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Posts posted by drosser

  1. Paulding Mom:


    I live in a subdivison with ony one entrance and all cul-de-sacs. Our problem is cars coming from either direction when we are trying to get out of our subdivision. It is supposed to be a three-way stop. Usually, it is a one-way stop, and the only people stopping are the ones leaving the subdivision. It is ridiculous. There's going to be a serious accident there one day. I've almost been hit twice because the people coming up Poole Bridge Road drive like maniacs.

  2. I know the feeling. When my oldest was in high school she had a friend whose mother allowed these things and, yes, she (the mother) lied to my face about it. She allowed alcohol and also allowed the kids to have sex at her house. She provided the marijuana and alcohol for the kids. She also would take the kids shoplifting. Yes, she encouraged them to steal. She would take the teens to a restaurant and leave without paying. What an example to set for your own child, not to mention someone else's.


    I did speak to the sheriff's office about this but was told that it was heresay and unless I witnessed it myself and called the police right then, there wasn't much that could be done about it. My own daughter told me what was going on when after this girl spent the night at our house and wanted to "go out" at 11:00 p.m. with a carload of boys. I called her mother and was told that she had permission to go. I assumed the boys would take her home but they brought her back to my house at 2 a.m. While I was having her get her stuff together (I was taking her home, I didn't care what time it was, she dropped her purse and out fell a baggie of marijuana. Boy oh boy!! Was I pissed off!


    I took her home and told her mother about the drugs. She told me all kids smoke pot!!


    That was the last time my daugher ever had anything else to do with this girl. She had a younger brother. He's probably in high school now. It might even be their house where all this stuff is going on.


    I'm thankful both my girls are out of school and my teenager will be 20 in June. I wouldn't want to have to go through it again. Those are rough years.

  3. We get Birdie's delivered all the time. They are great!! The food is always hot and always good. When they first opened, it took a while for that first delivery. The delivery girl got lost. But the food was still good. The food is always delivered long before the time they give you.


    We love Birdie's!!!! I just hope they stay in business a LONG time!!!

  4. Honkinonbobo:


    Demond is the only one who had to register as a sex offender and, believe it or not, was the one who really did the least. The ring leader of it all got six months. A couple of others got three months. And it wasn't even prison. It was some type of half-way house situation. Another one got his full scholorship pulled but that's not punishment enough.


    It ruined the lives of quite a few young girls. Only three came forward, but there were others whose parents would not let them testify. What really got me at the trial was the fact that Coach O'Boyle got on the stand and said he felt there was nothing wrong in what these boys did. He said that was normal teenage behavior and he felt sorry for the boys and not the girls involved. And he has daughters!!

    Forcible rape is not normal teenage behavior!!!


    It was sickening.

  5. Since we're naming names:


    My oldest daughter went to school with Willis Demond Clay. He did the things he is accused of along with 5 or 6 other boys, several of which were on the basketball team at PC High. The other thugs did the same things, some worse, and none of them were required to be on the sex offender list. One of them works at the Save Rite on Brownsville Road. I see him every time I go in there. YUCK!!! I don't understand how they were allowed to not have to register.


    Another one, Eric Morrow, does NOT deserve to be on this list. My daughter went to school with him, too. I know him. He's been to my house on several occasions. I know the girl involved in the situation, too. She was also a friend of my daughter's. She's been to my house, too. He had consensual (sp?) sex with his girlfriend of several years. Her parents found out and now his life is ruined. They were both young teenagers and thought they were in love. They were doing the same thing many other teenagers did and still do. They should not have been having sex, but there was no force or anything involved. I know there is the age of consent, but I don't think it should be taken literally when it's two teenagers of the same approximate age.


    I also do not believe that a convicted child molester should be allowed to live around or work around children, much less live in the house with one.


    Just my two cents worth!!

  6. I feel that it doesn't matter what kind of car it was. We got our oldest daughter an old beat-up Chevy Cavalier. She totaled it less than a month after she got it on her way home from school, and it was her fault. We got our youngest daughter a BEAUTIFUL 1991 Z-28 Camaro. That car meant the world to her. She had an accident on her way to school, but it wasn't her fault. Someone turned in from of her, and she could not avoid the collision. Even though she had a fast sports car, she was way more cautious and careful than a lot of her friends who have less powerful cars. She was so careful because she loved that car. She was VERY responsible for her age, and we felt she had earned the privilege of having a nice vehicle.


    So, I don't think it really matters what kind of vehicle it is if you try to teach your kids the correct way to operate it. They need to learn the rules of the road and obey them. And anyone can have an accident, no matter what their age.


    Just my opinion.

  7. My heart goes out to you. Everyone else is right. You will not get a good lawyer unless you pay dearly for him/her. But, in my opinion, you get what you pay for and it would be well worth it to get a good attorney.


    I am also of the opinion that you should call DFACS and tell them the whole story. If your name is on the birth certificate, I am almost 100% positive that you could get your daughter if she was removed from the house.


    Good luck to you. You are obviously a good man to be so concerned about your child. I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers.

  8. I'm very glad to hear that your daughter is going to be ok. I have two daughters who were involved in separate accidents at the same intersection by Hiram High. When the youngest one had her accident, she was staying with her aunt & uncle because I was in Hawaii. Imagine the phone ringing at 2 a.m. (never good news) and hearing that your daughter has been in an accident that totaled her car, and you are thousands of miles away!!! Luckily, she was only shaken up and scared to death. She was more worried about her car than she was herself.


    So I know how you feel. She's on her own now and living in Duluth. I still worry about her and call her every time I hear of an accident out that way.


    You can always replace a vehicle, but not a human life.


    I'm just glad everything is ok.

  9. What a doll baby!! He is precious!


    I'm expecting my first grandchild around July 10 and can't wait!!


    By all means, enjoy every minute of his being a baby. They grow up way to fast. My baby is having a baby of her own.


    The time goes way too fast.

  10. I have been with child support recovery for many years. My girls are both over 18 now. He will be paying back child support until they're both retired if it keeps going like it is. The only time I got anything done was with Paulding County. For some stupid reason, they have put me with this place called Maximus in Cobb County. Talk about people who really don't care!!! They are idiots!! My husband is supposed to pay $75 per month on his arrearge of about $30,000. The idiot remarried after we divorced and the woman had two kids while they were married (but not by him). Yeah, he's a real idiot. Everyone knows but he is paying support for them because they have his last name. . .but that's a whole other story. He then got married a third time and had another child, for which he also pays support. His payments are deducted from his check. My problem is that for years, wife #2 got most of the money for my kids. Something about a computer glich. Paulding County was the only one who helped me get it back. But Maximus takes my $75 that he pays (I have seen his check stubs where they take it out) and they split it up and send it to wife #2 and #3. They claim that all I'm entitled to is what is left over after the other two ex-wives get paid. How is that fair? My kids were here first and the $75 is paid for them. I still give them what little money I get when I get it. Each set of kids should get what is paid towards them.


    I haven't got the money or time to fight it. I've tired to get the situation straightend out with Maximus, but they say there's nothing they can do. I find that to be total BS.


    I hate child support recovery but I know the attorneys don't care either. They are just in it for the money.


    However. . .if the NCP only has one ex-wife, child support recovery does a fantastic job. It's just when there is more then one wife and a whole bunch of kids that they seem to have a problem doing what is fair.


    Like I said, he'll be paying until the kids are retired. $30,000 is a lot of money to be paid back as little as $1.67 at a time.

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