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Posts posted by drosser

  1. IMO, I think that by age 2, the paci should be gone!!! I had a hard time with my oldest daughter. Her world revolved around that pacifier!! One day she threw it out the car window (she was about 26 months old) and that was it. She was VERY upset but we held firm and kept telling her that there were no more. She was fine after a few days. My youngest daughter wouldn't take a pacifier.


    I hate to see an older child with a pacifier or in a stroller at the mall. It just gets to me. I know that each parent has their preference, but to see a five or six year old kid in a stroller or with a pacifier in their mouth, to me, is ridiculous!!!



  2. The law is the law. Personally, I have no problem with him getting in trouble. However, if it were my daughter and she was 14 or older and this happened, I would be furious at her as well. There would be no "poor little girl, taken advantage of by an older man, how traumatizing " scenario, the average 14 year old is intelligent enough to know better. By the same token, a grown man that is that stupid needs to be in jail.



    I agree. The majority of 14-year-old girls know exactly what they are doing, and a lot of them think older men, especially military, are "hot". I think the judge was fair. I don't really think the guy should have to register as a sex offender. Hopefully, he's learned a valuable lesson.



  3. Congratulatons!! A precious new baby to love!!!


    My youngest daughter got pregnant at 19 and had her baby right after she turned 20. She had already graduated high school. She and the father decided not to get married. Heck, they even decided to had another baby. He's 8 months old. Both babies were planned. They just made the decision not to get married. I was very surprised that she chose to get pregnant. I had thought she'd go to college and get a really good job. Thankfully, the babies Dad supports them quite well. I would rather she have waited, but I absolutely adore my two grandsons. A lot of people think she's crazy because she chose to have two kids without being married.


    I know it's not the same as your daughter but, to me, she was still to young to be having babies!!! She has turned out to be the best mom of anyone I know. She loves her boys!!


    My best friend's niece got pregnant at 14 and had her baby just after she turned 15. She married the father. This is the most incredible couple. They have been married for 8 years and have a son and daughter. It was very hard for them, but they finished school. The niece graduated with honors!!! They now own a home and are great parents.


    Just be there for your daughter. It's plain from your posts that you are 100%. Don't push marriage, but do include the father in as much as he wants to be included in. I noticed that you didn't mention anything about him. Just let him know that you don't blame him. Parenting classes are a great idea. It sounds like you are making the most of a very surprising and scary time. You will do fine, as will your daughter.


    I think it's great that she wants to keep her baby. To me, that shows a level of maturity.


    Good luck and keep us posted on this miracle. . .yes, it is a miracle. All babies are!!

  4. Just got up and there's no beautiful white snow!!! But. . .our deck is covered with sleet. Snow is starting to mix with the sleet! We are off Ridge Road and Poole Bridge!!!


    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!

  5. I was always very open and honest with my two girls. They came to me with EVERYTHING!! I knew a whole lot about what was going on. . .sometimes more than I wanted to!!! Both were on birth control at 16. I got pregnant with my oldest at 17. I didn't want that to happen to either one of them. Kids do it. That's a fact. They always have and always will.


    Sex is the most important thing that you can discuss with your kids. I never encouraged them to have sex, but I knew it was inevitable. I just wanted them to be safe.

  6. any 'girl' that stays in such situations has no room to complain.



    I agree 100%. There is absolutely no excuse for putting up with that kind of behavior.

  7. My family was very dysfunctional, but I didn't know it at the time. My mother is one of the most unhappy human beings I've ever known. She had 2 kids that I know of other than myself. She gave them up for adoption. I think that's where some of her problems come from. Why I was kept is a mystery because I've never felt wanted. I was never good enough. I only see her when I have to.


    My Dad took off when I was a baby. He called when I was 13 and wanted me to come visit him in Indiana. I wasn't about to go to another state, alone, to visit a man I didn't know. I haven't heard from him since.


    I have an aunt who I love very much and is a wonderful person. Unfortunately, she lives with my mother and doesn't drive. I can't see her without having to be around my mother. So I don't see my aunt. We do talk on the phone occasionally.


    I wish it was different, but that's just the way it is.



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