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Everything posted by ctlovell

  1. Does anyone know where I can take my LCD TV to get repaired? Damn thing is just over 2 years old and has completely stopped working. We replaced the fuse in it, but it is still not getting any power. It is a 42" Polaroid 1080P. I started looking online for some ideas on what might be wrong with it, and apparently, everyone who has ever bought a Polaroid TV has had some sort of problem with it. I found a site called Consumer Affairs that had 57 pages of complaints about them! I don't even want to try to contact the company after what I have read. Their customer service is abhorant.
  2. I got a new mouse that had one of side buttons set to zoom when you hit it. It took me a few times to realize why everything kept zooming for no reason. I had to go into the controls for my mouse and reset the buttons.
  3. I have been doing my own taxes for years using TaxAct. It costs $19.95 to download the Premium edition which includes one state download and one free federal e-file. It costs an additional $7.95 to e-file your state return. I even used this last year when I had to file taxes in 5 different states due to my job (what a pain in the arse). I personally have found TaxAct easier to use than Turbo Tax. And if you want to have the cost of the e-file taken from your refund, it does not cost any extra.
  4. My hubby and I did one of the ghost tours while we were there. It was a carraige ride where you rode around the main part of town and the driver told you stories about the different places. It was pretty fun, but it might be too cold to do that while you are there. We also went to dinner at a Morrocan restaurant, I can't remember the name, but it was very good food, and they even had belly dancers while you ate. Lots of fun.
  5. Has anyone ever been to The Playing Field Sports Bar & Grill in Powder Springs? I found some reviews that said it was a good place, but the reviews were kind of old. They said it has good food, great (cheap) drinks, and an old school DJ that plays good music on the weekends. Just wondering if the place is still as nice as they said.
  6. That sounds good, but is a little farther than I wanted to go. Any other suggestions that might be a little closer?
  7. We went out to Spotlight Saloon a couple of weeks ago. They had a great band and the staff was wonderful, but there is no heat in the back area where the pool tables are. This also means no ventilation so the cigarette smoke just hangs in the air. By the time I left, I could not stop coughing, and my chest felt like someone was sitting on it. Does anyone know of somewhere else we could have a good girl's night out. I am looking for pool tables, rock music, and a bar that is not going to break the bank.
  8. Unfortunately, we did not get a good description of them. We were about to go to bed, and the only reason that we saw them is due to my faithful watch-kitty. He was perched on the desk staring at them and would not move. All I can tell you is that it was 2 people, dark-skinned, in black hoodies. We could not tell what their race was, just that they were dark. After my husband scared them away, they walked down the street horsing around like a couple of teenagers. The sheriff's office responed pretty quickly, and stayed in the neighborhood for several minutes, so I don't know if they foun
  9. That would be Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom!
  10. There were 2 people messing around with my husband's truck just a few minutes ago. My husband went out with the shotgun and told them to get away from his truck, and we called the Sheriff's office (who just rolled by...thank you for the quick response). If there is anyone in this neighborhood who is still up, you might want to keep an eye out. It is 14 degrees with a wind chill of almost 0. You know that they are not just out for a stroll.
  11. There is a way around this. My husband uses his computer and mine with his Ipod. You just have to tell it not to automatically sinc when you plug it in. Then when you want to put new songs on the Ipod, you just drag the song title to the Ipod icon.
  12. Whatever gift cards you decide to go with, I would check at Kroger to see if they sell the ones you want. They have a ton of different kinds, and they give 2 points on your Kroger Plus card for every dollar you spend on gift cards. That way, you get some cheap gas out of the deal too!
  13. Sausage Balls (by the fistfull) Hickory Farms Turkey Sticks and Swiss Cheese Logs Way too much candy (but I start that trend at Halloween and don't stop until after Christmas) My family is really big on desserts at Holiday get-togethers too...cakes, pies, bars, cookies It's a good thing I have good eating habits the rest of the year or I would be as big as a house!
  14. I had a friend in high school that aimed his windshield washers high so that the water actually went over his car and hit whoever was behind him. This was a great way to get rid of tailgaters.
  15. Wow, I think I would contact an exorcist
  16. I am pretty sure my hubby asked Mom and Dad for my hand. Mom already loved him because he cooked for her, and Dad was just thrilled that I had finally gotten rid of what he referred to as "that waste of space", my ex-hubby. Going on 8 years now, and hubby is still loved by everyone in my family.
  17. Dr Battle is also at East Paulding and I love him. He will take time to talk to you instead of flying in and out of the room in 60 second flat like alot of doctors nowadays. He will also talk to you like you are an intelligent human being and he is very straight with you instead of beating around the bush. The best part is that, even though he spends time with his patients, I have never had to wait very long.
  18. I thought I knew what the password was, but it won't let me on.
  19. I think I was in the same jam as you. On Tuesday morning. I figured it was because most of tose people didn't know enough to check the traffic reports that morning, and they didn't realize that the road was closed. I thought I would be good going that way because I only had to get to Hwy 5, which is about 6 or 7 miles up the road from where it was closed. But, I was stuck for about 2 hours as well.
  20. LGM, if she is still on her way home, my hubby just came home from Cartersville. 381 is closed past the crossroads, but he was able to come down Cedarcrest, and then through Seven Hills past the dump, and on up to Old Cartersville. I came up Bobo Rd coming home, and it was fine.
  21. My kitty has some really strange addictions. He loves asparagus! If there is meat and asparagus left on a plate, he will eat the asparagus first. He also likes jello, yogurt (but only the fruit on the bottom kind, he won't eat the blended stuff), strawberries, and just the other day, he was eating sweet potato fries. As long as his Mommy is eating it, he will try anything.
  22. I get way too hot at work most days as it is. If I had on pantyhose under my pants, I would die of heat stroke.
  23. I had the same experiences as a child, only in my case, my Mom had a big red leather belt that she chased me around the circle with. My Grandma is the one that used the switch, and yes I had to go pick it myself. There is definately a complete lack of disipline with way too many children these days. I work in a retail store, and there is not a day that goes by without at least one child in the store that needs a good butt whoopin'. I have seen and heard everything from "Please don't do that, you're embarrassing me" to the parent completely oblivious to the fact that their child is making
  24. I have a major pain in the wallet problem. I have to wear business casual clothes to work, which means I wear dress shoes and knee high hose every day. I have small feet and small legs and I can not find any knee highs that will fit or stay up. This is especially true after I wear them the first time. They never fit me again after that. Does anyone know of any place that sells petite knee highs, or even know of a brand that is made better or smaller than the Leggs or No Nonsense? I like the fact that I can buy either of these in a 10 count package, but since I can not reuse them, I'm not
  25. I got a real funny one for my hubby, but I don't know how to attach a pic. Can someone give me a hand?
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