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Posts posted by drosser

  1. I'm a Workers' Compensation adjuster and have worked at the same place for 13 years. I like my job, but not necessarily the company. It seems like every year our insurance gets worse and worse. It's to the point that I barely have insurance!!


    I have applied on-line with Kia. I drive an hour each way in lots of traffic already. I don't mind a little extra time with no traffic. Besides, the benefits are amazing!!! And the salary is excellent!! It would be well worth it if I could get hired.

  2. We woke up yesterday morning with our heat not working. My husband knows a guy who does this type of work, and he was supposed to come out to take a look. So far, we haven't seen him or heard from him.


    Can someone please recommend a company who is reliable and not going to rip us off?

  3. Husband #1 - cheater and physically violent


    Husband #2 - alcoholic and child molester


    Husband #3 - I'm praying this one works out. We'be been through some stuff the past year, but we do love each other and are trying our best to work things out. No violence or anything like that. He's just got some emotional issues he is trying to work through.

  4. I know exactly what you mean. I still can't believe my youngest daughter has two kids!!! And to see the way she is with them is just amazing. She is the very best mom!! Much better than I was!! And the way the kids look at her and respond to her just melts my heart. I especially love to see the baby (8 months) get all excited when she comes back to get him after he's been with me. They both love her so much!!!

  5. There is one living in our house right now!! He came in through the doggie door sometime in September and hasn't left yet. He eats the dog's food and drinks his water. The dog and cat are both used to seeing him now and don't really bother him. We see him occasionally. He stays under the stove or behind the refrigerator most of the time. It freaks him out when I vacuum the dining room, and he'll run around the kitchen!! Sometimes he goes downstairs into the basement, but he always comes back upstairs. Last Saturday, I was playing with my grandson in the living room, looked over at the stairs, and the chipmunk was just sitting there. When he saw me looking at him, he ran downstairs. I guess he likes his new home!!


    He is so cute!!! My husband said we need to set a trap to get rid of him, but I don't want to hurt him. Anyone know how to catch a chipmunk without killing it?!?!?!?

  6. I think this idiot befriended Meredith before she knew to be suspicious of him - you know Ted Bundy used to ask for help like that his car was broken down, etc. Then I think he got her by surprise from behind. I don't think she even had a chance to defend herself.


    That's exactly why I am not friendly towards strangers. It's sad that you don't feel comfortable helping out someone who needs help. You just never know if they're really in need or if they're some crazy person like this guy who killed the hiker.


    I think everyone, women especially, should be very cautious and not put themselves in positions where they can be easy targets.

  7. Best dog you could ever hope to have!!! Our chocolate lab will be 4 in April. He was a chewer when we first got him. You have to be real firm with them, but they love to please. He doesn't chew stuff up anymore, but he will take an article of clothing or a shoe (if left on the floor) and take it into another room and lay with it. Sometimes he will get my husband's T-shirt after he takes it off and bring it to bed. Yes, he sleeps with us. In his mind, he only weights about 5 pounds!! He is more spoiled than any child I've ever seen.


  8. A while back, we had someone going through our vehicles if we left this in the driveway. My husband NEVER locked his. Nothing was ever taken except for a pack of cigarettes. He had CDs, tools, and other stuff, but none of it was ever bothered. They would go through the console and glove box like they were looking for something.


    I heard that they person responsible for this in our neighborhood was caught. After that, it stopped.

  9. She's a spoiled-a$$ rich kid who accepts absolutely no responsibility for her actions. I do not feel sorry for her, but I do feel sorry for her kids. She needs to get a grip and grow up. She chose to lead her life in the spotlight, so she needs to learn to deal with it. It seems like she will do anything she can to get attention, which is mostly negative. I get sick of hearing about her. There are so many things in this world of far more importance than her.

  10. A house fire is one of the most devastating one can go through. Our house burned on 12/27/86. I lost my babies' original birth certificates with their hand and feet prints, along with a lot of other sentimental stuff that could never be replaced. At least we were not at home when it happened.


    My heart goes out to this family. I'll keep them in my prayers.

  11. 1978 Z-28 Camaro. It was this kind of a mustard yellow color. Needless to say, no one else had one like it. It was nice though with T-tops and leather seats. It was way too expensive for payments, insurance, and gas. Only kept it 14 months and then sold it.

  12. I used to balance mine religiously. I'd search for days just to find a penny discrepancy!!!


    The bank stopped sending statements, so I haven't balanced one in years. I just pay close attention to my spending and check my balance at least every other day.

  13. The M.E. is basically saying they feel he had already passed before the accident of natural causes. They really couldn't find any injuries that would have been substained in this accident. All they could find was a previously broken leg. They are still investigating I believe, but this seems to simply be a tragic accident.



    Wouldn't the ME be able to determine the cause of death even if he had already passed before the accident? Seems like they would be able to tell if it was a heart attack, etc.


    My heart goes out to all involved in this tragic accident. There have been way too many bad accidents in Paulding during the last few weeks.

  14. It all depends on who's doing the touching. My husband, kids, and grandkids can touch me anytime. I don't like to be touched by people that I don't know well. I definitely don't like to be touched by strangers (someone I've just met). I always hug my best friend hello and goodbye, but we've known each other for 20 years.



  15. YEAH!!! My husband and I were just saying on Monday that we wished they would put a Waffle House or McDonald's at that intersection!!!


    They can't get it built soon enough for us!!!

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