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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Okay that first video really scared me. Kid are gifts not toys! This man will probably wonder why his kid has problems in school a few years down the road.


    The second video scared me too but that was pretty impressive. I would probably freak if I came home and saw that going on in my back yard!

  2. I am so sorry for all the stuff you have had to go through. I kind of reminds me when we switched from Verizon to Sprint, thank goodness those two years are over. Also your post makes me appreciate the service I have and not doubt my decision to "bundle" with the cable people. (We have Direct TV and the $9.99 or is it $14.99 high speed internet through bell south and then just the basic $17 home phone service- no frills but it's cheap).


    I hope they get this worked out soon.

  3. This story just makes me sick! I maybe naive or maybe I watch to much tv but can't they drug that mother with some Truth serum or hypnotize her and find out what really happened? Good Lord, we all know she is hiding something. I just hope she sold her to some nice family in some other country and she isn't really dead or be used as a well you know what I'm thinking.


    Shudders , sick

  4. I pleaded Nolo in a similiar situation about 2 years ago. I really wanted to fight it but after spending 4 hours in the courthouse and my husband having to take the kids (one of which was throwing up sick) to work with him because I had no idea you couldn't take minors in the courthouse I went ahead and plead Nolo. I was told I wouldn't get any points or that they wouldn't be reported. Yeah right. When I went to shop around for cheaper insurance about 6 months later, sure enough I had points.


    Something similiar happened to me about 15 years ago when I got a ticket in South Carolina. I was told I could choose between taking the points or paying the fine. I chose the fine and a year later found I had still been given points.


    Good Luck!



  5. Dr. Kommer is who I am scheduled to see this Thursday. It was his only appt left this year. They offered to have me see Dr. Aziz or Karansky but I quick looked at this post and passed on them. My Mom said she found the colonoscopy itself rather peaceful and relaxing but the day before it a nightmare. I have to start drinking the ucky stuff tomorrow at 5pm and then get up at 4:30am to finish the second half. Blahhh I am so not looking forward to that but hey if I lose a few pounds I might have to do it once a month or so. JJ.



  6. It looks like I need to get a colonoscopy. Well maybe not need, but should. My Mom had one last May and after the results came in her doctor said her children needed to get one once they hit their early 40's. (She also had one last month and they found some more tumors or whatever starting to grow) I'm 40 and currently have insurance that will cover it 100% so I want to go ahead and take care of it. Hopefully by the end of the year. I have scheduled an appointment with my Dr. but his office said I could go ahead and schedule the procedure as long as it is scheduled after my appointment date. They know for insurance reasons I want to get it done by the end of the year. Can anyone reccomend a place local? The Dr.'s office I go to reccomended a Dr. Kommers and also a Dr. Tiarra both I beleive have offices in Cartersville but I would prefer to get it done here in Pauling county if possible. Has anyone had any experience with either of the Dr.'s I mentioned?


    I would love to hear anyone's experiences and thoughts.




    Apologies if this is posted in the wrong area. I didn't see an area for medical questions.

  7. How much do the boxes cost? We have one TV that would need one but we don't use it very much so I'm not sure if I should get a coupon or not. I hate to take one from someone else that really needs it if there are only a limited number. I remember when they first started giving out vouchers/coupons they were good for $75.


    Thanks for the reminder!

  8. I too saw a lady in what looked to be her jammies this morning. It wasn't at Wal-mart though, it was a deptartment store. I wouldn't normally go out in my jammies unless I was under the impression I was just going to drop my kids off at school or hit the drive through somewhere. The lady I saw had someone with them (a teeneager, I think) so maybe they had to quick buy something that they didn't realize when they left the house. Or maybe they dropped a prescription off and decided to go shopping while waiting for it to get ready.

  9. I read it just fine. If I could add a number to the original title I would. I believe out of those who put numbers in there replies I would be 79, higher (94?) if you just count those who said they could read it.

  10. I didn't see the story but am just sad that this is even happening. I think students should be able to wear the Obama t-shirts. The things my daughter told me were being said at her middle school was bad enough but for Pete's sake. Grow up! I'm sure the kids doing the harrassing are the same ones that were bragging when Bush won and I have a feeling they were just expressing things they heard or learned from some of the "adults" in their lives.

  11. I haven't gotten anything out yet unless you count those few things I never got around to putting away last year.


    I have however been so ansy and excited about the holidays. Today I went to Barnes and Noble and bought the Elf on a Shelf. My youngest told his older siblings he is giving his trick or treat candy to Santa so he will get something extra special. I'm going to have him leave it for Santa either tonight or tomorrow and then leave the elf and book in it's place.


