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Posts posted by drosser

  1. This is the first time I've gotten on the system in a few days. I'm so terribly sorry to hear about this. I just found out that I'm going to be a grandma in July! I cannot imagine the pain this grandmother is going through. May God be with her and the rest of the family and provide them with the comfort needed to get through this.


    Teacherman made reference to another child lost this week. I haven't heard anything about the death of another child. What happened with the other child?

  2. If I could only win the lottery!! I would build a shelter where the animals would never have to be put to sleep. They could stay as long as necessary for someone to adopt them. And, if there are any that are not adopted, they could stay forever.


    I love all animals. I've been that way since I was a kid. It breaks my heart to hear about any whose time has run out. Maybe during the extra week, someone will give at least one or two a home.


    I wish I could take them all but my husband says a cat and dog are enough.


    If we get any more animals, they will be adopted.

  3. I head this on the radio on my way to work this morning. I didn't know it happened in Carroll County. They just said a Dallas man was shot and killed over a bad drug deal.


    I agree that drugs are bad, but still, a human life was taken. That is still sad no matter who, what, when, where, or how.


    My prayers are will all involved.

  4. I just found out this afternoon that the police activity in my neighborhood was due to "entering auto". The ones getting into the vehicles almost got caught. It seems they saw someone in their vehicle, called the SO, but they were gone by the time SO got there.


    My husband would have been out there confronting them if he'd actually seen them in his vehicle.


    They evidently didn't know the SO was after them because they got in another vehicle in our subdivison the next night.

  5. Cableman:


    You are a warm and caring man. I know this without ever having met you. So many people don't want to be involved and wouldn't have stopped to help.


    I'm glad that meeting the families brought some closure for you.


    My God be with you.

  6. JMW1:


    Since you work for the SO, I have a question.


    My husband has set up a little surprise for whoever tries to get into his truck, if it happens again. It is nothing that can harm them, it will just scare them. And they might have a little explaining to do to their parents when they get home (if it's teenagers).


    Can he get into trouble for that?

  7. I wish we still had our pit bull. He was as gentle as a baby unless it was someone he didn't know. Then he'd take a plug out of them!!! We could let him sleep in one of our vehicles and he'd get someone good!! But we'd probably get in trouble so I guess I'll let my husband's harmless surprise take care of them if they decide to get back in his vehicle.

  8. It appears that this is all happening up and down Ridge Road, so it has to be the same person/people doing it. There was police activity in our subdivision early Wednesday morning. I am hoping it had to do with whoever was getting into the vehicles. I think there needs to be more zone patrol in these subdivisions because these break-ins are happening on a fairly regular basis.


    If they try my husband's vehicle again, they are in for a surprise. Nothing that will hurt them, just scare them half to death. Maybe that will put a stop to it.

  9. My dog was very restless and agitated this morning about 2:30. Since some of the vehicles in our subdivision have been entered, my husband and I got up to look out the window. There were 4 PC Sheriff cars at a house very near us. Another car came up while we were being nosey!! The officers were standing around the cars parked in the driveway and shining their flashlights around.


    I don't know how long they'd been there. They all left at the same time, around 3:00 a.m.


    I was wondering if there is a P.com member who works in the sheriff's office or knows someone who does who might be able to shed some light on this. I was mainly wondering if it had to do with someone entering vehicles.

  10. Cableman:


    I am so sorry that you had to witness this horrible accident and that you lost two people that you knew. God put you there for a reason. It might not be apparent for some time what that reason was, but there was a reason.


    You are in my prayers, as well as the victims and their families. Death is always tragic but more so at this time of year.


    You will get a lot of support from your P.com family. We appreciate you for taking the time to stop and help the victims. A lot of people wouldn't have bothered.

  11. Someone took the numbers from my sister-in-law's debit card and also got mine. They actually made a card using our account numbers and made purchases all the way from South Carolina to Florida. They used her number first and, two weeks later, used mine. We were very fortunate that our banks made good on our money. Wacovia gave her kind of a hard time, but Regions was wonderful to me.


    What makes me so angry is that we know where the person(s) got our numbers. We ate lunch together a couple of times a week at the same restaurant on Powers Ferry Road in Marietta. That's the ONLY place we ever used our debit cards together. Neither bank was concerned about who stole the numbers. We told them where it happened and they said that it was too much trouble to go after whoever stole the numbers.


    I am very careful now. I certainly don't use my debit card at that restaurant anymore. I still use it but I check my bank balance every day.

  12. We haven't had any more incidents in my subdivision. Or at least no one has tried to get in our vehicles. My husband still has his little surprise set up for them if they do decide to try to get in. I was thinking they might stop now that the weather was cold. Looks like they may be doing worse now than just entering vehicles.

  13. A pedophile suffers from a disease just like alcoholism. They will have this disease for the rest of their lives. Some can learn to curb their sick desires while others cannot. Once a child molester, always a child molester.


    I do agree with the post about what I assume is a statutory rape charge. That, in my opinion, is not always a correct charge. So many of the young girls nowdays lie about their age in order to attract older guys. And all it takes is for the girl to be under 16 and/or the guy to be 3 years older.


    It, like so many other things, depends on the circumstances. Teenages having sex is not right, but the boy should not be charged with a sexual offense. Grown men who have any kind of sex with a child or a teenage girl is a sick puppy and should be put under the jail!!


    I have personal experience with this because my daughter was molested by a family member. He is now in prision but it took a long time to get him there. I won't be out for a long time. And she was not the first young girl he's molested.


    No one can be too careful. Keep an eye on your children and your neighbor.

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