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Posts posted by drosser

  1. I take Celexa for depression and have for about 3 years. I didn't even know I was depressed! I've been that way my whole life. I do know that without it, I am irritable and not very nice to be around. I don't have a very good attitude without it. Same way for my husband. He's taken Paxil for about 5 years now.


    My oldest daughter, as some of you have read, had major behavioral problems as a child because she was molested. And, in case you haven't read some of my posts, we didn't know what was happening with her. She was in a treatment facility, and they had tried all kinds of medications to keep her calm. She has also been diagnosed as bi-polar, which is a correct diagnosis. She was taking Depakote and, for some reason, her doctor described Klonipin (sp?). The combination of the two caused her to flip out and attack a teacher and another student. This is a girl who barely weighed 100 pounds!!! She acted like Hulk Hogan!! I think that if you use one medication for depression or some other problem, things are fine. But if you add other drugs to the anti-depressant medication, it CAN cause problems.


    I think each situation is different and should be looked at accordingly. There's good and bad for every medication taken. No matter what it is, they do affect people differently.

  2. I am so sorry for this family's loss. Any loss is hard, but especially a precious baby. Thank you to Officer Roberts and all others who were there and tried to help. And thanks to all paramedics, law enforcement, etc. for all that you do in trying to keep our county safe!!


    May God be with this family and give them strength through this extremely tough time.

  3. We had a dog, part Chow/part Pit Bull. Absolutely beautiful and not a mean bone in her body. She loved everybody! And super smart, too. She was absolutely terrified of storms. Any lightening/thunder made her beserk. She actually came through, and I mean literally, our garage door when it was closed. She stayed outside during the day, and an unexpected thunder storm came up while we were at work. When we got home, there was a hole in our garage door. Bonnie was inside the garage, laying down, just like nothing had happened.


    So I've been there. It's no fun at all. But, that's all part of being a pet parent. Like raising another child.

  4. My daughter had her ultrasound at 21 weeks and it was very obvious that it's a boy!!! She is 24 weeks now. Most doctors wait until 20 weeks for the final ultrasound.


    I agree about wanting to know what sex the baby is. You can't find anything that works for both sexes. We've had a ball buying all those cute little boy things!! In fact, I went out at lunch and bought him a little bitty pair of sneakers for his Easter basket!!


    Let us know the results of the ultrasound!

  5. No child molester should be given any kind of second chance. These kinds of people are sick and cannot be rehabilitated. They need to keep them all locked away somewhere and out of our neighborhoods. This really touches a nerve with me. My heart breaks for what this child suffered and for what her family is going through. In my opinion, he confessed so he doesn't deserve a trial. I think that he should be put in a cell with Bubba and left alone!!! Let Bubba have his fun and then put this man to death.

  6. It just goes to show that you never know what's really going on in your neighbor's house! It still amazes me that the only way we would have known about this is through this web site. Because, as we all know, PC doesn't have a drug problem!!!

  7. The hardest thing I ever had to do in my whole life was tell my 18-year-old daughter that she had to go. If only I had known then what I know now!! She started having major behavioral problems when she was 11 and it just got worse. . .drinking, drugs, being promiscuous, you name it!! She was heavily involved with the juvenile court system. She spent almost all her teenage years in several different facilities. She would steal from us and make threats to harm us. She held us at knife-point one day. It got so bad, I couldn't take it any longer. So I told her she had to get out. I packed her stuff and set it outside.


    For 2 months, I didn't know if my child was dead or alive. I was terrified and cried all the time. I had no way to contact her. But she was angry and didn't contact me. Then, finally, she called. She was alright. She'd been through hell and back but was finally making her own way. About 4 months after I made her leave, the whole story came out. She had been sexually abused by her step-father, starting when she was 11. Through all those years, she never told anybody. All the signs were there but she kept denying it. Everyone suspected that she'd been abused, but we all thought it had been her biological father. She later said she was afraid that we would not have had a place to live if she'd told because she knew I was not financially able to pay all the bills. We'd have lived in our car or a cardboard box, anywhere else if only I'd known!! I'd have made do somehow.


    Well--her step-father in now serving time in prison. He was found guilty on all counts!!! Praise God!! We didn't know if she would be belived because she'd waited so long to come forward. He got 30 years, and will have to serve 15. He doesn't get out until 2018. And we will be there at the parole hearing to try to keep him where he belongs. Of course, she is very fragile. And I cannot get her to go to counseling. She has a long way to go to recovery. But, she does have a job, her own apartment, a nice car, and she's doing good. She's a very strong young lady. But some days are really tough for her.


    I would not have told her to leave if I'd know where all this was coming from. Sometimes there are underlying factors that cause children to misbehave. Parents need to look into every possibility, no matter how far-fetched it may seem. I'd have never guessed that her step-father would be a child molester. The sad thing is, his whole family knew he had those tendencies and never told me. I would have taken my kids and ran as fast as I could if I'd only been told before I married him. Now my daughter has to pay for the rest of her life.


    Because of what happened to her, she dates outside her race. She has no trust for white men. They scare her. It used to bother me because of the way I was raised. But, now I accept her and the man in her life. As long as he is good to her and treats her like she deserves to be treated, I don't care. My mother basically disowned her at first because of the dating issue. She is my daughter and I will always love her and be there for her no matter what she does. I just want her to be happy because she's had so much sadness and unhappiness in her life.

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