    I also was looking at this earlier.




    I can't help it, it always makes me laugh. I sometimes even click on it in the summer.

  12. I voted last Friday at Mt Tabor. I got their at about 7:50. The polls opened at 8:00 but were down for about 45 minutes. After that it didn't take long at all. Less than an hour for sure.


    To the person who said that people had to work 8-5 ~last week on Thursday you could vote until 7pm so I have to agree with Momof3 that there really aren't a whole lot of excuses for not voting this time around.

  13. Well that's a bummer. I remember last year heading to Target around midnight or 1am (Thanksgiving night) for some of the black Friday sales. There was hardly a line at CC and the one at BB appeared to go around the building. We have bought a few open box items from them over the years but otherwise it seems like we always get a better price elsewhere. I actually stopped shopping there for a few years when I didn't receive the promised rebates on a few items. I think we still have $50-75 in gift card from last Christmas that we haven't spent. Hopefully we can get some good deals with the liquidation sale going on. Of course I like having a place to return electronics to when something isn't working correctly.

  14. Denise,


    Thank you so much for keeping us all posted on Ashton. I can't believe how big he is getting. My favorite picture still has to the one with the puppy in it but boy does he look handsome in his school picture. I've never met you or Phillip or Ashton but knew of Tristen from all my volunteer hours at Abney. I have a child the same age as Tristen but they were never in the same class together and only knew each other from the playground. I can't blame you for hiding out on Halloween. I hope in the next few years you will be taking Ashton out to collect some goodies fully dressed up.


    As always you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. I agree with the others. Give it more time. I've had things sent to me at the book rate take nearly a month to arrive (that is why it is so much cheaper). Especially since it is coming all the way from California. Plus, in my experience USPS isn't always up to date on their website. There service is usually great otherwise. If it was shipped Priority then I would be worried.

  16. I didn't see the show you are talking about but last year one of the news shows did a segment on it and I thought it was a good idea in a way but it really creeped me out a bit.


    I could swear I read that there was one of these in the area recently. I don't remember if it was on p.com or in the news paper.

  17. I'm sorry I missed it but so glad I can see a little bit of it with your pictures and everyone's descriptions. I would have loved to have seen the teenagers get a little spooked. I loved being scared at that age. There is not much that scares me these days though. Well, I did gat pretty freaked out on the Top Thrill Dragster this past summer at Cedar Point but that's not the same as a Halloween Scary.

  18. First let me say I am so sorry I missed Thoughts house. It sounds like it was way wicked! Now having said that I think the person that started this thread has no idea that it was the house of a someone on the board. I certainly hadn't heard of Thought and I have lived in Dallas for 6 years (I've only discover p.com in the past year or so) She also used the words "little vent" in the title so I didn't take it to mean she was way upset, just caught off guard and of course upset for her kids. As a mother if anything upsets my kids it upsets me. It is her job to be on her kids side no matter what. I'm sure next year she won't go to his house.


    Me, I will be torn between really wanting to go (I know atleast one of my kids would absolutely love it) and staying away because I don't necessarily want my kids seeing a bunch of teenagers running around in next to nothing. It sounds like there was more than a little bit of inappropriate behavior going on with some of the older kids. My kids aren't sheltered but if it was as bad as some make it sound then I may have to pass until I can go on my own or my kids are a little older.


    I'm so excited though that Dallas has something like that going on. I can't wait to check it out in the coming years.

  19. I wasn't passing out any Easter candy but I'll admit when the bucket got low I went and got the big bag of candy that I had in the kitchen that has all the leftovers from trick or treat village and birthday party goodie bags. I did a quick look throught though and found a chocolate shaped Santa and took him out.


    My kids love trick or treating and the candy but they really only want to keep a handful and give the rest away. My nephew is alergic to peanuts so every year he and his sister trade their candy in for a new stocking or something so this year my kids asked if they could trade theirs in as well. So they will probably keep 5-10 pieces each (plus what they ate last night for a late dinner).


    What is the deal with chocolate anyway? I saw a hershey bar a couple of weeks ago that came with Ebay points a promotion that expired in 2006, then just yesterday my son pointed out to me at walgreens that had some king size hershey barson clearance that had expiration dates on them of May 2008 and August 2008. I didn't know if you would get sick if you ate them so we passed even though they were really cheap.

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