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Posts posted by drosser

  1. They are such sweet dogs. Someone probably has him. Has your friend put up any signs? Check the animal shelter. I've seen animal control around a lot lately.


    Good luck in finding him.

  2. Now I understand about the woman leaving. I thought it was the woman who was broken in on. At first, I didn't realize there was a woman with the man who entered the home. I'm glad things have been clarified.


    I cannot image how this woman must have felt when she knew these people were breaking into her home. I just hope that I would have my wits about me and the strength to do what she did. I don't have a gun, but I'm thinking about buying one. Paulding County doesn't seem as safe as it used to.


    I still was not able to hear anything about this on any of the new channels. I pray for the woman's emotional recovery. And I hope the find the b---- who has her jewelry. I hope all the pawn shops have been notified to be on the lookout.

  3. My kids had plenty of boundaries. That's why they watched the talk shows. . .so they'd know what can happen if those boundaries are crossed. They also knew they'd have me to deal with if they did something wrong. I've always been VERY open with my kids. We could always talk about anything. My youngest came to me when she found out one of her friends was pregnant in 8th grade. Some of her other friends were afraid to tell their parents that their friend was pregnant. My oldest came to me when she was visiting a friend and the friend showed her the parents' drug stash.


    They weren't sheltered and they had boundaries, but nothing was ever kept from them. They know how sad a place this world can be.

  4. I don't know how it works in Paulding, but I did an internship with the Douglas County Sheriff's office and rode with the deputies for 5 months before graduating college. On the interstate, they don't ticket you unless you're going 21 miles over. On busy roads like Thornton Road, it's 16 miles over. GSP can and will ticket you for 1 mile over. I don't know how they do it for residential areas.

  5. I get sick of people not taking responsibility for their actions and always blaming someone or somthing else when they screw up. If a child is taught right from wrong, starting when they are old enough to understand, they are responsible for their actions. My kids played video games from the time they were little. They both grew up watching whatever they wanted on TV and seeing what movies we watched. I made them watch Oprah, Montel, and all those other talk shows about drugs, teen pregnancies, etc. Nothing was ever hidden from them. They are now 19 and 22 and are VERY responsible. They haven't robbed any banks or killed anybody. And they won't.


    A lot of parents won't agree with me, but I don't believe is sheltering your children from the real world. They need to know what's going on so that they can be prepared and be safe.


    Just my opinion.

  6. Thanks, Honkin!



    It's really hard to keep up because you have all these other calls going on and I also listen to Douglas County. I admire RRR for being able to do it so well!!


    I know a lot of people like to keep up with the police activity, so I try to post if RRR isn't available and it's something that is important.


    My friend called me because they were near the Save Rite and saw all the activity. She has a 6-year-old and she enjoyed watching the helicopter take off. My friend said they were working on the guy for a while before loading him into the helicopter. She said he looked bad. She saw the motorcycle and said there wasn't much left of it. I never heard anything about the condition of the lady or if she was transported to the hospital. Hopefully, others will hear and get information and will post.


    My prayers are with all involved.

  7. What I don't understand is, why did the woman leave if the man forced his way in? I'd have stayed and waited on the police to get there. If some man is breaking into my home, I'm going to defend myself.


    What channel did you see the story on? I watched Channel 2 at 5:00 and nothing was on about this.


    Maybe someone can give us more details about what actually happened.

  8. I am on the South Beach Diet. It's hard to do because I'm a picky eater and don't like a lot of what you can eat. Everything I'm used to eating is what you can't have. It's a lot of protein and other foods that I had reservations about. I didn't see how anyone could lose weight eating red meat. I'm in my second week and lost 7 pounds the first week. It makes you extremely tired at first because you're not getting any carbohydrates and only natural sugar. But it does work! And it's easy to live with if you like vegetables.


    I know how hard it is to lose weight. I was always tiny, even after having my two kids. When I got close to 40, my weight began piling on. I think my metabolism just shut down!! Now, I'm confident that I can lose it.


    Good luck to you, RebelChick!!

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