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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I remember Lucas Black from American Gothic. Atleast I think that the name of the show. It was directed or produced by Shawn Cassidy my teen idol and was a great and creepy show. For some reason I thought his name on the show was Lucas Black so I had to google him to just to see if you were talking about someone else.


    He was also the boy in that movie with Billy Bob Thornton, oh gosh what is that called? Yeah, Sling Blade.


    Okay ladies, I really want to see some pictures :)

  2. Where is Jim R Miller park? I've heard of it but I have no idea where it is. We will be at a Track meet in Cobb at Kell High School tomorrow. If they are close maybe I can swing by during a down time.

  3. I ditto going to the website. There is a lot of info to keep you busy for a while. Cut chapters, pictures, lots of stuff like that. I heard that some places were going to be showing the movie again to celebrate the release of the DVD or maybe it was the new movie book. I can't remember where I read it but it said in a few weeks there would be places showing the movie at 10pm that night. I haven't found a place that is actually doing it yet although I haven't looked to hard. The article was on either Yahoo news or ET or People or something that I just saw went I went to log on and check my e-mail. I can't wait for the movie to come out. I hope Stephenie gets over her writers block and finishes the book from Edward perspective.



  4. According to the paulding county school website a decision would have been made by 5:30 so I guess there is school today. I am going to drive my kids in. If the roads are icy at all I would rather them only be on 1-2 miles of road than on a whole bus route (my kids are one of the first ones on).

  5. I had thought about this situation coming up with my daughter as she gets older and I always thought I would probably rather be the parent that had the kids at their house and invited the boyfriend with us on vacations. Never once did it occur to me I wouldn't know the boyfriend or his family.


    I hate that everyone assumes the saving himself line is just a line. I waited until I was out of college (barely) before I "did it". The fact that so many people on here don't beleive it scares me a little. I actually struggle with whether or not I should be telling my kids to wait or not. In hindsight I wonder if it had been better , well never mind, that is not what this topic is about.


    I say either invite him here for a day or two or go up and visit for a day or two. Good Luck with whatever you do. You must have a great daughter and have done a great job parenting for you to be open minded and even consider this.


    Based on all the information my vote for her to go alone is no.

  6. Well, it is sad that these businesses aren't doing well but hopefully some of them will pull through these tough times.


    I would miss those KK donuts oh so much. I had them first back in 91 while living on Hilton Head but didn't really pay attention to the brand (I would just get them at a local grocery store). Then moved up north and couldn't figure out why the donuts tasted so bad. Moved back down south and had one in a QT and have been hooked ever since.


    Six Flags, well I wish they would lower the prices of their season passes. My kids always get these six flags read to succeed tickets and my husband used to buy a season pass and each of them would get a special day with Dad at the park. A few years ago they upped the season pass price. So the past few years Dad (or mom) have taken the kids all on the same day. It is more fun now that they are getting older but still they would get more of our money if they lowered the season pass prices or did away with the parking fee.


    Blockbuster. We have one of those monthly memberships and I am getting ready to cancel it. It used to be once I returned a movie into the store the next movie on my list would ship the very next day and I would have it the day following. Certain times of the year I would be just to busy and would keep a movie for 2-3 weeks before I could watch it so they were definitely making some moolah off me. Lately the turn around time has been much longer. I returned my last movie last Tuesday and they still haven't shipped my next selection despite the fact it has been showing as available. So I"m done. I really like most of the guys in the New Hope store although they are under a lot of pressure to sell those yearly memberships right now. I did renew mine last week but it hasnt' been without it's problems this past year either. If it didn't pay for itself almost right away and if the employee working that day hadn't been so nice (and has been in the past) I wouldn't have done it.

  7. We had the same problem. Still do actually. The engine light kept coming on (luckily it went off long enought to finally pass but then went right back on). We have actually had the part completely replaced that the "light" says there is a problem with and it still comes back on shortly after being reset. The dealer said it might be a problem that might be covered but no guarentees and we would still have to pay another arm and a leg to even find out. How frustrating. I hope you are able to get enought money for it to put a down payment on another car. Good Luck!

  8. I had lunch their on Thursday and it was AWESOME!! The food was absolutely delicious and the service was the fastest I have ever had hands down. I will miss Bandino's and wish they weren't closing. Best of Luck. As a former restaurant owner I know this business can be tricky.

  9. I think it is interesting that when people are asked what they would do with this amount of money, they would keep it all to themselves.No bashing, it is everyones choice, but my choices are different. First, 10% would go to my church. Then I would donate some to CHOA, and THEN pay off my debtors.


    I don't know that it means that people wouldn't give. If you hadn't mentioned it I wouldn't have thought to include it in my answer since giving a portion of what we get is just automatic. After the giving I would pay off some credit cards and use the rest to sell our house and move to where my husband is now working (in another state). I'd have to ask a mortgage person if it's better to have less credit card debt and no down payment or vice versa before I would know for sure.


