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Posts posted by drosser

  1. Good for her!!! I hope that teaches people a lesson. Our dog is like a child to us. I know the money won't bring her cat back but it will let people know what could happen if they have a vicious dog that they can't control.

  2. Everybody I know says he's gay!! I kind of wondered myself. I really don't care who he married, but I remember reading an article on him where he said he wanted a nice, quiet, down-to-earth girl. What happened? That's not what he got!!!


    And isn't she way taller than he is?!?!?!?!


    Edited for a typo!!

  3. These precious babies are in my prayers, as well as are their parents. My ex-sister-in-law always had trouble with her pregnancies and both of her boys were born real early and both weighted just over a pound. Today, they are strong, healthy boys. God does work miracles!!

  4. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!!


    My God bless and keep every one of you safe. Mom's are a precious part of our lives. Treasure yours if she's still with you. If she's with the Lord, know that she is safe and happy and that she will always watch over you and your family.

  5. I rode with the Douglas County SO for 5 months while doing an internship at Mercer. I learned a lot about traffic accidents. They do just like Paulding. If there are injuries, they will do what they can and direct traffic, etc. But they don't do accident reports. They have to wait for the GSP. I think it's kind of ridiculous, especially if it is a minor accident. One has to wait FOREVER for the GSP because they are ususally a LONG way from Paulding or Douglas. But that' their policy. I agree that the deputies do the VERY best job they can, and we should be thankful that they are available for more serious calls. They sure as hell don't get paid enough to do what they do. I applaud any man or woman who works in law enforcement because it takes a dedication that a lot of people don't have. You always hear the term "over worked and under under paid." Yep---that the job of law enforcement everywhere!!! They are the true meaning of that phrase.


    Keep up the good work PCSO!!!!

  6. Congratulations!! I started college in 1997 when my kids were 12 and 15. It was very scary. I don't have any advice about the GRE because I didn't have to take it. I went to Mercer University in Lithia Springs. It was a great experience. I found that I took my studies a lot more seriously than I did while in high school. It took a lot of time and hard work, but I graduated with honors in 2001. I applaud anyone who takes that difficult step to go back to school. Keep us posted on how you're doing!

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