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Posts posted by drosser

  1. DO NOT RETURN TO THAT DOCTOR!!!! I am a Workers' Compensation adjuster and deal with people who have knee problems all the time. There is no justification for what he did. It is malpractice, plain and simple. Please PM me the name of the doctor. I want to make sure that none of my "knee" people are using him, and I definitely don't want anyone going there in the future. I'm glad you talked to an attorney. No one deserves to be put through what you have.


    Good luck and keep us posted.

  2. I heard this on the news this morning (Channel 2). How very sad! They said that the driver of the car had just turned 21 and was celebrating his birthday. He was trying to pass another car in a no-passing zone. Stupid to say the least. The front-seat passenger was killed. What a way to celebrate a birthday!!! I just cannot imagine. Channel 2 did release the name of the boy killed. He was 20. I can't remember his name.


    Prayers said for all involved.

  3. Our chocolate lab can sit, stay, shake, lay down,and get up on command. If one of my husband's T-shirts is on the floor, you can tell the dog to pick it up and take it into the other room, and he will!! Also, you can lay something in front of him that he wants, like a treat, and tell him to leave it and he won't touch it until you say OK.


    The most amazing thing he does is just lay around and be a good boy!!!



    He's very, very spoiled!!


  4. Unfortunately, she'll probably get off way too easy. She certainly didn't give a flip about what could happen to her baby IF she was in an accident. People like that need to be sterilized and not allowed to bring another child into the world.



  5. I will keep praying that God works a miracle and the little boy makes a full recovery. I cannot imagine the anguish that this family is going through right now.


    I will also be praying for the other driver. As said in many posts, regardless of fault, another family is also suffering. All else should be put aside except for the prayers for BOTH families.


    May God work a miracle for all involved.

  6. WOW sports mom. Maybe you know the real facts behind what I know and you are getting hostile due to the NO EXCUSE that alot of people feel. I was trying to be very discreet about the man driving the car and let his family know no matter what the reasons we are praying for them and him.


    Send your email to the mom of the 4 yr old and see if she understands his reasoning for driving!

    Before you attack a supporter check your facts and don't put anyone down for supporting both families. Nothing negative was said. I was supporting the reason which I don't know for him driving!



    Amen to that!! If someone is not supposed to drive, in my opinion, there's no reason for driving. However, the person did choose to drive, and there was a horrible accident. I doubt very seriously that the mother and father of the injured child gives a flip about the reasons for the person driving. If I was in their situation, I know I wouldn't!!


    However, DentalChick's post was not out of line. I think everyone on her is praying for a full recovery for ALL involved in this accident, regardless of who was at fault or the reason why.

  7. SO on scene advising just south of Windmill.


    Two vehicles: a dark SUV and a beige passenger car


    Possible entrapment. Flames were seen from this vehicle


    Rescue 1 is responding.


    3-car MVA with heavy damage


    asking to put bird on standby


    Med 1 on scene.


    Two entrapment - 3 critical patients - one pediatric - one other that I couldn't understand.


    Prayers said.






    Extracation is beginning on patient #1

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