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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. If he was under 18 there is already a law against it. If he is over 18 and is outdoors he is allowed to smoke, for now. Soon there will be no place of adults of legal age to use a legal product. Another good question is if the bus stop is in front of his home and he is on his property.



    No, it was not his house. I know the lady who owns the house and most of her family and he doesn't live there.




    Good News in Ga, you can be 3 months and it's OK to smoke! The rule is, as long as the parent purchases the product for their little hellions, then said hellion can smoke as long as they don't share! The age to buy the product is 18, with most of the rest of the country having 19 as a requirement. Because Ga is sooo tolerant of the age requirement, we lose all kinds of federal grant money!


    Doesn't it make you proud to be a Georgian? Hang on, I have to go buy some Kools for my 12yr old. She's out!


    WOW! I am shocked that there isn't a legal smoking age in Georgia. WOW again, I guess you really do learn something new everyday!



    So if the bus stop is part of the school system, why not report the guy to the school? Brown eyed girl, you are a witness to school rules being broken.


    I do have a question though. What if the child is being picked up in front of their house? If it is the property of their parents, is it still considered school system area? I would think if it was private property the school wouldn't have any jurisdiction.


    I am not agruing for the guy, just asking a general question.



    That is a good idea, I guess I could just call and see what the rules are. I know I would want someone to say something if my child were sharing the bus stop with a smoker. At the very least maybe they could mention to the boy that maybe it's not a good idea.


    Come on now, his parents probably won't let him smoke at home, where else is he supposed to do it??? :rolleyes: :ph34r:



    Thanks for making me smile..... :lol:

  2. I couldn't beleive it when I came home to pick up my middle schooler after dropping off my younger ones. There was this guy at the corner smoking. At first I thought maybe he was there to do some work at that house. It's up for sale and the owner has moved. Then I realized that the guy was kind of young and had a back pack with him and that he was waiting where the high schoolers wait to get on the bus.


    I don't smoke and I don't know the age you have to be but I'm guessing 18 so it's could be this kid isn't breaking any laws but really, smoking at a school bus stop is just wrong.

  3. I think every parent has had one (or more) of those trips to the store when one of the kids is acting out. It certainly is embarrasing to me and to the person who said she doesn't know why people take their kids to the store. Well, I think because we don't have any other options. I know I couldn't afford a sitter everytime I had to go shopping and even now that they are old enough to stay alone for a while I prefer to keep them with me.


    I like the lady who put herself on the floor and acted like the kid had been. That is good parenting. I know I will catch flack for this but I don't think you should ever hit a child. Also, atleast to me it seems so barbaric to hit a kid to teach them to behave. Please don't anyone PM me trying to change my mind about this I have witnessed to many awlful things for me to ever change my mind about it.


    A few months ago our pastor and his wife got up and talked about parenting and I loved the way they discipline their kids. The kids did a video tape and talked about some of the things they have to do when they get in trouble. One thing was they would have to go up to the church and clean the bathrooms and toilets. When they would fight with each other they would have to go out and move a pile of wood from one side of the yard to the other and then sometimes back.


    Anyway, back to the original topic.... I hate when people act like that. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt but I can't help but give the especially threatening parents the evil eye. If it's just a naughty kid I try to give them a sympathetic smile because like I said we've all been there. Yelling and threatening is the easy way out. Keeping a cool head is so much harder.

  4. This will be the first weekend in a long time where I haven't got anything I have to do (no games or meets, etc...). I will probably do yard work, two of my kids will be studying for the Science portion of the CRCT and hopefully I can catch up on some housework and watch a couple of movies I rented nearly 2 weeks ago before I have to buy them.

  5. I went to the THFH at West Ridge. There were several hundred people there but I couldn't tell you how many. If you checked out the website and punched in our zip code there were several locations to choose from right here in Paulding county. I heard it was on Fox Business News channel at the same time and you could listen on your ipod as well as some radio stations. I think it went pretty well. That guy has some funny lines. If I can find my notes I will add them later.


    It did suck that it was on a school night and I went back and forth on whether to leave the kids home or not but in the end I took them with me and all was well.

