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Posts posted by drosser

  1. I don't care if it's your first or tenth! By all means, have a baby shower! I think all mom's want new things for their babies. My baby is 19 and is expecting her first child in July. I am amazed at all the really nice things they have that weren't available when she was a baby. They come out with new stuff all the time. Also, things wear out if they've been used by more than one child.


    It's wonderful that you're having a girl after two boys! I know you are excited. We find out on 3/3 whether my grandbaby will be a boy or girl. We would like a boy because we haven't had a baby boy in the family for almost 21 years!! But we're going to love a little girl just as much.


    I had showers with both of my girls. My friend gave one, my work gave one, and my family gave one for both of them!


    Bringing a baby into the world is a wonderful thing. Enjoy it and have as many showers as people want to give you!!

  2. JMD: I think that might be the one. I know the girl had a baby but I'm not sure how old the baby was. I do know that she lost control and struck the tree right before McClung going towards 92.


    Nanny: It shouldn't matter how much it cost. How can anyone put a price on a human life? That makes no sense.

  3. Honkin:


    The lawyer I worked for did a commercial while I worked there. I saw it on TV a couple of times. It's been over 12 years since I worked there. The funny thing is, he was really, really short!! When he filmed the commercial they had him standing behind the sign with the office name, and he was standing on a platform so that he'd be taller than the sign!!!


    When Sarah Tokars was killed, I kept thinking that I'd see him on TV being arrested. He and Tokars were good buddies!!


    And I know for a fact that he cheats the IRS and co-mingles his funds!!


    Such a sleeze bag!!

  4. I've stared at the pictures for 15 minutes and honestly cannot tell any difference. I belong to the US Postal Service Commemorative coin club. I get two uncirculated coins, one D and one P, plus 2 or 3 old postage stamps, on a very nice sheet for every state that will go into an album. It's kind of expensive, but it's really beautiful. I also collect the coins from change I get and put them on one of those cardboard maps. I don't even have a Wisconsin quarter yet. Seems they are hard to find, and now they will be even harder. I guess I'll just wait on mine from my club.


    I sure would be willing to sell whatever ones I could get for $700!!!

  5. Yep!! The judges are to blame. I personally don't think DFACS has enough say-so in the matters of removing children from a bad environment. My friend's sister-in-law used to work for both PC and Douglas County. The stories she told (not naming any names or giving any addresses) were amazing. And DFACS has so little control over the situation. Sometimes when they recommend removal of the children, the judge doesn't listen.


    It's very sad. Luckily these children in Smyrna were old enough and had enough smarts about them to call the police. That must have been hard to do because I'm sure they love their mother.

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