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Posts posted by drosser

  1. One of my daughters lives diagonally across the street from where the capture took place. I got to her house about 10 this morning so that we could go shopping, and when we were leaving her apartment complex, we saw all the police officers lined up with guns drawn! We had no idea what was going on but remarked that we hoped it didn't have anything to do with the guy who committed the murders. We pulled into the recycling place and they told us it WAS the guy. My daughter freaked out because she just lives across the road.


    We couldn't go anywhere because they had the roads blocked off so we just waited with everyone else until he surrendered and they drove him out! We were scared, but we knew that the police wouldn't have let everybody stand around if there was any danger to the public. He was in the back of the complex. My other daughter has a good friend who lives in Bridgewater. She slept through the whole thing!!!


    I'm just glad they got him before any other innocent people were hurt or killed!

  2. That's just insane!!! My friend and I took our kids to Myrtle Beach about 6 years ago. Her daughter was 11 months old at the time. We'd been there about 3 days when she developed a diaper rash. On the morning that we left to come home, it had gotten really bad. My friend had been using Desitin but that didn't seem to help. As we drove home, the baby became more and more uncomfortable and was literally screaming in pain. We stopped at a country restaurant in this little town in South Carolina. We asked the hostess if we could use a phone book and she asked us what was wrong with Suzanna. We told her and she gave us the number to her kids' pediatrician. We took the baby to see him and he wrote a prescription. We got it filled and stayed the night in a motel so that Suzanna could go without a diaper. My friend and I were both supposed to be back at work the next day but the baby was more important. The rash had cleared up considerably with no diaper and the prescription ointment. We both got a good chewing out at work but I didn't care.


    You do what you have to do to keep kids safe, whether they're yours or someone else's. I cannot imagine that the daycare did not know this baby had diaper rash. And, as a soon-to-be grandmother, I'd never stand for my daughter to neglect her baby in this way. I'd turn her in to DFACS if I had to!!!


    Mother and daughter need to punished severely.

  3. When we moved to Paulding County in 1993, we wanted a small subdivison so that we could get to know our neighbors. We wanted the kind of neighborhood where we all kind of looked out for each other.


    Well---we tried being friendly. It didn't go over real well. Everyone always wanted to keep to themselves. Some of the neighbors would drive right by and turn their heads.


    We don't hang out with any of our neighbors. There are a couple that we speak to, if we're all outside in our own yards. One guy comes over to visit my husband every once in a while. But, most of them are loners.


    The funny thing was, I tried to befriend one of my neighbors when we first moved in. She was very standoffish and not very receptive to my friendship. When me and my husband divorced, she got really nosey and wanted to know what was going on. Every time she saw me outside when she was driving by, she'd stop and invite me for coffee. I mentioned it to one of my speaking neighbors, and he told me she just wanted to get the dirt on the divorce. He said she was nosey about stuff like that.


    I wish I had a friendly neighborhood. But I've learned to appreciate the privacy.

  4. There's no excuse for this!! How could they not keep up with the kids?!?!? Anyone ever involved with any kind of field trip knows about head counts. And then to "discover" her missing at bedtime and not call the police? They have no business operating a foster home of any kind!!


    I hope the authorities take some kind of action to see that nothing like this ever happens again.

  5. Back in 2001, when I rode with the DSCO, one of their deputies had been hurt pretty bad by a deer that he'd gone to put down. Somehow the deer sliced up his arm and he was in pretty bad shape. He'd just returned back to duty when I began my internship. He showed me his arm and it looked awful.


    Deer can be dangerous when hit by a car if it doesn't kill them.


    edited for spelling!!

  6. Cruelty to animals is one of the signs of a sociopath. They have no conscience. I cannot image hurting an animal. Our dog and cat are family members. They are just like little kids. And if someone will hurt an animal, they wouldn't think twice about hurting a child. I agree that the person who shot the dog should get some very serious punishment. Unfortunately, from what I've seen on the news regarding animal cruelty cases, they only get a slap on the wrist.

  7. Travis Tritt is putting on a benefit concert at Lithia Springs High School on 3/16/05. All proceeds will go to the fund set up for Blake's daughters. Tickets are $25 and go on sale Monday morning. I think there will only be 2,000 tickets available. Harley Davidson of Atlanta is raffling off a 2005 Sportster at $25 a ticket and proceeds will also go to the trust fund. There will be 1,000 tickets.


    That's a lot of money for those two little girls!! God bless Travis and HD of Atlanta and everyone who purchases tickets.

  8. If they're old enough to commit murder, give them the same penalty as anyone else. That's like the kid who killed the 8-year-old girl not too long ago. If I'm not mistaken, he does 2 years in a juvenile detention center or something like that. That's nothing but BS. That child and her family have a life sentence. He gets to go on like nothing happened. And, in my opinion, if he'll do it once and get off basically scott-free, he'll do it again.


    I think the system is too lienent on juveniles. The need to toughen up!!

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