  6. I do get a bit stressed about the CRCT's but I have been proctoring for SEVEN years and have never heard a teacher say anything to stress the kids out. What I hear over and over again is encouraging words. They are told not to stress about it, that they are smart and that as long as they do their best they will do fine.


    I think the teachers are stressed. There is nothing like having a class of prepared kids and then have someone show up who was out late or not on their medication or hungry. I do my best to have my kids well rested, fed and not stressed. In the past I had my kids taking the practice tests all year long, this year not so much but they have been practicing since just before spring break.


    Everybody has an off day and that stinks if it happens to be your kid. Atleast this year they will be able to prove themselves before summer break and hopefully have a more relaxed break than if they were in school all year.


    The state needs to have someway to see how the kids are doing and what is lacking. Right now standardized testing is the best option they feel they have. Hopefully the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

  7. My kids watch SB, although not as much as they used to.


    When my DD was first born I was anti Barney and then one day while I was trying to steal a bath I had her in her baby swing in front of the TV with something on (don't remember what). I left the remote on her little tray and got in the tub. A little while later I heard her just cracking up and when I came to see what was going on she had somehow switched the channel to Barney. Well after that I wasn't so anti Barney anymore.


    I also remember stumbling across Blues Clues when it first started and immediately flipping the channel. I thought it was kinda creepy a young guy like that doing a kids show. We ended up LOVING Blues Clues. My sons room was painted like Blues Clues and he and my husband dressed like Joe and Steve with the little one being Blue one year for Halloween. Hopefully I am not as judgemental these days. If my kids want to watch something I check it out and if there is some not so great behavior they know if there behavior changes after watching it that will be the end of that.

  8. I woke up bright and early for church but the kids all wanted to wait and go to the new 6pm service WRC is starting today. I'm going to go do some quick yard work before the rain gets here. I was hoping it would hold off so I could aerate (sp?) and put some grass seed in but it looks like it will be here sooner rather than later. That reminds me why I actually came online (to check the watering rules). Guess I should go do that and get my hiney outside.


    CreativeOne, I'm not a cat person but I love yours!


    Have a great day all.

  9. "Prank Caller"? How about this - Don't answer the phone if it's not someone you know! Everyone has caller I.D. If it says "blocked" or "unknown" - don't answer the phone! There are also call blocking and call tracing services available.


    Truthfully, I didn't know that anybody still answers "blocked" or "unknown" calls!


    We dont' have caller ID. I am too cheap to pay for it but am thinking of cancelling my home service soon anyway and just go with the cell. Right now we have basic service for something like $17 a month. I'd rather put the money towards things I really need. Although it would be nice. Most people who know me though will call my cell if they don't get an answer at my house.


  10. Role or roll? lol


    Opps sorry, I meant role. I can't remember what exactly he told us. I know he played a cop during a parade in Savannah and I think he had a line. I remember he had to get a buzz cut and we were all shocked (at the time he wouldn't tell us why but couldn't keep it in when it came time for the movie to open).


  11. I'm embarrased to say I usually duck for cover when I hear a stranger approaching. I will have to watch out for them. Gosh I did have a couple of guys come to the door the other day. When I peaked out the window one was smoking so I'm pretty sure it wasn't them.


    I worked the census in Michigan back in 2000 and it was pretty cool. I didn't hit your normal neighborhoods. I went to halfway houses, shelters, dorms, assisted living centers and a place with 900 or so nuns (can't think of what it is called). It was a pretty cool job. I signed up to work 20-25 hours (I had a 2 and 3 year old and was pregnant) but they had me working overtime due to other workers not showing up. I couldn't "officially" work overtime but they added the hours to the weeks after I was done.

  12. Ok let me post this before incomming,I feel kids today have too much to distract there attention from school. Field trips are a distraction. They can do things like that with there family,school is for learning. All the other events in school is why they are falling behind in total sat scores etc. There is a reason why Georgia is at the bottom of the states for education. Come on stay foccused there in school to learn,too much tax payer money is going for non educational projects. -_-



    I was lucky enough to go the field trip that included the cyclorama and they actually talked about the BATTLE at NEW HOPE, now how cool is that. We live in New Hope and you can bet the kids were paying attention to that and many other things. It was totally educational. They actually have to tie the field trip into one of the standards for it to be approved.


