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Posts posted by drosser

  1. We've always taken our feeders in for the winter. I told my husband what I'd read on here about leaving them out for the hummingbirds during the winter. He said he had always heard that you were supposed to take the feeders in during the winter because hummingbirds migrate and, if fed, they will stay too long and freeze to death.


    I don't know if this is true. Has anyone else heard this?

  2. I don't know about Paulding, but I do know that in Cobb County all one person has to do is call the police and say that someone threatened them and a warrant will be issued for the person who supposedly made the threats. I know this for a fact because I have a very dear friend who had this happen. She began dating a guy who did not bother to tell her that he had another girlfriend. The girlfriend found out and told the police that my friend had threatened to kill her. That was a total lie, because my friend was extremely sick with the flu on the date of the supposed occurrence. I KNOW that my friend did not threaten this woman. She was so sick that I was at her house on the date in question trying to get her to go to the doctor. She never left the house. She was too sick!! My friend is not the type to make any kind of threats. She had no idea that this was going to happen. Needless to say, she dumped the guy immediately. But she had to turn herself in to Cobb County and now has to go to court. She was charged with terroristic threats, a felony. It is going to cost her a small fortune to defend herself for something that she did not do.


    Crazy legal work sometimes!!!


    Edited to correct typos!!

  3. I had a similar thing happen to me last year. This one was supposedly a long-lost relative that had died in a car crash and left this huge sum of money. They were looking for a relative with the same last name. They actually wanted me to send them $7,500 so they could ship several million dollars to me in a trunk!! They even provided a picture of the trunk!!


    I turned it all over to the Secret Service. That's what the sheriff's office told me to do. I still get e-mails like that quite at bit.

  4. I was very glad to see that an indictment had been handed down. I do not know this man, but from what all I've read on this site, he deserves to be behind bars. I don't know how he can look in the mirror everyday knowing that his reckless, stupid actions caused the death of his son.


    I just hope that justice prevails and he is actually punished for what he did. So many cases are brought to trial, but the defendant only gets a slap on the wrist. I pray that this man gets what he deserves. . .time behind bars. He needs to be kept off the streets. He is obviously a danger to other drivers as well as any passengers he has in his vehicle.

  5. I do not smoke, but my husband does. It does not bother me. I wish he would quit but he doesn't want to. He's a grown man so it's his decision. I grew up with a family that smoked. I choose not to, but I feel that if someone wants to smoke, it's their business. I feel that if a person smokes, it's not the tobacco company's fault. There are warnings on the labels, and common sense should tell you that it's not healthy. I don't feel people should be allowed to file suit if they get sick and blame it on smoking.


    Yes, smokers should have rights. This is a free country and I think that all the bans placed on smoking are trying to take away rights from those who do smoke.

  6. That's crazy!!! All kids should have the opportunity to "believe" in Santa, the Easter Bunny, the tooth fairy, etc. The light in my kids' eyes when they saw Santa each year at the mall was something I'll never forget. They were also taught about Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas. They didn't get the two confused. They knew what was for fun and what was serious.


    I have a friend who was raised JW. Before I met her, she didn't celebrate any of the holidays for her kids. The first Christmas I knew her, me and another friend bought Christmas for her kids. They were amazed!!! When she saw how much fun they had, holidays became part of their lives. Her two kids turned out just fine.


    I just think the holidays are about kids and they should have fun!!! When my grandson is born, he will be taken to see Santa. And he will be taken to church and Sunday school, too. In my opinion, it's perfectly ok to have fun and have the Lord in your life, too. I think God wants us all to have fun!!

  7. I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for the lady who drowned her children, methodically, having to chase down at least one of them in order to drown the child. You can't blame that on medication. . .maybe LACK lack of medication, because there is definitely something wrong with a mother who would do that.


    I feel like too many people want to blame their behavior on something or someone other than themselves, especially when it's an act of violence.

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