  10. Okay, I am going to defend the friend just a little. I don't think just becuase someone asks you if you are pregnant they are rude or dumb. I'm pretty sure I did that once or twice (when I was much younger before I had kids or a hubby). After looking at you picture you don't look pregnant at all. You look beautiful. You also have a glow to your face and maybe that had something to do with the question. I have had 3 kids and was able to lose all the weight by the 6 week appointment. It was after stopping the whole breast feeding thing that I would gain a little bit back and now I weigh more than I ever did when I was pregnant. It just happens. I know it can be a downer when someone says something like that but just look in the mirror and you will see how beautiful you are!

  11. While it is obvious there was a huge mess to clean up and from the picture you showed it looked horrible I was watching coverage that day and actually saw something different. One reporter was standing to show how everyone had pretty much cleared out and where they were standing there wasn't much trash at all. I stuck with me because there was so little trash laying around. I'm sure some parts were messier than other parts. I wonder if there was a difference between the areas where people had to have tickets and those that didn't?


    I do my best to teach my kids to pick up after themselves but for some reason they seem to follow their fathers example instead of mine. Oh well, atleast they do a great job of it in public.

  12. What are your plans for Valentines' Day? Anything special, or flowers, candy and a card? Or dinner maybe? What are y'all doing?


    Ironically, back in the day when I was single I used to think about how romantic and wonderful Valentines day would be once I was married. Boy was I wrong. The first year we were married I made up plans to go to NYC and we saw Miss Siagon, went to the David Letterman show, etc... Since then, pretty much nothing. My husband is in the hospitality business so he usually works that day and this year he is working in another state.


  13. Something similiar happened to our dog only after cleaning her up I realized it was coming from her ears. She was old for her age though and was nearing the end so unless your dog is pretty old I don't think it is the same thing.


    I'm wondering if it is some kind of stomach bug or infection she could of gotten from eating something bad or that she shouldn't have. I wish I could give you some great advise or tell you about a place that will see dogs for free but I just don't know of any. Maybe the shelter? If not them maybe they can refer you to someone.


    Please keep us posted. I'll be thinking of you and your dog and praying everything turns out all right.


  14. Thanks everyone. I have gotten some great advise, here and through some PM's. I even talked to a couple of people as well. I really hope they have a place like this were we will be moving to (I've looked and found nothing so far but one can hope). I learn so much here and definitely get some laughs each and every day.

  15. I am in the process of trying to get our house ready to put up for sale and had a few questions.


    First, my husband was thinking of refinancing and had an appraisal done (well the bank had it done but we paid for it). We decided not to do the refinance before the appraisal but went ahead and had it done to get an idea of what our house would appraise for. A retired real estate friend of mine said that the appraisal would not be accurate as far as determining what the house would be worth because it would be whatever that bank told the appraiser it needed to be in order to do the refinance. Is this true? If not, what do you do with that number when selling your house? Okay that sounds stupid but I guess I'm wondering if appraisals are generally inflated or conservative? The appraisal is for $174,000. Do we price it higher, lower, what? Should I get another appriasal or call the guy who did it and ask him what he thinks? My real estate friend also said that we shouldn't sell through a real estate agent at this time. We have no idea how to come up with a price for our house (I want to price it to sell) or even if we would be able to get enough for it to be able to afford to move.


    I think a real estate agent would be helpful (and I have had a few really good ones recommended) but I hate to get one and find out that because of the amount of commision we can't afford to sell. We are just hoping to break even or maybe do a little better than break even. What is the commision these days and how much are closing costs for the seller? We aren't just looking to move because we want a bigger house or anything like that. I LOVE our neighborhood and our house and wish we could stay but my husband has taken a job elsewhere so I need to get on the ball. I have told myself to be prepared for it to take up to 2 years to sell with the economy the way it is.


    Thanks for any advise you all can give me. I know there are some really great people (including real estate agents) on this board.


    Oh and I'm wondering if there is such a profession that tells people how (to place their furniture, what rooms to paint and what rooms to leave, how to fix up the yard, what not to worry about, etc...) to get our house ready to sell?

  16. Since we have so many Twihards on here :)


    My Fav Twilight site is Twilightguy.com. Very funny early 20's guy reading the books and giving a guys perspective chapter by chapter.


    He's about mid way thru Eclipse and I check each week to see what he thought.

    He's a college student so he isn't able to write each week...:( But he does try to update on Thursdays.


    I esp like his section of Confessions of guys who've read Twilight. Like stealing their little sisters copy.


    I haven't heard of this site. It sounds pretty funny, I will have to check it out.


    We too saw Twilight multiple times but nothing came close to the fun we had at the midnight showing. I can't wait for the next Harry Potter and then for New Moon to come out. I'm also glad the same guy is playing Jacob. I could understand why they felt they might need to recast that part but I loved him in the first movie.


  17. I'm out of Milk and Bread and a bunch of other stuff. I put off shopping thinking I would do it tomorrow when the kids were at school. I'm crossing my fingers school gets called off. I love having them home and it would be cool to have them home to watch the Inaguration with. I'm actually thinking about having them home anyways but having the school called off would make it that much better.

  18. MnM is the name of the company that owns movies 278, I think anyway. There website is www.seethemovies.com . I didn't realize that they had $5 Tuesdays. Tomorrow is my daughters birthday, I'll have to see if there is anything she wants to see. If not I will definitely have to go see something while they are in school. I've been wanting to see the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, hopefully they have an early showing that will get me home before the kids.



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