    I wish that they were able to take the kids to Pickets Mill and other local areas but the funds just aren't there to do too many things these days.


    I think as long as they tie in to what the kids are learning I'm all for field trips. I think doing something fun is okay as well every now and then. One of my kids teachers tried to plan a summer trip with the kids (and parents) to spend the night at the zoo but she wasn't allowed even though the parents were going to be there as well. What a shame.

  13. I'm curious...where did your 5th graders go on a trip (or not go)? My 5th grader went on a two-night trip to Blue Ridge Outdoor Educational Center in Toccoa, GA in March. He loved it! I thought the price was reasonable for what they got: private bus transportation, all meals, cabins, and great outdoor learning experiences ($165). God bless the teachers and parent chaperones for doing this!


    My 5th grader went to The Zoo, Cyclorama and Hard Rock Cafe, I think it was $65. A few years ago they did the Aquarium and Hard Rock for $75. My niece doesn't live in Paulding but is in the 6th grade and she took a 3 day trip to "Sea Camp" in the Keys. How awesome does that sound. I think in 4th grade they did St. Augustine and in 8th grade her school does Washington DC. It did cost her family about $550 but they had several months to pay and then I think she spent another $100 on stuff required for the trip.



    If your child's 5th grade trip was canceled due to lack of funds, please contact me with your school name. I am currently helping Poole Elem with an alternative, affordable beach party at Sparkles!


    I would love to help if I can!





    That is so awesome of you. It sounds like a trip the kids will never forget. Speaking of Sparkles my kids were devasted that they couldn't make it the Twilight party today. I tried my hardest to make it possible but wasn't succesful. Please have another one soon!


  14. My daughter was on it when she was in the third grade and it was a miracle worker. She was able to slowly go off it with no problems at all. My Mom has been on it for a few years now as well as my sister and both have had no ill effects. I even think my sister was able to take it when she was pregnant but don't quote me on that. I do know one person from church that tried it but it didn't do her any good. Good Luck!

  15. They have been in our neighborhood (Abbington) for months from last year's hail storm. I would say almost 1/4 of our homes are getting a new roof put on from this. We have State Farm and along with several neighbors with State Farm appear to be the only ones who did not suffer hail damage. Imagine that.


    I envy the neighbors getting these, but fear my insurance will go up because of it and I didn't get the benefit of a new roof. I don't begrudge anyone their's, but it just seems odd that everyone without SF seems to have hail damage.


    Maybe that's why the guys didn't come back. I told them we had State Farm. One of the flyers I have says that your insurance cannot be increased as a result of filing a claim. Not sure if that is accurate or not but it definitley made me consider it.


  16. There was some con artist going door to door in certain New Hope neighborhood's yesterday trying to convince everyone they had damage from the hail. :huh:



    I wonder if it's the people that came by our house. They had red shirts on and I let them check. They said they saw damage. I told them I needed to check with hubby and see what our deductible was and they said they'd be back in an hour or so but never showed. I did call another roofing place that had a sign in a neigbors yard but they never called back. Hmmmmm

  17. Not all DW's have plugs. Actually most are hard wired. Check your breaker box and see if one is marked D/W.



    Thanks, I will go do that. So.... what are you doing right now? Busy? Want to make a little money? :D


    Well, I checked and there it was a breaker marked Dishwasher. Thanks, I think I'm going to go back to my original plan for the day and clean and hopefully get outside on this GORGEOUS spring day. It would have been really cool if I could have done this myself but it just won't work out this time.

  18. The dw should have it's own breaker. It may or may not be marked well though. The water shut off should be under the sink, but in older houses it could be under the DW or under the floor (if there is a crawl space or basement). You should use a new water supply line with the new DW as the old one may leak when connected to the new appliance.


    Advice is free, use it if you wish.


    Thanks! I found the shut off for the water. My husband (who is working out of state) said I should just be able to unplug the dishwasher once I get it out but I can't seem to get it out.


    A very nice P.commer did come and get the Dishwasher out of the van and into my kitchen. I don't know if he'd want me to mention him by name but if he reads this HUGE THANKS! I'm still going to try to get the dishwasher out but now I am down to 2 hours. It does look like once I get it out it should be pretty easy to get the new one in.


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