you more than you will have to pay.

  13. I just wanted to say that this happens at other sales too. It is frustrating from a seller standpoint but I understand why it happens. I try to remember to get there toward the end of the hour for pickup but I always get a little paranoid that they will be carting my stuff off if I'm not there in time. With three kids it is hard to have to wait in line for a long time and a lot of times I am coming between games and practices and other things. If this was your first time doing this sale you might want to give it another go. I have never done this one but I have heard of it. Maybe from thebargainwatcher.com, it is a great website for finding sales. Once you find one that fits you will never go back to yard sales or consignment stores.


    I think it was great of you Rick to come and explain some of what goes on behind the scenes. I'm not sure how many volunteer shifts your volunteers have to work to get in early etc... but a sale I sold at last month added something new. If you worked 3 shifts and one of them was on Saturday you not only got to shop the presale but you were invited to come in Friday after regular sale hours and shop for half price before the public as well. I wasn't able to take advantage of it this year but I plan to next year if my schedule allows. I have NEVER worked a sale where I didn't have to pay a seller fee no matter how many hours I put in and I have never had my percentage upped for volunteering either. In fact I volunteered at a sale 3-4 years ago and then they told me since I wasn't selling I had to PAY to shop early. I couldn't believe it. Your buyers seem to have it great if you offer these incentives.


    Lastly, I just don't think it is possible to make nearly as much at a yard sale or consignment store. The 30% you pay isn't just profit for those running the sale. It is so worth it to pay someone else to sell my stuff, advertise it and bring in 100's of customers who I wouldn't otherwise have. With the price of gas it is getting too expensive to spend a day going to yard sales anyways. I only shop the ones in my neighborhood. My kids have been begging to do a yard sale for years and I finally caved and did one this summer. It stunk having to sit outside in the heat for two days, pull everything out before the crack of dawn, then quick cover it up whent he afternoon showers rolled in, have people switch price tags to try and get something cheaper, etc.... After all my expenses I think the kids made a larger profit at their lemonade/popsicle/cookie stand than I did. I did meet some nice people and get to know some neighbors I hadn't meant but over all I will never do it again. I am sticking to consignment sales and craigslist to sell my stuff.

  14. Thanks for posting this. For some reason I had thought CNN was the closest thing to unbiased that I could find. FOX may be more unbiased but my experience with them in the past was that they are more entertaining and tend to talk before they get the story straight. I'm not sure where to go for unbiased truthful information anymore. I remember getting a thing in the mail this summer on all the candidates running for the various offices around Paulding and being so greatful and happy. That is until I found out (on here) that it was put out by one of the candidates and also read from one member whose interview was in it that they hadn't even been interviewed.


    Where's a still undecided voter in this presidential election to go for information on the candidates that isn't biased or misleading? Newsweek? Time? CBS? ABC? Paulding.com?.......Tell me please, tell me now.

  15. Sorry I don't remember the name but at the gas station on the corner where you turn off 278/jimmy lee smith to go to Sun Valley it was $3.99. On the right just a little further and on the left at then next turn to Sun Valley it was $4.09. That was today around 3pm.


    And Sam's club in Hiram had gas but despite being one of the cheaper ones yesterday at $3.89 and having a sign out that said $4.19, it was actually $4.39 as of 11:00 am.

  16. I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle but am SO glad it wasn't worse than it was.


    A few years back when my youngest started Kindergarten I decided I was going to get in shape and ride the commet trail 2-3 week after they left for school. Well right about that time that women was raped and murdered on the trail and I never did go. I've been there once since then with my husband and he takes my three kids a half dozen or so times a year.


    How sad, how very, very sad.

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